Lost my angel - 35+6

Oh Simone - my heart dropped when I saw the title of your post

Sending my thoughts and prayers to you and your family , for this to go smoothly as it can and then you can have some peaceful time with your lovely angel baby - you are being amazingly brave at such a tragic time XX
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:hugs: so sorry to read this, i hope that your wait isnt too long and you get to cuddle your little angel as long as possible. XxX
So sorry :( I've nothing to say except massive hugs to you and your family xxx

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So sorry to read this. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers xxx
Thinking of you simone Xx

Sent from my shit hot phone! Fo shizzle home girls.
Thinking of you and your family at this hard time simone x
Such sad news. Thinking of you and your family at this very very sad time. I can not imagine what you and your family are going through.
Sending all my love to you and your family. Hope you get to spend time with your little angel. Much love xxxx
So so sorry for ur loss Hun. Hope u and oh can b strong for each other xx

Using Tapatalk. Can't see tickers.
I just can't believe what im reading. I can't imagine what you are going thru. I am so sorry for ur loss. You sound so brave and so strong. We are all so proud of the way you are coping. You are in my thoughts and I hope everything goes as well as it can for you and your family. big hugs darling xxx
So so sorry to read this. Sending hugs your way xxxx
I've had some gel in. Contractions are 3 in 10mins and lasting around 30-40 seconds. After talking to my consultant we're taking it slow and steady. I'm willing to take my time with this and we have to cause of my previous 2 sections.

I'm enjoying having my angel with me. Just her and I. Our own little bubble and I don't have to let anyone else in just yet.

We have a butterfly on our room room door so that hospital staff know that we're not a normal labouring couple. Its actually beautiful and not something I'll forget in a hurry.

The pains are manageable. Anything for her. I just have no idea how to console my oh. How do I even start to apologise that he doesn't get a baby to coo over and show off? I've taken that away from him and I can't find the words to say sorry

U havent taken anything hun please dont blame urself xxx really dont know what to say but all of the girls r thinking of u n ur family today. Big hugs xxx

Babydust to all
You've not taken anything away from anyone. What has happened has been completely out of your control. You couldn't have prevented this at all.

You are so brave. Am thinking of you. X
Oh my Simone!! You have not taken this away from anyone.. This isn't your fault..

Reading your updates breaks my heart I just cannot comprehend what YOU are going through, but you mustn't think this is your doing, just a cruel cruel world..

You and oh need to stick together and by supporting each other I'm sure you will get through this although it may not seem like it now..

Sending u and ur family all the love in the world xxxx
Hun do not blame yourself! You did he right thing and could have done nothing to avoid what has happened. Thinking of you at this difficult time xx

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