My non-alcoholic drink thread...........

Ive never really been a big drinker as i never found an alcoholic drink that i liked just for its taste until last summer at a family wedding i tried some mixed fruit kopperburg. After that it became my drink of choice on a night out and id occasionally get a couple of bottles for the weekend. Since my BFP ive not had a single drink and it hasnt bothered me in the slightest until this weekend......

I work in a pub kitchen and before that i worked on the bar. This saturday our local racecourse held a big meeting and on days like that we get packed to the rafters with drinkers and close the kitchen so the staff can help glass collecting. Because I have bar experience i got roped into helping serve and as i stood at one of the pumps someone passed an open bottle of kopperburg across the bar to a man standing directly infront of me. Oh my god the smell drove me wild. I swear something inside of me went mad and it was all i could do to stop from throwing myself across the bar and wrestling the bottle out of his hands. I've never ever wanted a drink that badly in my life. Luckily i was distracted by my worried boss who had noticed me go pale and clutch my stomach (i didnt even notice myself doing it) and sent me out the back to sit down.
I think after that i may need to invest in some non alcoholic yummy drinks! :shock:
you can get mixed berry no alcohol koppaberg!

we went out for a meal the other night and the main course took a while to come out as they were so busy, so the waiter came over with a free glass of wine for me! I didnt want to sound ungrateful and say no so I took it. Then sat staring at it for ages till hubby told me to just bloody drink it! and it was fab. Lovely cold Pinot Grigio. Lush
you can get mixed berry no alcohol koppaberg!

we went out for a meal the other night and the main course took a while to come out as they were so busy, so the waiter came over with a free glass of wine for me! I didnt want to sound ungrateful and say no so I took it. Then sat staring at it for ages till hubby told me to just bloody drink it! and it was fab. Lovely cold Pinot Grigio. Lush

My tongue is hanging out - Pinot Grigio is my wine of choice :shock:

So far I have been fine though and not missed booze at all, I have also given up caffeine (3.5 weeks now!!)

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you can get mixed berry no alcohol koppaberg!

we went out for a meal the other night and the main course took a while to come out as they were so busy, so the waiter came over with a free glass of wine for me! I didnt want to sound ungrateful and say no so I took it. Then sat staring at it for ages till hubby told me to just bloody drink it! and it was fab. Lovely cold Pinot Grigio. Lush

My tongue is hanging out - Pinot Grigio is my wine of choice :shock:

So far I have been fine though and not missed booze at all, I have also given up caffeine (3.5 weeks now!!)


good on you! I just couldnt resist, the condensation was slowly dripping down the side of the glass and it just smelt so fresh! But as my Nana said, a little of what you fancy does you good! And it did. Was mega happy all evening after that. Even had a steak well done for the first time in my life (I am a blue/rare person) and even it was lush! think I have been missing out.......

good on you with the caffeine. i cut it out completely for first trimester now i am back to about 3 cups of tea a day when I am working. dont bother when I am not working for some reason. Think its just a police habit to drink as much caffiene as possible!
Wine and steak, now I am dribbling on my keypad :lol:

I like my steak well done but for the past year or so it's been meduim to well done.

Not had a steak in ages, must rectify that very soon!

omg i love wine and god steak is my fav and i usualy have it mooing on the plate lol i dont see the point having it well done but i hate to now for a bit lol i must try find that koperberg non alco stuff i love bulmers red berry cider its so refreeshing and jaques aswel love that this summer is gonna be a boring one in this house i usualy have bbqs all the time and have family and friends over till early hours they think im still gonna do this haha yer i dont think so lol xx

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