***June Mummies 2016 Tri 2***

Hi girls haven't been on for a while but had my scan Monday everything is fine and due 16th June. I'm convinced it's a boy this time. Sickness still going strong and still taking meds but taking each day as it comes. Hope all of u ladies are wellxx
Hey everyone,
I can’t wait to find the sex out!! I’m really struggling with headaches….. Been really bad the last 3 weeks! I’m also 15 weeks today yippieeee xxx
Ooh, talking of headaches, thanks for all the 4head recommendations, that stuff does seem to ease things a bit! Have you tried that one sjenkins?
Congrats on the scan too keeptrying :)

Blueclass, see how many hints you can drop before someone catches on lol
I just went to a costume sale (work at a tv studio) and had to cave and tell a couple of colleagues as I bought 2 baby tops!
Yes I told Blueclass about 4head I have gone through three already is does help xx
Wonder which of us will give birth first?! I am so impatient, I just wish we could get closer to June!

Me to!! Is this your first, sorry there's so many of us I sometimes forget who's on what child. Xx
4 head does defo help iv been struggling terribly with head aches. I'm suddenly been hit with tiredness this week and today iv felt sick but only just started to heave but nothing comes up. My belly feels big and uncomfortable and tight. Not sure if it's a toileting issue. Got a bit of a belly ache. Il be 14 weeks fri and people at work think I'm much further on because of the size. I thought things would get easier this week but it feels just as hard and spots are back. I also thought the worrying might get better but everytime I feel ill I'm worried something bad will happen.
I'm so grateful to be pregnant but I feel so fed up at the min. I feel like im never going to get back to me. When people talk to me they only want to know about the baby. Feels my identity is slowly being taken and it's only 14 weeks!!
Sorry rant over xx
4head is my life at the moment only thing that helps my headaches!! Oh hun I'm feeling bit fed up as well it comes and goes xx
I'm worried I'm not really feeling streaching pains and at almost 14 weeks should I not be feeling these. X
Babe don't be worried everyone is different I just have bad back pain haven't had much stretching pains xx
Scan in morning....a bit scared...
Tri 2 on Sunday as long as everything is ok tomorrow...
Nervous as I had a mmc which was after my 11+4 week scan last pregnancy, wasn't spotted till 15 weeks... so just struggling to be positive...even tho I've still got all the nausea and added acid reflux now xx
Just had a massive crying fit was fine then said I need to cry and started crying. Husband thinks I'm crazy lol. I'm so tired but I know if I sleep I will be up at say 12 and won't be able to sleep again.
Good luck tomorrow I'm sure you will be fine x
Yeah Blueclass it's my first, that's why I'm being so stressed about everything!

Good luck for tomorrow Kuku. X
I'm the same I stress about everything think I drive people mad xx
Hello Ladies, I'm moving over to the 2nd trimester. Can't believe we're here already! :)
Hi ladies,
Got a letter from my midwife and my blood type is D negative and have to go for some injection when I’m 28 weeks and 30 weeks pregnant. Anyone else had this?? xx
Thought I would try it as a bit of fun and came up both times with the girl result.
Wondering if anyone has actually done it who knows for definite what they are having or if anyone has done it with previous pregnancies 😁
Sjekins I am rhesus negative too. Nothing to worry about I found out when I was pregnant with my daughter. You have anti d injection at 28 weeks and another when the baby is born if it is rhesus positive. However you will always have the 28 week one as they can't tell what rhesus status your baby is until it is born. If you got any questions please let me know. Oh also u have one if you badly bump your bump to stop ur blood mixing xx
Thanks hun for letting me know! Didn’t even know what blood type I was until now! Also getting little butterfly feelings at the bottom of my tummy swear I can feel the baby… I’m 15 weeks 1 day so don’t know if I’m just going mad haha! xxx
Do you know what blood type ur partner is? If he is rhesus negative then your baby can't be positive but if he is positive you got a 75% chance of baby being positive too. Ah that's so exciting when you feel first movements i remember them feeling like little flutters and bubbles to start with! How r u finding pregnancy? Enjoying it or hate it as much as I do?! X
No my partner doesn’t know…. Do we need to find out? Yeah it’s like strange popping feeling I felt it yesterday for the first time and I was like what is that!!! I wasn’t enjoying the start of my pregnancy as I felt ill most of the time I feel ok now! But I get bad headaches now…. Can’t win! How you feeling??? I’m so new to everything when I got that letter about my blood I have no idea about this xxx

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