***June Mummies 2016 Tri 2***

Aww... very cute scan pic umbongo!
Congrats kanga too, gorgeous lil boy x
Feeling like an awful person today :( Hate myself as I should be on cloud9 and I'm not. Obviously I feel incredibly lucky for a healthy 3rd little boy, but I just don't feel that excited at the mo. I've had 2 boys and experienced that and I have everything and more than I need for a boy but I feel that has taken the excitement away. I wanted to get excited at going out and buying new clothes whereas at the mo I don't 'need' anything for him so just feel like he isn't as special and don't want him to feel like he only gets hand me downs :(
Hubby isn't helping either as he doesn't understand and that makes me feel so much worse.

I know I sound awful and I don't want anyone to think I don't want or love this little boy more than anything in the world but knowing he is my last baby I just feel a little lost xx
Oh no Kanga! You poor thing. Gender disappointment is actually very common. I really do feel for you. I know how you feel in a way. I have a girl and as much as I would love a boy I'm secretly hoping for another girl. So I'm the opposite in a way. I think it's because my daughter keeps telling me she wants a sister. So if I find out its a boy I will probably feel disappointed too. The good thing is form what I have heard it is quite short lived. It passes after a few weeks. It's normal to feel like you do so please don't feel like a bad person. When you hold that bouncing baby boy it will all be a distant memory. Hope you feel better soon. Xx
Oh hun, I wondered if you might feel like that. Big hugs. People don't really talk about it much but it's normal to feel like that. Totally understandable. I worried if be like that if I have another girl as I'm only having two, so decided to stay yellow as hopefully the excitement of the actual baby will offset any slight disappointment.
We have lots of neutral stuff so I won't be spending on new things anyway.
I totally get where you are coming from though. more big hugs xxx
Big hugs, Kanga! Like love87 said I'm sure it'll pass - especially when you're holding him:) But, I know how you feel. Like I said to you, I've got my scan on Sunday and all of a sudden I've realised I secretly hope for a girl and dont know how I'll feel if it's a boy. I hate that I'm thinking like that as all I want is a healthy baby but I guess we all assume it will be and after that is the big question of gender. Pretty sure my hubby is hoping for a another boy so one of us will be over the moon lol!

Yesterday I had a scary episode where I almost passed out. I remember having these episodes when pregnant with DS but not this bad!! The room went black, I lost my hearing, I started sweating and shaking. It was so scary! Afterwards I was left with a headache. I had my 16wk MW appointment today and she said it's totally normal between 16-18 weeks which was reassuring to hear. But she did say my blood pressure is very low. I have been very busy and stressed lately so a Xmas break is most welcome!
Thank you for the support ladies. I've got through today in a bit of a blur. Keep crying because I feel so awful about my feelings. I have managed to talk to hubby a lot about it today and he is starting to see it from my point of view and helping me. He has now agreed that we can go through all the baby clothes and sell a lot so I can buy some new stuff and we are going to get some wall stickers to decorate the nursery. Never decorated one yet as moved shortly after baby being born the last few yrs but we are now settled. We are also going to decorate the boys room as they will be sharing so it will feel good for them too.

I do feel a lot happier now and I am feeling very excited at meeting him. I do worry about other people's opinions as I wasn't shy in saying I wanted a girl this time so I'm hoping they don't say anything nasty. Started talking names and I quite like Jack and we mentioned Benjamin last night and I have Benny stuck in my head now, so he is Benny Bump to me at the mo :D

I am still sad I won't get a girl as I would have loved to experience having a mother/daughter relationship as I never had an adult relationship with my mum as she passed away the day before my 18th birthday so just feel robbed really. But I will get over it and dote on my 3 boys and vow to be the most welcoming and open mil so that I can have a great relationship with my daughter in laws :)

Babymaker hope your feeling better after passing out, definitely take it easy over xmas l. I had my mw appt today too and my bp was slightly low at 98/52 and I've felt quite lightheaded at work this evening so going to take it easy. xx
Hi all such a busy time recently I haven't managed to update but I have been popping on to catch up. Kanga just wanted to say congratulations on your boy and that I think most people have a preference just not all are as honest. You seem like your already getting used to it. I have my gender scan on Sunday and my little girl is saying she wants a sister but OH and I would like a boy as think this will be our last. Think I've been feeling some movement but it's every few nights. Hope everyone is feeling and getting on ok xx
I don't think there's anything wrong with feeling sad and a bit disappointed and it's healthy to let those feelings out. I think that's totally normal in your situation but I bet all mums with 3 the same would tell you they love their 3rd just the same anyway x
Morning everyone. OMG I have such a weak stomach lately. LO is sick at the moment and she heaved this morning which resulted in me hanging over the toilet for 10minutes. I have never been like this. I usually have a tummy of steel...another attractive pregnancy symptom! :)
Aww kanga - don't feel bad or guilty at all, I bet it's quite a common thing to have those feelings, but you already sound a bit better about it. To be honest, I would love a girl - that's been my preference all along, so I've been steadily convincing myself that it's a boy in the hope that I won't feel disappointed if it is! Staying team yellow we think, so will remain a surprise ;-)
Love87 hope you feel better!
I'm being messed around by work at the moment - promised a good amount of time off this christmas after working silly hours last christmas, but one dept. (not me!) is falling behind so they're asking about me coming in over what should be my break. My boss is supposed to be on the case to sort it though - I'm only contracted out on this job via a different company. I really need the time off, I'm so run down and miserable right now, will just actually cry if I end up having to come in again.
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I'm glad you feel a little better kanga, decorating will be really fun and selling some clothes to buy new is a great idea. Your boys will all be best buddies I bet and that will be lovely. Xx
Woo hoo, can finally join tri 2, it seems to have taken ages, this pregnancy is going so much slower than my first ��. Was give due date of 27th June which I what I guessed when I first found out. We have our 20 week.scan on 5th Feb and have persuaded hubby to let us find out what we are having this time. Very excited. Hope everyone else is well xx
So we had our gender scan today and we're having another girl!! OH was wondering around mothercare after as I was excited about all the pink clothes again!!

I feel like this pregnancy is going so fast but i think it's because I'm busy with Christmas bits too, probably slow in January!


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What a lovely photo CC bunny, congratulations on another girl.

Nice to see some of us know what we will be having. Il find out Sunday and I can not wait. I'm feeling better now other than constantly being tired! Iv also noticed the last day or two one nippel feels odd it hurts but it's a odd pain. Can't really describe it but it's very uncomfortable. Has anyone else experienced this? Xx
I've had some pains in nipples and boobs thought it was just because they're expanding! I may be totally wrong!!

Thanks umbongo I'm very excited that my little girl will have a little sister, there was just me and my sister growing up and I really did want a same sex sibling for my children. It means we may have a third but I'm not too keen and we'll probably have 3 girls anyway!!
My nipples hurt but that's because I have a child attached to them quite a lot! Eek.
Hi ladies I was originally supposed to be due first week of July, but my dates have now been pushed forward to 28th June! Is it ok if I join you all :D

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