Bloody hell cosmicgirl that sounds scary!!
Everyones different when it comes to contractions, some people barely even feel them! Mine started off like period pains, which I had for weeks but just thought it was my body preparing, then I was fast asleep getting all the rest I could to be induced the next day when I woke up with a pain I can't explain properly but I'll try... It was a bit like the pain you get from food poisoning (right before you're sitting on the toilet emptying your guts while emptying your stomach in the sink!) and I thought oh here we go, they're bad but not as bad as I expected... After about 12 hours I took myself down to hospital to see how far along I was... 1cm so back home for me. 4 hours later I thought I was going to die I was inthat much pain. The hospital told me to wait it out at home and an hour later I was begging Lee to kill me! Got an ambulance to come and pick me up, was 3cm by now and in the space of about 2 hours I was ready to push. There was no consultants free though so they stopped my contractions for 2 hours (my hospital won't let you give birth unless all the emergency team are free in case of problems) so I had a nice relaxing time then. And when they started my contractions back up I was so tired I couldn't even speak, baby's heart rate dropped and I've never been so scared in my life, they had to cut me (CUT ME!!!) and use forceps to get him out quickly, then all the pain vanished and the tears started.
I'm sorry if I've scared anyone, I didn't mean to, I wanted to be honest about my experience cause I wish people had done the same to me, I went in thinking it would be a piece of cake, it's not, it's hard work but it's definitely worth it and you will get through it. Just remember, don't expect it to be easy, don't panic when it gets hard, leave your dignity at home and remember to breathe! I honestly kept forgetting. If you go in relaxed but knowing what's in store I actually think it'll help more as you won't be so tense.
Really really sorry if I've put you all off.