*March 2019 Testing Thread*

So I tried to resize this myself on a website lol hubby is napping I thought I saw a hint of something on the Pregmate (Thicker one) but I dunno... I really dont wanna buy an FRER yet but I might in the next couple days. I'm due Weds/Thurs for my period.

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I see a line think it looks a bit pinky too good luck
Thank you! I threw the tests away right after the time frame so I couldn't over analyze. Took pics, tossed lol now I'm like "well what do they look like now?" ...no no I need self-control cuz now they are not valid
So I tried to resize this myself on a website lol hubby is napping I thought I saw a hint of something on the Pregmate (Thicker one) but I dunno... I really dont wanna buy an FRER yet but I might in the next couple days. I'm due Weds/Thurs for my period.

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I deff see a line on the first one. Quite clearly also. If those are showing lines now a FRER deff would so I’d just get a pack if I were you & test with those & then you’ll knkw for certain :)
I think I see a line too! Too faint to tell if it’s got colour but you’re not going crazy there is something there! I’d say cross your legs for two more days then :test:
Geekmaker I think I can see something too! Everything crossed for you x
Not necessarily no, I would leave it another few days until you do another digi. You will end up bankrupt x
Maximus, I literally peed on a cheapie every single day for about 2 weeks to see it get darker. I didn't do another free after the second day. Then did a second digi after a couple of weeks.
It's hard. It's really hard after MC, you just have to hang in there and take care of yourself and let the bean do its sticking xx

And pulling pains, yep, tons of them. I had bleeding and spotting, ended up with an early scan at 5 weeks then 6, 7 and 9. Everything was ok. No one tells you before you start all this that its an emotional rollercoaster to say the least
Good to hear the test says you are still pregnant though! I totally don't blame you for testing. I mean I have never been pregnant or been through your situation, Maximus but I mean....I say if it gives you peace and makes you feel better why not? But like I said I don't have experience in this stuff. <3 Good luck oh you have your labs tomorrow right?
Yes going there in the morning for the tests. By the way I see a line on your test
I am torn about going out to get an FRER I feel like...I dont want my hopes crushed kind of thing by a negative.
I am torn about going out to get an FRER I feel like...I dont want my hopes crushed kind of thing by a negative.

I get what you mean but the way I see it id rather know, if you’re getting a line on a cheapie you’d definitely get one on a frer x
I feel the bit of a line is just fake because of past experience with that Clinical Guard but maybe i will pick one up tomorrow for Tues AM
I really feel the resize shows it more which makes me wonder if it's not real. I can't post the normal size pic i have but I'd send it to someone if they wanna see lol.
I had bloods taken today so I will get the results sometime in the afternoon
I was totally fine first thing in the morning but now I started to cramp again very low down towards the left side. Hopefully all good fingers crossed
You guys I slept a bit did about 4 hour hold... I am so beyond bummed. Nothing here. I only see I think an indent.

Oh my gosh hold on I tried to resize it and wow hold on lol Looks all retro or something
Okay thank God my husband had resized and emailed me I didnt see lol Negative! :(

P1050242 - Copy.JPG P1050246 - Copy.JPG
I had bloods taken today so I will get the results sometime in the afternoon
I was totally fine first thing in the morning but now I started to cramp again very low down towards the left side. Hopefully all good fingers crossed

I hope they are very good results! <3
Thank you the pain on left was sooo sharp earlier like a knife digging into it. I have never heard of these sharp pains during pregnancy before. I am just lying down and taking it easy as they are so painful
Fingers crossed for you Maximus, you should get an answer today to help calm the anxiety xx

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