***June Mummies 2016 Tri 2***

Don’t know why I said my scan was on the 20th!! It’s on the 13th of Jan whoops xxx
I just did the ring test and it moved in a circular motion but I cannot remember if it indicates boy or girl... Anybody?
I would say girl for round and round xx
I am surprised with myself being creative as I'm not really. I even had to edit the pic as only had blue booties and didn't want people thinking it was another boy lol xx
Hey ladies, I'm an official Tri2 gal! Woooooo. 13+1 today. Scan was amazing xxx
lovely scan pic overthemoon. so glad everything went well. welcome to tri 2. x
Welcome to Tri 2 overthemoon :) Do you have a 20wk Scan date? I will add it to the front page if so.

I feel so tired today my mattresses that meant to arrive yesterday afternoon were delivered this morning at 7am! Plus need to get everyone up and dressed and ready to take hubby to work so I can have the car to go to the shops. We should have our touran on the road later today after hubby does a tyre for the mot so thankfully we will have 2 cars again xx
Think i over did it today. Weather here was miserable the rain has not stopped all day but i had to go to the shops in the cold and rain. Spent about 2 hours out and now i have cramps :( nothing major just feels like usual pregnancy cramps. Think an evening on the sofa with a warm blanket is in order. (If DD decides to start behaving herself that is)
Good morning ladies it feels so good being in here at last. My next scan is 21 weeks so I'm gutted it will be 27 Jan and the same time 3.10pm so have to wait all day. Xx
Evening ladies! Hope everyone is well?
I still havent had my 20wk scan appt in the post:-( At my 12wk scan they said i'd get a letter within 14days and on Monday it will be 2 weeks since my scan. So i'll phone up on tues if nothing's arrived. Im not normally bothered by post but the past 2 weeks ive almost been racing my son to get the post every morning when it arrives lol!

Hubby's out tonight so it's just been me, my lush warm blanket, choccies (naughty but nice), Strictly followed by X Factor. Bliss! During one of the X Factor breaks I was bored and thought I'd try the bicarbonate of soda gender test. Well, nothing happened. Not even a little fizz so i guess that predicts girl. Im sure it's not real but still fun to see if it's right:)
Tri 2 is just as silent as tri 1. Where is everyone?? Xx
Good morning ladies yesterday we told my husbands family about the pregnancy ad they was all over the moon. I tried to used my doppler but couldn't find baby. I don't feel to worried as I k ow baby was ok on Wednesday x though I will try again later or tomorrow xx
Babymaker - sounds like my kind of night! I dont know if i believe all the gender methods. Last pregnancy everything pointed to boy and i had a girl...they are good fun though. I would ring tuesday if you have not got scan appointment.

Blueclass- congrats on telling the in-laws. I think everybody knows im pregnant now as we announced on facebook. I always feel better when everybody knows as i no longer have to make up excuses about not drinking etc.... xx
Yes I do feel better now I don't need to make excuses and glad I can say yes when asked if I'm pregnant and no Iv not just put weight on x
Welcome Overthemoon2 it's nice to see another June mummy here x
Hey folks, coming over to tri 2, technically 13 wks today as my scan out me forward a day. Relieved to be here xx
New due date is 13th June and 20 wks scan on the 25th.
Have told our parents this weekend and also my brother - I'm sure my over excited mother will take care of the rest of my side of the family! I near gave her a heart attack, poor woman - this'll be their first grandchild :)
Will tell friends as they come, we're not keen on the facebook type stuff, we're just quite private and I hate fuss!
Hope you're all doing well, ladies xx
Hi everyone I've not been on for a while but just wanted to update you that I've had my dating scan today, they've put me at 13+2 weeks so I'm now due on the 11th June. Hope you're all well x

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