Lost my angel - 35+6

You are amazing and doing fantastically :hugs:
Am thinking of u Hun , my prayers are with u and your family xxxb
You are being truly amazing, thinking of you so much xxx
My heart is breaking for you huni. All I can say is I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm thinking of you and your family sweetheart and of course your little angel... You and your family will get through this together. Sending you all my love Xxx

can't see tickers as I'm tapatalking
Thinking of you. This not your fault, you have no apologies to make. You are being so strong. Sending you much love xx
I've been thinking if you all day. Your doing amazing well and seem very calm in your posts although I know you & your family are falling apart your keeping it together amazingly so your little angel gets the welcome & goodbye to the world they truly deserve xxx
Oh my goodness, sweetheart I am so sorry to read this.

I am thinking of you tonight lovely. Xxxx
Thinking of you hun, you are being so strong xxx
Simone you simply cannot blame yourself for this! it is a tragedy and no one is to blame. You have been in my thoughts all day and I hope you stop blaming yourself. So much love is sent your way xx
Been thinking of u all day hun xx you're so strong xx
Been thinking of u all day Simone I realy can't beleive ur goin through this :-( just want to say I think ur doing amazingly well ,I will continue to think of u through the night god bless you massive hugs xxx
Just been thinking about you Hun. Please please don't blame yourself, you've done nothing wrong. Hope you can meet your angel soon and be home with your family soon too xxx
have tears running down my face reading this. I cant even imagine how you are feeling. I am so sorry for your loss, life can be so so cruel sometimes.

all I do know is that you have NOTHING to be sorry for. Its not your fault, please dont feel that way.

thinking of you. xx
Omg I'm so sorry to hear this Simone, 35+6 as well must be absolutely horrible for you! I can't even begin to imagine how you are feeling, good luck with the labour and I hope everything goes well and you and your baby girl can have as much mummy and daughter time needed xxx

tapatalking so cannot see tickers! sorry for typos also!
Absolutely heartbroken for you. From what I've read your are an amazingly strong lady, please don't blame yourself for this tragedy. Sometimes life can be so cruel. I hope you get to spend as much time as possible with your baby girl. And when it's time to go home you and your OH can take as much comfort as possible from that fact that you created a beautiful tiny being that god thought was too precious for this world.

Thoughts are with you and your family x x x
Hun been thinking of you all day. You are being so strong i hope you will get lots of time with your angel. Big hugs hun. My thoughts will still bewth you and your family tonight.... xxxxx
I'm so very sorry hunni :hug: I really cannot find any other words. xxxxxx
I am so sorry to hear this Simone. Can't begin to imagine how you and OH are feeling. The strength you are showing is incredible. I hope things progress quickly so you can begin your recovery and so you can come to terms with what has happened. Thinking of you all at this difficult time. :'( xxx
Oh hunni so so sorry, lost for words for you xx

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