*March mummies Tri 3!*

I'm "toileting" more regularly. Not soft though.

Also sleeping better than I have in months and nesting like crazy. Had some mild cramps etc.

Probably a lot of nothing. I'm 37 weeks on Thursday.

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wow that is amazing you already know your date! Its so real :)

Loveandpeace, BH is normal, I heard that girls have diarrhea a few days before labour, but diarrhea is usually multiple time a day and should be heavy. So could be restaurant food?

Merry, how are you doing?

I will be 36 weeks on Tuesday. Its gone fast.

Ive been sorting some stuff at home all day. "Nesting" has started. Doing laundry 3 loads. Sorting my bedroom out too.

Haven't washed my baby's items yet cause want to get a few more bits and then wash all in one.

I have crazy dreams every night, I wake up and laugh at them cause they are crazy :)
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Wow some of you are so close!

How nice to have a weekend away ST, that will be lovely.

My Auntie has gifted us a few days away next week before baby comes, I’m finding it really important to get lots of lovely things packed in for Violet before we turn her world upside down with a new baby.
I was signed off again at the Drs yesterday so that’s it for me, done until Jan 2019!! I’ll have to have a conversation with my boss’s boss cause I don’t want them ignoring the reasons I’m off just cause I’m going on maternity leave.

Hubby is currently lining the nursery so that’s coming on nicely, can’t wait to get all babies things in there........ if only so it’s not all over the house haha!

I’m having really strange dreams too Charlotte! I had awful nightmares at first but thankfully they’ve turned more “weird and wonderful” now :).
Haylian - it will be lovely to have a short break, where are you going? Sorry to hear you've been signed off but you'll be able to enjoy some time with your little girl before baby arrives. Make the most of it :)

Charlotte - I'm great, ready to finish work next week but feeling pretty good overall. Starting to get very excited to meet baby now!

We've rearranged our bedroom today, planning to have the birth pool in there so needed to work out how it will all fit! We inflated the pool to check for any leaks and it looks good, it's big enough to stretch out in and feels really comfy. Still need to have a practice run with water to see how long it takes to fill, looking forward to that!
Merry - we’re going somewhere called Wychnor to a Diamond Resort. It’s only 1hr 20 mins away from us so not too far and it’s such a lovely place.

How exciting getting pool set up. I’m so jealous of water births. I never got to do mine as I was induced last time :(
Haylian - I’m the same trying to get as much in with my son as I can, going down to 3 days has been great as get 2 days to take him to pre school activities and go for nice lunches etc.

Merry we are both on the one week countdown for work!

Been to antenatal today, it was great SO informative, much better than NCT last time, midwife running it has over 30 years experience so pretty much has seen it all and was lovely - not at all pushy/judgemental.

Officially baby ready!x
It's a good feeling isn't it ST - although a bit weird to think there's no more work for a year after this week! Glad the class went well, I think at this point any 'official' baby preparation is so exciting and makes it all very real :)

Haylian, that sounds great. Enjoy!

If anyone else is thinking of a TENS machine, I've just rented one from this website: http://www.babytens.net/. I hadn't planned to get one as I've heard mixed reports of their usefulness, but the midwife said they can be great as a distraction technique if nothing else. This one was £17.99 for 6 week rental, which seemed a real bargain so might as well give it a try!
I’ve got a tens found it great last time for early labour, think key is to get it on early as once into established labour apparently doesn’t give enough relief as need to build up intensity from the start.

Going to be getting mine on at first hint of a contraction! Got 2 evening workshops at hospital going to deliver at, one for active birth and one for water birth, going mainly to familiarise myself with the room as was in class sultan led first time around.
I didn’t use tens last time but agree with ST, I know a lot of people who did say that if you get it on ASAP it helps for a lot longer :).

I’m feeling very blue today :(. I think I feel a bit isolated being off work so long. But saying that I’m still very glad I’m not in that awful atmosphere and I know I’d instantly regret it if I went back, There’s really only a few people I’d choose to talk to at that God awful place anyway and they’ve all been in touch with me so that’s nice. Think I’m just having an off day.
I’m sure our few days away will help later this week.

How many of you are planning more children after this one? This will be our last and hubby intends on getting the snip. I’m 100% on board with the decision and don’t think there’ll be any regrets. I’m not a broody person and don’t really get mushy over kids, it was a big decision to have a 2nd baby purely cause of how poorly I was the first time BUT I’ve loved be8ng a mummy so much and honestly Violet will be the best big sister and I can’t wait to see her with the baby. But this will be our last for sure :).

I’ve had a bit of a ramble here haha, sorry! Hope you’re all well x
Hi everyone, I'm sort of hovering here for a little while from April mummies. I have recently had a cholestasis diagnosis following high ALT and Bile Acids, and have been told about a possible induction at 38 weeks which would make me a March mummy! I'm due my first appointment with the consultant on Wednesday so I'm assuming that's when I will find out for certain if I will be induced? I don't suppose anyone else here has had any experience with cholestasis?
Hi cossie, sorry you’re having problems :(. I don’t have any experience with it, I’m not even aware of what it is? Hope it isn’t causing you too much discomfort though?
It's the one that they can tell based on itchy hands and feet? The itching isn't too bad, but I guess I'm just coming to terms with possibly not getting to hit 40 weeks! No discomfort, just lots of additional monitoring until she's here now!
Ah right yes I’ve heard of that one. Glad the itching isn’t too bad though, nothing worse!

How much extra monitoring do you need? I suppose it’s nice if you get more scans? I have GD and the up side is that I’ve had more scans which has been nice.

I’m having a section at 39 weeks and I’m gutted I’m not going to have a proper labour. Are they thinking of inducing you at 38 weeks?
Hey girls.

Merry did you try birthing pool? My oh wants me to get into the pool too. I've heard so many positive reviews about it. Water is relaxing. But I'm scared to be alone in there.

Summertime, glad you liked classes. They made me feel more confident too.

Haylian, you never know. There might be a third baby one for you. I will think about it a bit later :)

Cossie, welcome!

I'm cramping today. Mainly in my back. Not sure if it's lack of water or BH.
Or just back pain. I'm finishing work early today as I'm having a scan. Then will go home and pack my bag.
THese will be our last two babies but we have jumped from two to four and definitely can’t fall pregnant with twins again! My husband will be having the snip once all is well after!

Welcome Cossie, i’ve Had two friends who have developed OC and they were both induced around the 38 week mark. One was induced a week earlier at 37 weeks when her bloods became unstable so I’m sure they’ll be keeping a close eye on you now but all babies were born healthy and good weights!
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Charlotte - not had a chance to test it out with water yet, that'll be next week now I think. I just sat in it fully inflated with no water :) What scares you about it? I've heard nothing but positive stories from anyone who's used one, and every trial that's been done shows it's a really effective pain reliever. Talk to your midwife about it?

Haylian - it sounds like you're much better off out of there. Make the most of your freedom, do all the things that will be harder when baby arrives, and spend lots of time with your daughter. I know I'm going to take time to adjust to not working when I finish, but I'm also looking forward to getting out of a very high pressure environment!

Welcome Cossie :)
Had my scan today. Doc said the flow of the cord is working well. So no more scans until birth now.

Ive been having BH all day today. Not very strong but noticeable. I started eating dates (6 a day) since Sunday and for some reason keep getting BH. Not sure if there is any connection. Dates are supposed to make everything softer down below.

Merry, how big is your pool? Does the water gets changed as it cools down? I would not mind trying it in the hospital for a bit to see how it feels, but not sure if they let me try it for a bit and then get into to bed.

I just don't want to be alone in there and OH is not allowed in there. Is gas and air allowed in the pool?

What I like about the pool is warm water and the fact that I would not be that exposed in there being naked. Not that Im that worried about it. ha ha

Does anyone know when midwife offers first sweep?

I also thought about injection for placenta, might say actually no to it and do it naturally.

Haylian, its only temporary feeling a bit isolated being off work, you are adjusting to change. It will pass and you will enjoy being at home.
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Hey girls & welcome to March Mummies Cossie!

Thankfully i only had diahorrea that one time on saturday morning so must have been just something dodgy I ate the evening before! BH have calmed down too.

Charlotte I read that about dates and must buy some. Yes you can take gas & air in the pool. Im fully aiming for a water birth.
So glad your scan went well today! I think a sweep can be offered from 40 weeks? Could be wrong though,maybe it depends
Im on the list to borrow a TENS machine from the hospital to have at home for first stage of labour and have a class to go to on 21st about it. Im now thinking it might be more of a ditraction or too fussy to deal with but ill get it anyway.

Haylian as this is our first we are hoping to have one or two more kids after this little one :-),if God blesses us & my body allows it lol. We would like 3 or 4 children but Im almost 34 so we are aware time is of the essence. Our intention is to have number 2 a year or so after this one. Sounds good (and mad) in theory and we figure why not just have ourselves knee deep in nappies for a few years lol. And tgere is more than enough love to go round!

First day of maternity & hubby was off too so we got loads done in the house and figured out the carseat. At one point my hormones got the better of me & I had a good cry! Just got a bit overwhelmed!

Meeting a friend for lunch tomorrow,Car MOT & active labour workshop on Wed then getting my hair done on Thur.
So glad to be off work as lower back quite sore & more pressure down below on my whoo haa. So sleepy too.

Hope everyone has a lovely week!x
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Thanks for the lovely warm welcomes ladies! I still haven't been given a definitive on an induction as yet, but 3 different midwives have said that it's protocol in our NHS trust that women with cholestasis are induced around 38 weeks. I assume this is something I will find out on Wednesday, we shall see!

Hope you're all doing well - it's really scary to think that some of you lovely ladies could have your babies by the end of this month!!!! :D sooo exciting!!
Glad the scan went well Charlotte, that’s promising!

Our hospital has water birthing rooms with pools and beds so you can get in and out of the pool if you wish, you also wouldn’t have to be naked :) most women keep their bra on or a tankini top. Whatever you’re comfortable with really.

I’ve been having BH too which have been quite bad at some points. Can’t say I mind as it’s the only labour I’ll experience this time around most likely!

Glad you had a good first day L+P, busy week ahead for you :) make sure you get some rest time in too

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