

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2007
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has anyone tried it? its ok, i had to have a "beer" so i went to Tesco and looked at all the non alcohol ones and settled for the one i have heard of, i havent had a drop of alcohol since new years eve and then i only had 3 small glasses of wine to be sociable, i have been smelling beer for a few weeks (or so i imagine) has anyone else been having bad cravings or is it just me?
Becks non-alcoholic is also widly available and you can't tell the difference!

I used it when I had a bad chest infection years ago and was on antibiotics for weeks.

I swear that if you stuck it in a keg and served it at a party people would start acting drunk!
Ooo Rach!

Our tickers are at identical stages!!! Your due date must be the same as mine!
Nope, I'm the opposite! Can't stand the smell of beer or alcohol for now. I use to be a heavy drinker pre-pregnancy and to be honest, cutting out the slighest drop will do me wonders, I hope lol

Apparently something like half a pint of beer a week is good for a woman during pregnancy or one glass of red wine a week.
MMMMMM would like a bottle of wkd blue or red MMMMMMMM
Kaliber is horrid...It's ok with lemonade as a shandy but alone it's pretty grim!
xrachx said:
has anyone tried it? its ok, i had to have a "beer" so i went to Tesco and looked at all the non alcohol ones and settled for the one i have heard of, i havent had a drop of alcohol since new years eve and then i only had 3 small glasses of wine to be sociable, i have been smelling beer for a few weeks (or so i imagine) has anyone else been having bad cravings or is it just me?

A girl I know craved beer all through her pregnancy. Yesterday I got a craving to smell the hoover :oops:
well i had a Cobra today and i couldnt tell it didnt have alcohol in, i might get some of the Becks stuff next weekend see what that tastes like, as for sniffing the hoover!! that is the strangest one i have heard of...lol
LaineyG said:
Ooo Rach!

Our tickers are at identical stages!!! Your due date must be the same as mine!

ohh yer!! i think there is only me and you due on the 22nd october i havent seen anyone else, how you doing?
xrachx said:
LaineyG said:
Ooo Rach!

Our tickers are at identical stages!!! Your due date must be the same as mine!

ohh yer!! i think there is only me and you due on the 22nd october i havent seen anyone else, how you doing?

I'm fine luv! Got my 24 week check-up on Wednesday, so i'm looking forward to that! Will hopefully find out what my respiratory specialist has advised the maternity unit with regards to delivery. I hope I can go naturally, but because of my severe asthma I was told it might be a section!

Hows you?
yer, im good thanx, we have a 25 week check here, i have that next monday, i have been suffering with heartburn but apart from that things are good!

I've had no real problems so far....unless you class an addiction to all things sweet as a problem!

It's good to find someone at exactly the same stage as me....not long till we move to 3rd tri!
ohh i like sweet things too, i am sat here scoffing lemon slices (little cake things) i also like jelly sweets and boiled sweets and things like that, i am hungry all the time are you? the baby must be going through a growth spurt at the min, have you any names picked out? oh and is this your first?
With me it's vanilla fudge, choccie biscuits and chocolate! Oh and big slices of toast with butter and jam!

Yeah, this is my first, not thought of any names yet, think I'll wait until I see whether it's a boy or a girl and if they look like they should be called something! :D

What about you? Are you getting lots of kicks?
I gave in to my craving of blu wkd a few weeks ago and went down the pub with a mate and had a couple, were yum yum, and didnt feel guilty at all!
My OH drinks kaliber and non alcoholic becks :) they were meant to be for me but I let him off :)

I like the non alcoholic kopparberg that they sell in wetherspoons. It's pear cider, so the n/a is basically just fizzy pear juice... but it makes such a change to orange juice and coke. (coke makes the baby kick me big style)
Hi guys,
I think Becks is okay. I got non alcoholic Cobra and hated it. My husband didn't like it either.
But yes I've wanted beer recently, now that my sickness has gone.
PS Also craving vats of hot milk!

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