*March mummies Tri 3!*

We went through lots of muslins with our son too so are definitely going to stock up this time. I bought a couple of packs from Aldi and will have a look online for some more.

We have a next to me crib for our bedroom as, like you Summertime, our son didn’t fit in the Moses for long due to his size. We set up the crib yesterday and it looks plenty big enough to last this one until 6 months when she will then move to her own room in her cot. They hold their price well too so will be selling it on after we’ve finished with it. We’ve got a Moses for downstairs.

I will be 35 weeks this week too! On Friday it will be 4 weeks until my c-section :shock:

I haven’t packed my hospital bag yet, it’s on my to do list. We’ve booked our dogs in to stay with a dog sitter for 5 days whilst I’m in hospital and our son will be staying with my parents so I’ve got to pack bags for them too.

We are still struggling with names. We just don’t love any enough. We joke that she will remain nameless but as it stands it may become reality :wall2:
Wow Dee 4 weeks that's not long at all! DId you have a section the first time around. Is your bump measuring big?? Mine is tihs time around which worries me as my son was 10lb and wasn't expected to be, I'd gained a lot the first time from living on junk food but bump was fairly average.

My hospital bag is the first thing on my to do list once I finish at 34 weeks, finding it hard to be very productive at work now find I am just day dreaming about the baby!

I find the more I try to think of names the more I can't so just hoping a girls one pop into my head, I'm convinced it's another boy - thought last time I was sure it was a girl so clearly not very good at guessing the gender.

My biggest headache is the best plan for my son when I go into hospital, my in laws have offered to have him but it's 1.5 hours away and I think he will feel like he's left out so looking at my mum coming to stay now. She lives 3 hours away but is thinking of staying at our house so my son can stay at home with his usual routine etc. So hard to know what's for the best.
L&P - wow 35 weeks! how long have you got left at work? I’ve got 3 weeks to go and can’t wait, finishing as 34 weeks mainly because it’s too stressful and want to concentrate on getting organised for baby and spending time with my son. I will look up that crib, my son was too big for Moses basket quite young as was 10lb born so looking at other options before the big cot as they won’t fit in our room.

Charlotte I would definitely recommend the small cheap ones for around the house, got most of ours from Asda last time are good value. I love the jungle ones in that pic, we’ve got a jungle nursery and love all the bright coloured animals.

I find with names I have to call the baby the name in a few weeks to see if I still like it, we were keen on Robyn for a girl but gone off it a bit.

Had anyone been to antenatal nhs classes yet? I’m going on the day workshop here in 2 weekends time, feel like I’ve forgotten everything since my son in terms of the newborn phase.

I have this week and next week left of work! On the wind down now big time! So glad I am finishing just before 37 weeks. Was going to try working til 39 but no way! If baby doesnt arrive I will spend the time batch cooking, walking and meeting friends for lunch or coffee nearby or finding mundane jobs around the house to do.

Ive been doing antenatal classes combined with midwife appointments plus have signed up for extra ones too (an active birth workshop and breast feeding one).
I had antenatal classes a week ago. Now waiting to start breast feeding class. I found it very useful.

I have a list of stuff to put into my hospital bag. Still need to get a few more bits for it. My friend suggested to bring a holiday suitcase as you can organise your stuff better than in a sports bag.

One week till my scan. I will find out where my placenta is. :)
Just seen that Bullabaloo baby have up to 60% sale on muslins etc, that’s where I got the really brightly patterned soft ones from if any of you fancy a look.

I never did any antenatal classes as I never heard good reviews on them. Hi e hear good things recently though so maybe they’ve improved in our area since last time. I probably still won’t bother though as I don’t know when I’d get time.

Cant believe some of you have as little as 4/5 weeks left! It’s crazy as it feels like you’re all progressing really quickly and I feel like I’m at a stand still haha.
Thank you Haylian. :)

I officially gave my letter to HR today. I've got 6 weeks to work.

Hope I won't be too tired. Ha ha.

Can you girls suggest good maternity pads? I bought tena super pants too.
Since I got home from work today Ive felt a heavy pressure down in my vagina/groin area and more tightening in my uterus (probably BH?). Is this normal? Does this mean the babys head is engaged
fully? Babys head has been down for a few weeks but it feels like there has been a shift further down if that makes sense?
I have walked about 2.5 miles today unless that has something to do with it?
Hi L&P, I think that's normal, with my son I felt a lot of pressure from 35 weeks but he didn't come until 40+5 when induced!!

I think as the weight of the baby increases you feel more pressure, but unless it's really painful/you are having contractions it's nothing to worry about - but if it becomes painful or you are worried just call you midwife, I find they are always happy to offer reassurance.

I've got weekly appointments now to keep an eye on the size so it's nice to be able to see the midwife and ask her anything that's on my mind - I think with first baby you should have regular appointments throughout tri 3?

Wow Charlotte - are you working right until due date?

Decided going to go for it and get the next to me crib, looking online they do hold value well for resale and also haven't had hardly any baby expense as got everything from last time around.

10 working days to go for me!
Thanks ST,

Yes I read up more last night and it seems fairly normal. Its not painful but I did wake up in the night with very uncomfortable BH. Im fine today its just getting used to that fuller, heavier feeling in the pelvic region.
Ive been seeing the midwife every 2, 3 or 4 weeks in the third trimester. Im seeing her again on Monday 29th so will get checked over then. They said if I am measuring big they will send for yet another growth scan so will see..... Thankfully I have pretty much had a textbook pregnancy this entire time.

Charlotte I have the boots ones and only got them cos they were on offer. They dont have wings though. I have a pack of maxi Always with wings as well.
I also bought witch hazel to help with any healing.
Im now having to use panty liners daily because of increased discharge (sorry TMI).
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What was the predicted weight at your last growth scan L&P? They have suggested I have one but after 35 weeks as wouldn't do anything before then anyway as all my other stats like blood pressure, urine etc are fine and I've had the GTT test twice and don't have that! Though I hear the weights from the growth scans can be way off so maybe I'm best not knowing!

I have some of the Asda brand maternity pads, got one pack and plan to pick up another. It's hard to know which ones are the best if bleeding heavy after I'm not sure they will be thick enough and the Tena pant type things will probably be bigger.

Just off to toys r us to pick up some suplpied for my sons party - can't believe he is going to be 4 in a few days, superhero party planned for Saturday, though no doubt I'll be having a browse through the baby section :-) Going to check out the cribs they have and also swinging chairs.
Growth scan at 33weeks (2 weeks ago) I was told baby is normal size (at the time they reckoned weight around 2.2kg or 5lbs) and the lady told me I was on course to have a normal size baby of around 7 to 8lbs.

Yes I've heard the weights can be way off too, my friend was told last year her baby was small and she ended up having a 9lb baby! You're right its probably best not knowing and just go with it come the labour.

I bought disposable pants from Asda and have about 3 pair in my hospital bag.

Im sure your son is looking forward to having a baby brother/sister! Cant wait to find out your gender especially as we were on the TTC boards at the same time!

Let us know if there is any good deals in the babies r us sale worth checking out!
Im still trying to figure out what else to buy or take advantage of in the Jan sales or whether to wait and see what gifts we may get.
Loveandpeace, are you drinking enough water? Sometimes baby can be in a strange position and that causes discomfort. But I think it's normal.

Summertime, yes I am working almost up until my due date. Well 5 days before. Ha ha I hope I don't get too tired.

I think I will get always maxi pads cause they have wings. I can't imagine pads without wings. So uncomfortable.

I've been very grizzly lately. Everything gets on my nerves. If oh disagrees with anything I get angry and start grizzling ha ha. I guess it's hormones.
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Yes Charlotte have been making more of an effort in drinking water lately as I am usually quite bad at it. Also Im more thirsty than usual so drinking quite a lot.

Wow good for you for working so close to your due date!

Same here and being grizzly. My teary/weepy hormones have left and been replaced by irritable, snappy ones! I had an argument with a neighbour the other after after confronting her about a parking issue that she was being unreasonable with. Normally I shy away from confrontation and let things slide but I actually went to to her house out of annoyance at what she had done. My tolerance levels are low and definitely finding myself more assertive in just blurting out what I think/feel!
I'm exactly the same, the neighbours were playing slightly loud music and just lost it and went around in my pj's demanding they turn it down! Definitely more fiesty than usual!

Also crying at adverts/film trailors its exhausting being so emotional!!

My husband says my snoring in unbearable now aswell, must be the extra weight as I do snore but not so he can't get to sleep, he is said he's sleeping in the spare room tonight to get a break from it.

Charlotte I've known people here work until their due date and been fine, I think you just set your mind to getting to your finish date whenever that is and get more tired as it approaches. I was thinking earlier if I go overdue potentially have 8 weeks off work after I finish!

L&P - yes it seems a long time ago since TTC conversations! Did you find out the gender? I lose track of whos team pink/blue/yellow. I was desperate to know at 20 weeks and hubby had to talk me around to not finding out but now I'm glad i didn't as going to be amazing finding out at the birth.
I quite like that the hormones make me a bit more assertive because often I am a bit of a walkover and too nice lol. DH said although he was shocked at me confronting the neighbour (because it was so out of character), he said he was proud of me for standing up for myself and the rest of the neighbours.

My snoring was really dreadful in the first trimester for whatever reason, DH actually slept in the spare room often as well to get a break from it! Its not too bad now cos I cant sleep on my back.

ST do you think you will have any more kids after number 2? Will I be seeing you again on the TTC forum in a years time or so? ha!
No I dont know gender at all! I was tempted to find out at growth scan as I was by myself and was thinking I could just keep it a secret from everyone lol, but Ive held out this far not knowing so Im still team yellow. It was the opposite for us, DH was itching to know the gender at 20 week scan, I told him he could find out and not tell me but he said he probably accidentally blab it so he decided to join me in not knowing.
Up until recently I would have been pretty sure its a boy but now I am thinking a girl.
Just cant wait to find out, it adds to the excitement! Also its helped limit my spending on what to buy.
I think we're definitely all getting into third tri symptoms now! I still can't believe how quickly time has gone since first tri, my due date is 5 weeks today which seems crazy! 13 work days to go :)

ST, loveandpeace - are you finding people are surprised by you not finding out the gender? I hadn't realised how few people seem to keep it a surprise, I'm really looking forward to that moment of finding out whether it's a boy or girl! No real inkling myself...
Im snoring girls too. I keep waking up from my own snore. OH said he hears it too but he does not want to wake me up. Bless him. I go crazy if I hear him snoring. Ha ha

Its absolutely normal to be out of character at this stage cause we are very protective and easily irritable. My neighbour asked if he could buy a bit of land of me. And that made me angry ha ha, cause its my land and it belongs to my house. Get your eyes of it. So Yea normally I would sell anything cause I am selling stuff online as a side business but this offer just irritated me.

So girls how many newborn nappies packs do we need to start with? I bought 1 pack of size 1 Bambo (28 pieces) and size 1 Naty (26 pieces). Not sure if this is enough to start with. I would like to find out my baby boy's weight before I get more.
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Hi ladies, it’s great to hear everyone is getting on well. I can’t believe that we are in the last stretch.

I am feeling loads of movement just now which is amazing. Baby is head down already and man I can feel it. Does anyone have any suggestions for easing pelvic girdle pain? I had it last time, but it feels worse this time.

We don’t know the gender of our baby and are struggling with names. I’m a teacher and have a list of names I will never call a child and am struggling to find a name that I love. My other lo has a family name, but I’m keen to move away from that for this one!

What has everyone packed in their hospital bags?
Is there anyone from Scotland that has got their baby box yet? Mine should arrive in the next few weeks which I’m so excited about!
Hi ladies, it’s great to hear everyone is getting on well. I can’t believe that we are in the last stretch.

I am feeling loads of movement just now which is amazing. Baby is head down already and man I can feel it. Does anyone have any suggestions for easing pelvic girdle pain? I had it last time, but it feels worse this time.

We don’t know the gender of our baby and are struggling with names. I’m a teacher and have a list of names I will never call a child and am struggling to find a name that I love. My other lo has a family name, but I’m keen to move away from that for this one!

What has everyone packed in their hospital bags?
Is there anyone from Scotland that has got their baby box yet? Mine should arrive in the next few weeks which I’m so excited about!

I've had some painful twinges in my pelvis, not a huge issue thankfully but I've been reading up on what to do to avoid it getting worse - things like pillow between your legs at night, getting out of bed with legs together (easier said than done!) and not putting all your weight on one leg, so sitting down to get dressed etc. Sitting on a birth ball is supposed to help too.

I'm with you on the name problem - I'm a teacher too and it definitely limits your options!
Merry, the getting out of bed and Car thing is so hard!

Name wise I really think this baby will be unnamed for a few days once it’s born.

When do you finish work? I’ve still got four weeks until I finish, but one of those is a holiday!

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