***June Mummies 2016 Tri 2***

Feel better soon blue class.

I'm feeling super organised. We've got baby 2 on the nursery waiting list. It sounds early but they have an 18 month waiting list!
That's not nice. I finish school on fri for two weeks but I work sat. I need to tell my group that I'm having baby to. One of my users will be so excited x
Hope you feel better soon blueclass:-(

Best of luck tomo kanga!!! let us know as soon as you can!!

Wow, Maud that is organised! I havent bought a single thing or even chosen names let alone thought of nursery lol! Go you:thumbup:

18 month waiting list o.o yeesh... is our first baby so we have no idea what we're doing at all! I guess I should start thinking about that kinda stuff...
Yeah we didn't sign our daughter up until after she was born, not realising how over subscribed they were, and ended up highly stressed, nearly resigning and trying to sort flexible working requests on very short notice. Hopefully this time they will confirm the place earlier!
I will update asap babymaker, can't wait to share the news as we are planning a big gender reveal for the family. Want the boys to do hand prints and take photos in black and white then reveal the colour :) Going to send them out as cards, just hope hubby can keep quiet from his parents!!

Had a hectic day today, travelled home from my Dad's today and it took 7hrs instead of 4hrs! Then I had to come straight to work and didn't get here til 8:30pm so 1.5hrs late so not going to finish til 11:30 ish :( Also feel abit sad as we popped in to put some flowers on my mum's grave as she is buried in Lincoln so I don't get to go much. Even gave her a little Christmas tree :)

14hrs til scan time and counting down :) xx
3hrs and counting! I'm only a tiny bit excited lol :p xx
Hope ur scan goes well kanga. Mine is next Sunday still feels ages. My scan looks like yours so what you have is what I'm going with. I still think girl.
Today I feel like iv been hit with a sledge hammer. My ears are agony and iv not slept at all despite the fact that I'm completely shattered. I feel so rough I can't even begin to describe all the aches and pains I'm feeling. I can't even get out of bed. Meant to be getting our flat inspected today well iv not tieded up and I won't be getting out of bed. X
Hi everyone,
Sorry I haven’t spoken much! Not been feeling great and work is stressing me out big time. I need to keep calm….. Kanga bet you can’t wait to find out the sex how exciting xxx
Good luck Kanga!

Just poking my head in, hi everyone! I had my scan yesterday and I'm 11+1 today so planning a Christmas announcement I think. Mind you a lot of people know anyway! Baby wouldn't stop spinning and swimming about!

I hope you're all well, get well soon blueclass.

Hello umbongo, lovely scan pic. I think your cooking a little boy xx
Kanga, how lovely! I was so sure it was girl. Mine and yours looked similar so i reckon mine is boy too. how was the scan experience? X
PM'd you, kanga.

Umbongo, lovely scan pic. I reckon boy for you:)
Oh don't! We'd love a boy but have three girls between us so think it'll be a girl. I keep thinking boy then stopping myself! Obviously a girl would be lovely too as we have everything.

Congratulations Kanga! Very exciting! No mistaking he's a boy! Haha.

I'm going to stay team yellow.
Thank you ladies. I'm feeling OK I think.

Scan was OK, baby was being really awkward so didn't really see very much so feel a bit ripped off. Had much better private scans before. Babymaker I've replied to pm xx

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