Labour and Birth - Things the Movies don't tell us!!

Oh and don't forget the afterpains! Never had them with 1st two kids and with my 3rd I put it down to my section but omg with kieron they was awful-like full blown contractions,especially when I was feeding him x
oh yeah, the bloody afterpains! No-one told me about them either, they were HORRIBLE!

Meeah - you're right about feeling everything moving back too, that was just weird!!

Only other thing I can think of is how difficult I found it to leave hospital (physically I mean, I didn't want to stay there or anything!) I felt completely broken when I was walking to the car, I couldn't even catch my breath, everything from my chest down felt completely empty, and it was like my lungs were falling into the empty space (that's the only way I can think of to describe it) It was an uphill walk to the car (even tho OH had parked as close as he possibly could)

If anyone offers you a wheelchair to wheel you out in, take it!
If anyone offers you a wheelchair to wheel you out in, take it!
wen I had my eldest 2 it was policy to be wheeled out by the mw,was different with my 3rd cos I'd been on the ward 3 days but after having kieron I walked out and felt so light headed and empty,I'd only given birth 4 hours earlier-was a very surreal feeling x
Rósa;1870972 said:
I have changed my mind :shock:

Don't worry about it,if it wasn't all worth it I wouldn't have done it a2nd,3rd and 4th time. It's the most amazing thing ul ever do xx
Trust me girls, if I can do it you can too! I'd pop kids out every day if I didn't have to be pregnant for 9 months. I had a long and scary labour but I'd still do it again so don't worry. I was terrified all through pregnancy but as soon as it started something clicked and I just got on with it, I think it's just instinct, you suddenly know what to do and your body kind of takes over. You will cope, it's a beautiful experience, just try and enjoy it.

As for the bleeding (I forgot to mention that but!) oh my actual gosh, I thought I was gonna die, surely it's impossible to loose that much blood and survive?! But apparently it's all normal. It is horrible though, it's like 9 months worth of periods all in one go!
\pmsl at alices floaters!

Oh and with dd2 I could feel my ass hole turn inside out on itself... for real!!!!

Oh yeah I remember now about the arsehole! I had a spinal so didn't feel anything at th birth but afterward! My god! It felt like my arse was falling off! I actually remember after poking a few days later, I had to push my arsehole back in cos I couldn't walk comfortably with my arsehole inside out!

Oh yeah and be prepared to beg ur OH to wipe ur arse for you when you have your first poo after birth - I was mortified!
I think it's bad how little certain things are explained at ante-natal classes. I know as much as I do 'cos I did six months of Midwifery. Most women in labour don't even know the half of it....

And don't forget, if you have an epidural, they'll use a catheter as you won't have control of your 'pee muscles'.

Don't eat loads in early labour, as your body needs to focus on labour it limits blood supply to your digestive system so if you fill it with food, it'll empty it out by you being sick. (same reason you body has a 'clearout' in the week before labour) I've had to help clear up some nasty half-digested stuff in my time!!

But like the other Ladies have said, check the dignity at the door, the staff has seen it all, several times a day, every day, for years! - Which is also why they sometimes seem to forget how special it is to you....

I'm concerned about bleeding too much because I had dysfunctional uterine bleeding 2 years ago and had to have 4 units of blood transfused. I was losing clots the size of grapefruits and they never found out a cause.
So I'm not looking forward to the bleeding. And I really don't want a catheter again lol. Although when the nurse was putting one in she told me I had perfect anatomy down there :rofl:
Ahh Im starting to think my labour with my son was pretty easy now ive read through all this. I didnt like any pain reflief andf epidural didnt work for me. I tore buth onestly felt no pain when they were stitching me up as I was feeding my son and I really dont remember much blood. I had normal period like bloody for about 3 weeks after but nothing bad at all. The one thing is the soreness standing up if you have stitches and the stinging. I had no pain down there for the first 2 days as she shoved a painkliller up my bum but oncce that wore off ouch!!..
Ohh and the way your belly feels like jelly after youve had baby. I cuoldnt stop poking mine lol

The love you feel for LO when theyre placed on you is amazing.. but dont expect it.. it doesnt happen for everyone and may take you a while... people dont get told that and feel theyre horrible etc... sometimes it just takes a while to forget the labour and get to know your babyx
Ok.... Some of this is scary shit!! I REALLY hope I have an easy labour lol!!! DO NOT like the sound of the bleeding one bit :/

To those of you who had water births... Would you recommend it?? xx
Rósa;1871114 said:
Do you bleed like mad if you have a c-section?

In my experience the blood loss was the same apart from 1st time I got on my feet when it gushed xx
I've heard the bleeding is the same even with a section, I know a few people that had nice doctors though that removed some of whatever it is that makes you bleed so it wasn't as bad iykwim?
I only bled heavily for about a week and then it was like a light period for about 5 weeks.
Oh and if you have stitches and try to have sex... Brace yourself lol I don't know what it's like if you dont have stitches and maybe it's not the same for everyone but 11 weeks later I'm still too sore to have sex :'(
Oh my god lol! :shock:

I also never knew about bleeding for weeks after until my mam told me the other day...

I don't think i will cope will labour, i am a wuss! I think i will faint seriously...i can't handle pain!

Any describe what contractions feel like?

Lol yea, I only bled for 2-3 weeks with each one but some people belld for about 6 weeks i've heard.

Contractions are different for everyone. To begin with mine felt like really severe period cramps with the added pressure of feeling like I eas being squeezed from all directions. LAter on it felt like my whole body was spasming and my insides were gonna come out of my bum lol.
Oh my god lol! :shock:

I also never knew about bleeding for weeks after until my mam told me the other day...

I don't think i will cope will labour, i am a wuss! I think i will faint seriously...i can't handle pain!

Any describe what contractions feel like?


I know what you mean :shock: I did not know any of this happened lol xx
I didn't realise any of this stuff either! At least I'm not going to think I'm dying now when I see tennis ball sized clots :shock:

Keep it coming ladies!! xx every piece of advice helps xx :) x

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