***June Mummies 2016 Tri 2***

Morning ladies! I cant believe its so close to Christmas now. My nausea/sickness seems to be at its worst over the past couple of weeks, I thought it would be starting to calm down now.

Kanga, i hope you feel better soon, have you tried lemon and honey to sooth your throat?
Lottie I haven't tried lemon and honey as I can't stand the stuff, can't even drink lemsips when not pregnant either.

I spent about 2 hours wrapping presents on Sunday night whilst watching home alone on TV lol

Babymaker enjoy your Christmas away at your family's and revealing the gender. I still need to take some reveal pics, and will probably send them out via email/ fb messenger on Christmas Day.

I've also bought a few sleepsuits and although it is warm in June, I still used some with Harry who was born in July. But he was mostly in vests and short rompers.

I am feeling a lot better about baby as the days go by, I think having a name and buying a few bits has helped me bond with him. Just need more movements now and looking forward to our 20wk scan. Also having a plan for the future, whether or not it may happen makes it easier to as it gives me hope as this isn't my last and final chance. I'm not sure how I will feel of I don't get a girl in the future but at the moment it gives me hope and who knows in 5-6 yrs time I won't have this strong urge to have a girl and will be content with my 3 boys xx
That's great news Kanga:) I have a friend who has 3 boys and she couldnt be happier. Hope your cough goes soon xx
Can anyone feel the baby move??? I’m getting little popping feelings I love it! XX
Can anyone feel the baby move??? I’m getting little popping feelings I love it! XX

I've felt it since 12 weeks, the last few days have been very obvious. When I use the doppler I feel her squiggle around and follow her lol
Hi ladies,

Could I also be added to the list on the first page? I'm due 18th June.

Many thanks
Hi girls congrats on all the scans! Exciting times. I'm still in Africa enjoying the sunshine nt missing England at all. I've booked my gender scan for 29th when we get back so excited although I'm convinced it's a boy! Hope everyone has a lovely Xmas xx
Going by LMP Im due 2nd June and no one has properly measured baby yet and given me a more accurate date.
Going by ovulation it'll be a late May baby

I just can't believe there's a miniature human inside of me, it's unfathomable - when does it sink in?!
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Hi ladies i don't think iv felt anything yet but Il only be 16 weeks Friday. Plus I don't really get what a popping feeling is.... maybe il know when I feel it. This is my first so don't think I will feel he or she for a few weeks. I am having gender scan on Sunday. I can't wait to see baby. Had a little listen on the doppler last night as got my 4yr nephew and he wanted to listen. We then went to build a bear and he made one for our baby too, bless him.
We're all ready for Christmas but first my tablet broke then our oven blew up - good thing we're going away for Christmas as they can't deliver the new one until after! Last day at work tomorrow. So looking forward to getting away.
Oh no Maud, things always go wrong just before Christmas. We had our fridge break Christmas eve 2yrs ago! Have a lovely time away.

I still feel like death and my in laws made me see the doctor, she said it's just a really bad cold and everything is bunged up even my ears. But there isn't anything she can give me :( She did want to sign me off work but I told her I'm only working tonight and tomorrow then have 10 days off and my boss is an arsehole so not worth phoning in sick, she wasn't pleased though and ordered me to be on bed rest otherwise. Which is obviously not possible with 2 kids at home and hubby at work! xx
I would have let doc sign me off work kanga. your boss does sound like a right ass. if its any consulation I woke up all bunged up this morning and have got progressively worse as the day went on. I have never felt so miserable with a cold in my life. hop you feel better soon. xx
I probably should have done but it wasn't worth the hassle. I did just 2hrs and got paid for 4hrs so can't complain too much. I'm now tucked up on the sofa so that I can cough and not disturb everyone. Hope you feel better soon too Love87, I've not felt this bad with a cold for a long time either! xx
Fingers crossed you'll feel better by Christmas x
I hope so Maud. Although thankfully my cough isn't as bad today so hopefully by Christmas day I will be fine. Luckily I got everything organised last week so don't have to worry about running around. Just 6 or so presents to wrap I think and a bit of tidying to do, and maybe a little bit of shopping tonight after work xx
I felt terrible all last week. Doctor put me on antibiotics as I had a chestnut fection. My ears was awful to so doctor told me to use olive oil. It has helped alot. I'm still snotty as have a cold but olive oil and putting Vicks in the sink with boiling water and a towel over my head has worked really well. I was also taking 8 paracetamol a day as I couldn't get out of bed. Husband had to take holiday from work so he could help me. Lots of rest girls and all the above and hopefully il your be feeling better soon. Xx
Oh Blueclass that sounds awful :( I'm really struggling today, felt a bit better yesterday so blitzed a few jobs but man am I feeling it today. Up all night coughing again plus woke up with a banging head and everything feel so achey and sore. Wish hubby wasn't in work til 5 pm as I could do with going back to bed, just got to hope the boys behave today.

I'm sure I will pop on again before tomorrow, but just want to wish a very Merry Christmas to us all, and enjoy your last Christmas as a two, three or even four person family as next year we will all have an extra little person at the table with us :) xx
Iv still got my cough however I am sleeping much better. I still need the loo alot in the night and wake up so thirsty which does not help.
Tomorrow I will be 16 weeks and it seems crazy most of us have been talking since we found out we was expecting. I still find it hard to believe a little one is in me and even listening on my doppler is just madness. I probably sound mad but I think I'm struggling to enjoy being pregnant. I'm still worried things will go wrong or something. We got a pram now as it was in the sale and so was cheap we couldn't not buy it but it's at mother in laws. I'm hoping after Sunday when we find out the sex that I will calm down and start enjoying it. I also think once baby starts moving then I will like it more but as a first times I'm thinking I will still have a few weeks of nothing.
Anyway hope everyone has a great day tomorrow and enjoy as next year will be different for us all. I am very busy tomorrow two lots of family in one day!! Hope you all get lots of nice presents. I for one will enjoy receiving some gifts as I think next year mine will be limited and baby will get tons!!

Hope you feel better soon kanga. What if you put a movie on give the boys some pop corn would they sit and watch a film?
Oh no blueclass and kanga, horrible to not be feeling well again. Hope you both feel better soon.

Just wanted to wish you all a merry Christmas as I'll probably not get on later, going to try to relax today as think I overdone it yesterday lifting two year old around London on the trains and had a bit of bleeding last night but nothing since so hopefully I just over did it and I've learnt my lesson!

Have a good one everyone xx

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