Lost my angel - 35+6

Oh honey I've just seen this, I'm so, so sorry. Life can be such a complete *******.
There are no words really, all I can say is you and your family will very much be in my thoughts.
I've been thinking of you all day! Words cannot cover how you must be feeling. I hope you have progressed smoothly and can have some quality time with your angel xxxxxx

I hope your angel baby is here and you are spending time together xx

God bless xx
Have been thinking of you all night Simone, I hope you've been able to spend some time with your angel xxx
I can only echo what everyone has said, this is the most heart breaking thread I have ever read, I am so so sorry that you have to go through this, it can be such a cruel world...my thoughts are with you and your partner and of course your little girl xx
Still here.
She'll be born via c-section today

Oh hun, I couldn't even begin to understand what you're going through. I've been thinking about you alot and hope you get to spend as much time as you need with your precious angel. I'm so very sorry xxx
Nearly there Hun, you've been so brave xx
Realy sorry it's going to a c section Simone massive hugs xxxx
Really sorry to hear that Simone :(
Aw no I know u didn't want that :( I'm so sorry. You'll be able to hold her soon thought just keep thinking that :( let us know if your ok (as can be) when u can. Thinking of you x x x
Sorry its got to be a section hun. You'll be with your baby girl soon though Xx

Sent from my shit hot phone! Fo shizzle home girls.
So sorry you have to have a section Simone. Will be thinking of you today xx
So sorry you have to go through the section. I have nothing but admiration for you. You are incredibly brave and amazing. As the ladies said, remember this is not your fault. I hope you get the answers you deserve soon and that your able to get home to your children soon. Thinking of you today xxxx
You are in my thoughts Simone sending you lots of love xxx

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