***June Mummies 2016 Tri 2***

Blueclass I managed to get an earlier gender scan and it's on the same day as you :eek:) what time is your appointment? Mines at 11.50. I can't wait :eek:) x
Mine is at 11.20 how far will you be? My nhs one is 27th Jan so 4 weeks after. Just glad il be able to see our baby on the screen floating around xx
Ohh we're close in times aswell :eek:) I'm due on the 11th June now so I'll be 16+1 weeks when I have the gender scan.My 20 week scan is on 22nd January but I'm too impatient to wait that long lol x
Yes to gutted mine is the end of Jan and il be 21 weeks. That's why I want the scan xx
Morning ladies, hope everyone is well? I've been away at my Dad's since Saturday hence being quiet, not home til late tomorrow and straight into work! Then it's my gender scan on Wednesday morning can't wait yet petrified xx
Yay, not long to wait! I know we've all been/still are feeling rubbish but I cant believe we are already finding out the gender! seems like just last week we were frantically testing to make sure our little beans were still going strong:)
I've had lots of dreams lately that i'm having a boy. Not sure what that means lol! I'm pretty sure this will be our last baby so I guess i have a little secret wish for a girl.... If i had a girl already I'd want a boy this time. What time is your scan on Wed's? I'm so nervous and excited for mine on Sunday! eek!
It's at 11:50 so not a huge wait around thankfully. I am still in shock that I'm 16wks and finding out the gender! Time has flown by even with feeling so ill for most of the last 12wks since our bfps. I'm swaying more to girl for me again after thinking boy for the last 3wks but still have this doubt that I wouldn't be so lucky to get what I want for the 3rd time. Just anxious to know now xx
Hi ladies good and crazy to see people are getting gender scans. I still can't believe I'm 14 weeks and my gender scan will be in two weeks. So exciting but still I worry every single day. I went shooting on the weekend and it was brilliant but the hotel we stayed in was so hot and stuffy it gave me a sore throat. I went to work this morning only to be sent home before I'd even took my coat of. I can barely talk and when I do its so sore it makes my eyes water. It's my little brother bday today so need to see him later. All I want to do is sleep. X
Am I the only one not finding out?

I'm so excited about Christmas for my daughter at the moment I'm not really thinking much about my pregnancy. I should probably feel bad about that, but she's not going to get much undivided attention once baby two comes along so I think she deserves being centre of my world for now.

We put our tree up at the weekend. Other than one present still to buy we are all ready. How about everyone else?
Our tree is up but no decorations as it took so long to put it up we couldn't be bothered. Meant to do it today but now i'm ill we can wait. Presents however are all done and wrapped finished all that in November x
Hi ladies,
I'm the same full of cold and getting continuous headaches...was supposed to go on a course tomorrow but have bailed...
On the plus side, booked my gender scan for the 5th January, so on countdown now...having a mw appt on 24th Dec, so she can try to listen to baby...just for peace of mind
Though my placenta is anterior this time, hoping that doesn't affect it...
Am getting some small flutterings xx
Our tree is up but no decorations as it took so long to put it up we couldn't be bothered. Meant to do it today but now i'm ill we can wait. Presents however are all done and wrapped finished all that in November x

Got our tree up to but no decs lol!
Our tree is up but no decorations as it took so long to put it up we couldn't be bothered. Meant to do it today but now i'm ill we can wait. Presents however are all done and wrapped finished all that in November x

Got our tree up to but no decs lol!
Well I didn't put the decorations up last night iv been hit with what feel like flu. I can't get out of bed this is my second day of. I'm aching, can't hear, throat is like a razor blade the list is endless. I feel bad as I had a week of the other week and now im of again. Luckily my work have been really understanding and saw how I'll I was as they sent me home before I'd even took my coat of yesterday morning. I had the flu jab at 8 weeks thought it stopped all this. X
Oh no Blueclass :( hope you feel better soon. I have a mild cold/cough and that is bad enough. Just rest up and take it easy. Pregnancy isn't easy at all and getting ill is so much worse xx
I know and i'm trying but it's the last week of school and I'd really like to be there. I'm missing Santa giving the kids presents today. I'm now sat in the doctors x
Feel better soon blueclass ;-)
I haven't been on a few days, but I'm still here! Had to go off sick too yesterday, heart started racing and I near fainted in the office kitchen! Back in today though - think it was just exhaustion, was singing carols in the freezing cold for two hours in a shopping centre on Saturday, followed by a concert, then 2 more concerts back to back on Sunday! Have had enough! Luckily, just one more next weekend and that's it for singing until the new year ;-)
Hope you're all keeping well - think we've just about agreed to keep the gender a surprise at the birth. I'd quite like to keep that moment!
Thanks. You have been busy! I was in Oxford Saturday then spent the whole day Sunday kn a shooting range in the cold. Think that's y I'm ill. Just got back from doctors and iv got a temperature and an infection. Been put on antibiotics and told bed rest. She also said not to go back to work but il take tomorrow of and go back Thursday as I finish Friday for Christmas. X
Well take it easy - nice to catch the last couple of days though.
I'm done next Monday for Christmas, plus work do. Just trying to get everything done now so I can be sure of the whole time off. Although I have been promised it - last Christmas was horrible, just worked all through!

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