Labour and Birth - Things the Movies don't tell us!!

i did little bits of poop in the birthing pool and my chin kept dipping under the water and i was having to try and dodge little floaters :lol:
Lol, I remember after my 1'st suddenly thinking "why the hell are there so many people in the room" and looked a bit more closely and there were cleaners, yes CLEANERS!! mopping pools of blood off the floor. I've only just remembered this after 6 years. Didn't notice so much after the other 2 but the 1st god damn it there was loads.

Then there was when the mw put a finger up me jacksy and ended up with it in my fanny cos it tore right through. (may account for the blood?!)

and the stitching has such a weird sensation. Obviously your numb, but you know when you cut into raw chicken, that texture and resistance....

haha that sounds all so bad, but I loved labour, I'd do it all again tomorrow,,,, today even :love:
\pmsl at alices floaters!

Oh and with dd2 I could feel my ass hole turn inside out on itself... for real!!!!
and the stitching has such a weird sensation. Obviously your numb, but you know when you cut into raw chicken, that texture and resistance...

I'd completely forgotten thatfeeling but that description is spot on! Horrid feeling :shock:
There are loads of vile things like everyone has mentioned... Poo, tonnes of blood, how scary it isthe first time you have a poo after giving birth especially if you do have stitches and the horrid smelly kebab fanny afterwards regardless of how much you wash!! But it is truely incredible having your lo born and lay straight on your chest... The second Ella was born i was like, i'd do that again any day!
Oh God after reading all this I don't want mine to come out!!!!! I'm no good with pain and I'm no good with bodily really not looking forward to it at all. He can just stay in as far as I'm concerned, lol xx

No :( Didn't want to scare anyone :shock:

I'm sure once you're holding your LO you won't even mind :) xx :hug:
i did little bits of poop in the birthing pool and my chin kept dipping under the water and i was having to try and dodge little floaters :lol:

:shock: :shock: :shock:

Don't they fish it out?!
i did little bits of poop in the birthing pool and my chin kept dipping under the water and i was having to try and dodge little floaters :lol:

That made me laugh so much! :rofl:
But yeah basically what everyone else has said! I had about 6 people in with me because I'm pretty sure I was close to having to have an emergency c section cos lo's heart rate dropped a lot with every contraction. And the bleeding is horrific I had clots the size of golf balls you could feel coming out. It was vile x

Shit Amy did you go right thru?! They thought I had and that wa bad enough!! Nope, they didn't fish my floaters out, they were only small tho, like chocolate raisins or something :lol:

My personal favourite from after I gave birth tho, was sat with fob, giggling xos the young girl in the bed next to menwas getting a lecture on contraception and we were saying how stupid they must think she is... And who was pregnant again 12 weeks later?!
Oh and if you have to have a spinal or epidural, they'll happily tell you not to ge out of bed and Leave you there for a good 6 hours to just bleed everywhere!
i did little bits of poop in the birthing pool and my chin kept dipping under the water and i was having to try and dodge little floaters :lol:

That made me laugh so much! :rofl:
But yeah basically what everyone else has said! I had about 6 people in with me because I'm pretty sure I was close to having to have an emergency c section cos lo's heart rate dropped a lot with every contraction. And the bleeding is horrific I had clots the size of golf balls you could feel coming out. It was vile x

How long was it till the clots stopped? I know you bleed for weeks after but surely not clots the whole time? x
gas and air can make you sick, i puked on my partner twice.

Dignety- whats that?

One of the most important things i wanna say is this "the love you feel when they put your baby on your cheast makes you forgett all the pain" Dont always have to be the case. I had a horrible labour and felt nothing when my son was placed on me. I screamed at my partner to take him away from me. It took me 4 weeks to forgett the pain and one morning i just looked at him and there it was. The love you can only feel for your child. incredible and unbeliveble <3
It's really good getting all the diffrent opinions and stuff here :) It means im less likely to worry theres something wrong with me lol xx
Why oh why did I read this thread! Majority of it I knew, but mw putting finger in your bum to check how much has torn... Oh god! X
Mine was so different to you girls! I loved G+A, it's all I had and I couldn't get enough of it.. I didn't poo or fart (I asked my sister because I really wanted to know :lol:), I didn't even sting down there after! No joke, I got it so good but now I'm thinking, if I have another it will be the labour from hell as I had it too good the first time!.. The only thing I wasn't told about was the clots afterward.. I passed a clot that was about 3 tennis balls in size, I actually thought I was dying and ran into the corridor screaming for a mw :roll: totally normal.. I would say whatever amount of pads/knickers/pj bottoms you are bringing in, double it, I was wearing 2 pads and 2 pair of knickers at once and was still leaking.. You honestly don't notice that much, you are too wrapped up with your new arrival :cloud9: Bring some moist toilet tissue, Andrex do it.. Oh and when they tell you not to push and pant, do it! My friend ignored and pushed through and her foof and bum were 2 in 1 :rofl: I will add more when I think x x
God I can't imagine tearing right through!! Agree stitching feels horrible but I was far too absorbed in LO to really pay much attention to what they were doing, they could have chopped my legs off at that point and I wouldn't have cared! G+A is awesome stuff, even if you feel pissed out of your face on it keep going, when you get to that sort of stage it really does help with the pain - lots of women don't like that feeling and stop taking it in which is why sone don't think it is good pain relief (that's assuming you're not unlucky enough to be sick anyway!)

oh and don't be surprised if you start spouting complete gibberish! At the end of my labour I was so exhausted I was just passing out inbetween contractions and then coming round again each time y
the pain kicked in. I knew I was talking complete shit and everyone kept laughing at me but I just couldn't stop myself lol!
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The clots only lasted like a week.

Oh and another thing you could bleed all through labour and the birth, I did and even my mw didn't know why.

God I've thought of loads now!

When you start moving around after you've given birth you feel gross and can feel all your insides moving back to where they should be.

Tearing hurts more when its healing and itches like crazy!!! You seriously can't sit down! I bruised and tore and I swear I hated moving I tried my best not to 99% of the time.

Like evelina I didn't forget the pain straight away and tbh I still remember it but I love my baba more then anything despite that pain. X

I didn't have the massive clots this time round but had after previous births but bled longer this time. It really is true that every birth is different.

The best thing u can do is just relax and go with ur body,the more tense u are the harder it will be. My cousin tensed up in her 1st 2 labours and had a really bad time but relaxed through the third and he slipped out. Someone described to her that tensing up in labour was like trying to push something through a clenched fist.

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