***June Mummies 2016 Tri 2***

How do I post a picture? I can't remember x
Rebex, if you do it as a post reply instead if quick reply, you can add attachments there ;-)
Thanks yorkslass, it's still not letting me do it though x


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Any gender guesses welcome :eek:) I've got a gender scan booked for 30th December can't wait! X
I never quite know what people are looking at when they guess the gender!
Hi ladies! Been another super busy weekend so ive not been on here much.
My 20wk scan date finally came in the post today!
Kanga, pls put me down for 21st Jan when I'll be 21 weeks:)

Rebex, lovely scan pic! Im going to guess boy for you xx
I'm so gutted my scan will be at 21 weeks so 27th Jan. I'm going to book a private gender scan for 16 weeks x
Thanks babymaker I already have 3 boys so it wouldn't be a surprise if it is a boy haha x
I'm so gutted my scan will be at 21 weeks so 27th Jan. I'm going to book a private gender scan for 16 weeks x

Yeah ive got one at 16wks too. The 20wk scan was originally 13th Jan (19+6) but had to change it as we'll be on holiday then. This way it'll be day after we get back so something to look forward to in case I get holiday blues;-)
Wish I was having a holiday but I can't afford one. My scan will be nice just gutted my 20 weeks one is at 21 weeks. The hospital must be really busy.

Has anyone experienced pain in... well its kind of my bus cheeks but right at the top to the side of that makes sense. I'm wondering if it's because I sleep on my sides and even though I'm 13 weeks I look hugh! Maybe is it to much pressure? Or maybe I just hurt myself without knowing.

I also emailed my other job today the manager and my team leader and so far I have not had a response not really sure where to go from here. X
That's such a nice clear scan picture Rebex!

I had a private scan today with a consultant who said that everything looked fine (after my NHS one when they couldn't measure the nuchal thickness). I had the Harmony test (blood test for trisomy screening that is more accurate than the standard NHS screening tests) anyway as I felt I'd be happier with all the information I could get. The results should be back within a week. Even the scan reassured me to be honest, the private scanning is just so much more thorough and less rushed than NHS scanning (in my experience). Baby was lying face down today so the photos are a bit rubbish!

Oh, the consultant said he would stick with my original due date of 10 June, even though at the NHS scan they moved me to 11 June. I think for the purposes of here I might just stick with 10 June as I can't be bothered changing my ticker!

Blueclass, could it be SI joint pain? I know people can get that during pregnancy (but I don't know much about it myself).
We're due the same day! My baby was face down so the lady made me lift my bum of the bed and giggle my tummy. Il look that up in a sec xx
Wonder which of us will give birth first?! I am so impatient, I just wish we could get closer to June!
Tri hopping but glad your scan was good this time Siskin. The private ones are amazing IMO too. I know the nhs does their best but it's not always good enough with some things, sadly.

Look up PGP and SPD Blueclass, sounds like a classic symptom often misdiagnosed as sciatica. You might need a physio referral. X
I'm going to book my private scan for Jan next week. I was going to find out the sex but now i'm slowly changing my mind!!! oh i dont know what to do. I stayed team yellow with DD and it was amazing when she was born, my mam always says there is very few surprises left in life, and a baby's sex is one of them. But I'm also a very impatient person....anybody else staying team yellow? Would be much easier if someone else is doing the same! :)
Hey ladies. I'm doing OK just had a stressful and emotional weekend away at my sisters for my neices 5th birthday. Had 2hrs sleep sunday night and then drove 2hrs home yesterday and had to go to work. Been busy today with the boys and struggling with a headache plus work later. Promise to catch up properly soon just need time to sort my head out xx
I brought a Christmas jumper from mother care. It says making my little pudding. Now I thought it was pretty obvious especially coz iv put weight on but hardly no one noticed. They all said nice jumper that's it. It will be announced in the school meeting tomorrow afternoon. Today was my first day back at school after a week of and I feel shattered we told the kids in my class and they was really sweet and excited xx

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