***June Mummies 2016 Tri 2***

No you don't need to find it its just if you knew he was def rhesus negative then u don't have to have the injection but it doesn't matter either way really. We never found out and our daughter is positive so obviously my oh is too. Glad ur feeling better I'm still sick every day it's so hard with a toddler to attend to as well. But we go away on Monday to Africa for 2 weeks so I'm looking forward to some sun! X
Oh no!! Sorry you’re feeling ill that’s not fun at all….. Oh wow Africa!! I went for three weeks when I was younger beautiful place, but you can’t wait to get some sun! might make you feel bit better getting away xx
Oh, have a wonderful time keeptrying, that sounds fantastic!
Hi all! Hope everyone is ok and that the sickness is easing.
Glittergal, i did the test and got girl. No fizz at all! Will find out the sex in 10 days eek! Are you finding out?
Kanga, not heard from you for a while. Are you ok? You must be 16 weeks. Any movements?? I feel little tickles if i lie still in bed. Assume its baby but not 100% sure. Not long till your gender scan:)
Hi girls!

All ok in scan, baby was jumping about and playing fisticuffs! None of my other babies ever moved at 12 weeks...
It's put our minds at ease, had a text from my eldest ds, asking all ok, and then he told me he's been worried, he's only 11! Cue the tears in the middle of John Lewis after The scan....
Going to definately book a 16 week scan just to bridge the gap, but really hoping this is all good news and we will have our rainbow baby xx thank you for ur suportive messages xx
Hey ladies sorry I've been abit awol since the weekend it has been a stressful time and had a super busy week too. Think I'm feeling better now so I thought I would pop back on.

Fab news on all the scans recently and welcome to all the new tri 2 graduates :) Feels good that we will all be in the same place again rather than split.

Babymaker I'm 16wks today actually :) and my scan is in just 6days! I am feeling movements sometimes strong like pokes, others little tickly feelings. They are regular though and some days when really busy I've don't feel anything. Can't wait for them to get regular.

Other than the family drama which I think is sorted out I have been getting myself really worked up about my scan next week. On one hand I am so excited to find out the gender and see baby but on the other I am so scared I will be disappointed with another boy. The want for a girl is so strong and I feel awful about it. I feel incredibly lucky to have two healthy boys and another baby on the way that I hate myself for being so picky about the gender when others struggle, including my friend, for just one baby.

I have updated the front page with the info I found but please let me know if any thing is incorrect or if I've missed your scan dates off xx
Hi ladies hope all is well. Wish I was going to Africa! I am however going to Oxford on weekend and we are going shooting, axe and knife throwing. I am a little nervous as I'm obviously I'm pregnant but I won't so the shot guns. Il use the little guns and I think I should be ok but I tried to call the hospital to ask for advice but they didn't call me back. So now I'm not sure.
How r u feeling kanga with the sickness? Don't feel bad for saying u want a girl I think everyone goes thro that when they have two or more of the same sex. My uncle is expecting his third and he really wants a girl this time. Xx
Thanks blue class I can't wait just getting nervous about the flight with a 15 month old but it will be lovely when we r there! I don't think there is anything wrong with shooting but maybe text ur me for reassurance x
I don't have my own mw yet. I called the epu for advice no one answered so left a message but no one called back. Xx
I had a booking in appointment but she didn't say she was my mw. I still don't have any notes. I'm wondering if u should change hospital.xx
Hey ladies sorry I've been abit awol since the weekend it has been a stressful time and had a super busy week too. Think I'm feeling better now so I thought I would pop back on.

Fab news on all the scans recently and welcome to all the new tri 2 graduates :) Feels good that we will all be in the same place again rather than split.

Babymaker I'm 16wks today actually :) and my scan is in just 6days! I am feeling movements sometimes strong like pokes, others little tickly feelings. They are regular though and some days when really busy I've don't feel anything. Can't wait for them to get regular.

Other than the family drama which I think is sorted out I have been getting myself really worked up about my scan next week. On one hand I am so excited to find out the gender and see baby but on the other I am so scared I will be disappointed with another boy. The want for a girl is so strong and I feel awful about it. I feel incredibly lucky to have two healthy boys and another baby on the way that I hate myself for being so picky about the gender when others struggle, including my friend, for just one baby.

I have updated the front page with the info I found but please let me know if any thing is incorrect or if I've missed your scan dates off xx

Aww dont feel bad kanga! After 2 of the same sex it's only natural to hope for the opposite. Have you sent your scan pics to Gender Expert? Ive sent my 6wk one (for Ramzi theory) and my 12wk one (for nub theory) but both came back inconclusive:roll:
Perhaps write a list of all the pro's of having another boy and if it turns out it is a blue bundle, then you have a little reminder to look at everytime you feel a bit down? Im sure that even if it is a boy you will fall madly in love with him when you see him:hugs:
Babymaker how do you and where do you send your scans to??xx
How r u feeling kanga with the sickness? Don't feel bad for saying u want a girl I think everyone goes thro that when they have two or more of the same sex. My uncle is expecting his third and he really wants a girl this time. Xx
I'm doing pretty good with the sickness now, I am still on 3 ondansetron a day to keep it at bay. But *touchwood* I've not been sick in weeks and apart from getting nauseous when I over do it or don't get enough sleep I feel good. It is so much better this time than with James, he was my worst pregnancy by far. I still have got to take my tablets in time though as if I'm just an hour later I start to feel horrendous. How are you doing? xx
Hey ladies sorry I've been abit awol since the weekend it has been a stressful time and had a super busy week too. Think I'm feeling better now so I thought I would pop back on.

Fab news on all the scans recently and welcome to all the new tri 2 graduates :) Feels good that we will all be in the same place again rather than split.

Babymaker I'm 16wks today actually :) and my scan is in just 6days! I am feeling movements sometimes strong like pokes, others little tickly feelings. They are regular though and some days when really busy I've don't feel anything. Can't wait for them to get regular.

Other than the family drama which I think is sorted out I have been getting myself really worked up about my scan next week. On one hand I am so excited to find out the gender and see baby but on the other I am so scared I will be disappointed with another boy. The want for a girl is so strong and I feel awful about it. I feel incredibly lucky to have two healthy boys and another baby on the way that I hate myself for being so picky about the gender when others struggle, including my friend, for just one baby.

I have updated the front page with the info I found but please let me know if any thing is incorrect or if I've missed your scan dates off xx

Aww dont feel bad kanga! After 2 of the same sex it's only natural to hope for the opposite. Have you sent your scan pics to Gender Expert? Ive sent my 6wk one (for Ramzi theory) and my 12wk one (for nub theory) but both came back inconclusive:roll:
Perhaps write a list of all the pro's of having another boy and if it turns out it is a blue bundle, then you have a little reminder to look at everytime you feel a bit down? Im sure that even if it is a boy you will fall madly in love with him when you see him:hugs:
I haven't sent my pics actually I might do that now and see what it says, gives me something to think about lol I was so sure it was a girl til my 12wk scan, but I don't know if I'm trying to think it's a boy so I don't feel disappointed. I will do a list but I'm not sure the pro list for a boy will be longer than for a girl though :( that sounds awful though. If I know the disappointment will last all of a few mins if it is a boy though as boys are just fab! xx
Yes boys are fab:) i have 2 much younger brothers, lots of boy cousins, a nephew (and another nephew on the way), and of course my DS so ive been around mostly boys all my life. If we do have a girl i'll have to dig deep to find my girly girl side lol!

Just got back from my son's nativity play. Totally welled up seeing my little shepherd sing xmas songs and having a good time:)

Blueclass, here's the website: https://www.thegenderexperts.com
They take about 1 week to get back to you unless you pay for a speedy response.

Let us know if they come back with a result. Xx
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It took ages for it to process this morning, kept pressing submit and it did nothing. Done one for both ramzi and nub theory. Will probably know the sex by the time I get the results lol

I'm not girly girl either so I know I will struggle to find it but excited at the thought of doing something different. I never wear make up etc so doing hair and pretty dresses is scary but something I want to do.

Aww I bet the nativity was so sweet with all the kiddies dressed up. Our nursery just had the kids sing a few songs for us parents and that was cute to see xx
Had anyone experienced a dull ache in their belly? I'm 14 weeks today and feel a bit odd and have a weird belly ache. It's like a dull ache. I'm not sure if this is normal and worry about every little thing.

Just booked my gender scan for 27th December il be 16+1 can't wait xx
Hi everyone, catching up. Internet problems last couple of days and feel like my arm was cut off. Hope you are all well....
So jealous of all your gender scans, mine has to wait till Jan as they will not do gender until 20 weeks here.
Woke up this morning with a headache and have it all day! Paracetamol did not touch the sides. Also vomited this morning. The Joys of pregnancy huh? Haha

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