Losing weight.... who's joining me?

good luck hun im sure if you could give up smoking you can lose the weight xxxxxxxxxx

Good job girls glad we are here to support one another!
Just weighed myself since the last time a few weeks ago and i lost another 4 pounds dont have far ot go now but its so hard ot get these last buts off and now its not so much the weight its inches i want off i still have my baby pouch lol and couold tighten up a few body parts.
Isn't it funny how we are all desperate to lose weight and desperate for our LO's to put it on!! I wish I could give Rubie some of my bum!!

:lol: Kim ya so true haha and me too for the bum hee hee, and tummy and...it can go on and on haha.
yipeeee im loosing weight with out even trying,

4 weeks ago i was 11st
yesterday i was 9st 9lb

im gong to start a good diet today and start my sdlimming tablets and do some sit ups..

i need a good diet but food thats easy to make. i only usualy have microwave meals :oops: or take aways, hardly ever buy fruit as it goes of to fast and i always do a big shop once a month.

is chow mein fattening does any one no? iv been adictided to it recently
not sure dionne hun wow youve lost loads of weight well done hun :clap: :clap: :clap: xxxxx

Question how much pounds are in a stone lol i have no idea what a stone is ?????
Thanks from the outsider in Canada lol :lol:
Saulino there are 14lb in a stone if that makes sense. The metric tables are confusing. :doh:

Dionne you need to share your secret! :wink:

Thnak you that helped me otu loads it sounds very confusing!!.
Well, i started last week and i have lost 4.4 pounds :dance: :dance: :dance:

i know, the first 10 pounds are only water but at least it is nice seeing this on the scale :D

My OH and I are doing it together which is much better :) We eat more healthily than dieting really but we must have been on at least 3000 calories + each before.

moreover, i am cooking the food now so am training myself to cook nice food for Thomas too :)
I started to eat healthy on Monday, I have about 2 stone to loose. Why is it so easy to put on but a bu***r to loose?!

Good luck to everyone else loosing weight.

i know what you mean lindsay. i have still got loads to loose and i am doing it in stages. i have given myself a 2 stone goal and once ive reached that i will add another stone and so on until i am a goddess :lol: :lol:
have lost no weight again :( still the same as last week
so 10 pound lost 18 pound still to go think its here to stay xxx
Don't be disheartened rach, 10 pounds is great.

I have been good, I even refused strawberry cheesecake at my mum's yesterday and just had a bowl of strawberries. Don't weigh myself until Monday but hoping have lost something. Am finding it really hard especially with such hot weather and not having any summery clothes that fit me, had a bit of a cry this morning - DH told me that I am being too hard on myself when I on;ly gave birth 3 weeks ago, men just don't understand.

im a cheat :roll: im starting slimming pills today. some one took a pic of me last night OMG its dreadfull i look likea tank i hate being a size 14 :(
i sen my antie last nigth that starting the pills i recomend shes been on them 3weeks and lost loads of weight
what pills you taking dionne and where you get them from?

weighed myself this morning and I have lost 4 pounds :clap: have been told not to diet properly cos breastfeeding so am pleased with my 4, am hoping for another 3 next week then it's half a stone!

the baby weight dropped off me, must have been the BFing, so i was really really pleased when 2 weeks after birth i was back at pre preg weight. i am still overweight (had lost 2 stone before becoming pg and had 2 st left till target, but obviously had to stop the dieting!)

weighrd myself yesterday and 4lbs had gone! and i'm not even trying! i'm gonna BF until he's 8 years old if it works this well! lol :lol: :lol: :lol:

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