Thats what my husband said, that she should go work at Mcdonalds or something, lol. Its at a clinic that usually does scans for the state (I am in Portugal) but we actually paid to do it privately. To get an emergency scan I knew we'd have to wait in the hospital for hours and I didnt fancy that so we managed to book a private scan with her at the last minuite. I think OH was annoyed with her but to be honest I didn't really care because I was too busy dealing with my own thing. Its only looking back that it seems really wierd. Maybe that was it about having to confirm with a second scan, it makes sense now that you say. Its just the way she told me to go home and rest up and not worry and gave the impression it might be okay on Monday. The report she gave made it pretty clear there was no hope too, unless you didnt understand what the things meant. I knew that there was no chance but if it was someone else they would have gone home and actually hoped there was still a chance all weekend. Of course I would have given anything for a different outcome but once I knew there was also a sense of relief not to be in limbo any more. Anyway I'm glad we did it anyway because it got some of the shock etc out of the way and meant we felt prepaired to ask questions etc at the other scan.
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