My Little Angel got tired

Thank you so much ladies your support is very heart warming I'm so glad to have joined here and met you all. I have had a d and c done which I found most upsetting but everyone here at the epu have been amazing and restored my faith in the uk medical system. I'm just waiting for the ok to go home them I'm going to grieve for a few days before jumping straight back in and ttc. I'm looking forward to more chats and helping each other along this rocky road together. Chat to you all very soon xxx
oh sweetheart i am so so does feel easier, i promise xx
Take care, I'm currently going through similar experience, although my body has passed the most of it itself, I just have to go back next Wednesday to make sure all is gone.
Take care, I'm currently going through similar experience, although my body has passed the most of it itself, I just have to go back next Wednesday to make sure all is gone.
Hi hun im really sorry to hear that its such an awful thing to go through. If you need to chat you can pm me anytime :hugs:
Sorry for your loss Hun, I found first week Or so I was still obsessed with ttc and being obsessed with it happening asap but have managed now to put it to back of my mind til it happens! I have moments but it is getting easier by the day. So stay strong and look after yourself xx.
Sorry for your loss Hun, I found first week Or so I was still obsessed with ttc and being obsessed with it happening asap but have managed now to put it to back of my mind til it happens! I have moments but it is getting easier by the day. So stay strong and look after yourself xx.
im in that obsessed stage its really hard we had been trying for so long. I dont think i will rest or in fact let myself grieve properly until i have another baby in my tummy.:hug:
I had days where u thought I'd only feel ok again if I was pregnant again but as the past few weeks have gone on i. Settled back in to going out with friends and oh just like before n it's getting a bit easier. Watching adverts on tv n receiving baby emails destroyed me at first but I can watch n read them now. So it gets easier in time. U are more fertile after mc so chances of getting pregnant within first few months r higher but only if u relax n don't make urself Unwell. I was stressing so much I ended up with a water infection tonsilitus n a gum mouth infection n countless antibiotics,imnever off work or going to doctors. My doc couldn't believe it!so it just goes to show what it can do to u. I have a feeling we will both have our bfp soon n hopefully all other ttc ladies! X
Amyrose I join you on here now! I have had an MC for the very first time only found out tonight. Did a scan and nothing there, said my baby probably died weeks ago bit only started very heavy bleeding last night. Its awful... xxx
hun im so sorry to hear this i know how you feel right now. if you need to chat just private mail me. i hope your ok xxxxxxx

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