***June Mummies 2016 Tri 2***

Blueclass, glad you're ok. Sounds quite scary. Big hugs!

Kanga, yay for mat leave confirmation! The countdown is on;-)

Double digits for me today. 99 days and counting :yay:

I noticed today that my coat wont zip up anymore and that my normal walking pace is as fast as my 4yr old. Normally i'd be frustrated by how slow he walks but ive seriously slowed down. Can only mean Tri3 is right round the corner! Eek! xx
I can sympathise with the walking. I was walking with my friend today and she turned and said "you walk so slow" usually people are telling me to slow down. If I walk too fast I get a stitch type pain in my bump so I can't walk fast anymore. Happy to know I'm not alone. ..

We are all heading into double digits! :yay:

Lol glad im not the only one. Next i'll be waddling lol!

Saw the midwife today. I keep getting terrible dizzy spells where i almost faint so she's referring me to the hosp for a glucose check. It's one where they'll give me a kit and i have to prick my finger every day for 2 weeks to test my glucose levels. Bit of a pain but needs must. My blood pressure isnt low any more so its either the glucose thing or "just one of those pregnancy things" apparently... Joy!
Also, she said Im measuring a week ahead and I feel huge! Feels like my bump is constantly stretched to the limit. Its very uncomfortable.
Kitty, didnt realise they double in size at this stage but it makes sense with the constant stretching pains i feel. But, i cant moan as i do love my bump:) no worries about holding my tummy in;-)
Hey ladies, just a quick hello from me. Hubby and I have been so ill with sickness bugs the last couple of days and I have managed to make my sciatic pain 20x worse. I can't stand, sit or lie down without being in extreme pain. Can only get comfortable on my front but obviously that only lasts a short time because of bump. Seriously don't know how I'm meant to function if it doesn't ease up soon. Feeling very sorry for myself :(

I am now 27+1 weeks and officially Tri 3 :) will try to set up our Tri 3 thread soon xx
Get lots of rest Kanga. My heart goes out to you. We don't realise just how much we take our bodies for granted until we are pregnant. Hope you feel better soon hun. Yay for tri 3. I shall be following on Wednesday. Although private scan says tomorrow but gonna stick with original dates. Much love and thinking of you. X
Hope you feel better soon I got pgp and that is painful. I'm 25 weeks today and feel uncomfortable. I saw doctor today and he said iv put on a ston since week 12 but I know before pregnancy I was only a few pounds lighter. She said a stone is a little to much. Well my curry tonight won't help with that. I didn't think a stone was too bad x
Hope you feel better soon I got pgp and that is painful. I'm 25 weeks today and feel uncomfortable. I saw doctor today and he said iv put on a ston since week 12 but I know before pregnancy I was only a few pounds lighter. She said a stone is a little to much. Well my curry tonight won't help with that. I didn't think a stone was too bad x

I don't think a stone is bad either :-\ Average is 3 stone during the whole pregnancy I think?!
Does that stone include baby/fluid/placenta ect ect?

Two websites I've just seen say an ideal weight gain (at 26 weeks) is between 16-22lbs!!
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I didnt think a stone would have been too much, considering you are nearly in tri3. I have not been weighed since booking in so not sure what I have put on but I definitely put on weight. I wouldn't worry too much unless you feel yourself that it's too much. It's all guidelines these days but they forget guidelines don't apply to everyone. X
Yes its including everything. I thought a stone was ok I didn't mind it to much till she said it's a little to much. I thought on average people put on 3 stone in pregnancy and i'm almost tri 3. They do say you put the most on then but doubt il put on 2 stone in 15 weeks. If I do il be gutted lol.
Anyway i can't lose it yet so il just have to watch what I eat. X
I don't think a stone is bad as I said I've gained 1.5st at 27 weeks so you're doing better than me. I've never been weighed after booking in during pregnancy to monitor my weight gain. I wouldn't worry about it.

I'm having a shitty evening, in laws have been here alot the last 2 days to help out with the boys as hubby and I can't do anything. Hubby took a turn for the worse again this evening so he is in bed, I've just struggled through the pain to get both boys to bed myself and now I'm back downstairs while my fil watches the rugby!!! Mil is helping and tidied and is now washing up but still it feels wrong that I'm stuck in my own house watching crap on TV that is supposed to be on til 10pm while hubby is upstairs!

Doesn't help when hubby is playing the who has it worst game! Yes I know d&v is horrendous but it only lasts a few days I've done 18+ weeks on sickness and been in agony for weeks on end already without it being so debilitating that I can't walk, sit or lie down with being in complete agony in my bum and all down my leg in a constant cramp. So yes I said to him I would rather still have d&v than the pain I'm in as I don't know when my pain will end least his will only be a few days tops!!! Sorry for ranting feeling very annoyed this evening xx
Aww kanga I'd be annoyed too. Some men got a little bit ill and think they have it bad. My OH has been pretty good. He was ill before but then I got sick and he sees how bad I can get and says ur right you got it worse. Maybe it's because this is our first and it's all new. Maybe if it was our second he would tell me to man up. Luckily my in laws live in Essex and i'm surrey so we don't have to see them much. Tho we fo have to drive the whole way there which drives me mad. It's good they are able to help you and keep the house in order. I wouldn't have that luxury. Can you not say you need to lie down and go up stairs to or lay in one of the boys bed for a while to get some peace?

I got a physio appointment on 14th March can't wait for that as the letter I got to day said 8-12 weeks wait so was shocked to get one so fast. I know a few others on here are waiting for appointments, have you tried calling the department to see when they can get you in?
The NHS says most women put on 1.5-2 stone, but that doesn't seem to match up with what most women say they put on so not sure where they get that data. I've been trying to control my weight gain a bit as don't want to blimp with a toddler to care for. Last time I stayed within the NHS guidelines but I had a reduced appetite for most of my pregnancy. This time round I am constantly hungry and lacking self control so I am constantly feeling guilty about my gluttony. Yesterday I had 3 chocolate bars and 2 cupcakes!!

Men do seem to struggle to deal with illness. Whenever we get a sickness bug I'm expected to get back to full-time toddler entertainment within a day or so but my OH always takes 3-4 days to recover and it does grate on me sometimes. I'm lucky that he will help when I really can't do it though. He has been a lot less sympathetic to my pregnancy pains etc this time though. So long as he steps back up when baby comes I guess I can't complain...
Thankfully hubby has been alot better today and running round looking after us all as I still can't move about :( but he is getting me food and drink and doing everything for the boys so feeling happier today in some ways.

I have just started up the Tri 3 thread eek!! xx
That's good his feeling able to help you out. You sound like you could do with a rest. It's so exciting to think we are nearly there. I might move across at 26 as this tri seems so long! I feel this pregnancy has gone so fast so far x
Rest up Kanga. My hubby cooked dinner yesterday. I do it 99% of the time so it was so nice to have it handed up to me! :) get as much rest as you can won't feel it now and our babies will be here.
I am making the most of doing nothing but wish I had more positions I can get comfortable in. Constantly have a hot water bottle strapped to my bum which is helping until I stand up. Just going up to the loo and back and I just collapse in pain on the sofa. Dreading him going to back to work on Monday. Looking into getting a chiropractor appt as I've read that can really help and I'm at the point where I would pay anything to be fixed xx
Looks as though I may see a chiropractor tomorrow or Monday afternoon :) fingers crossed she can see me tomorrow and can relieve some of this pain xx
My midwife and doctors don't care, just told to deal with it and got prescribed co codamol. I'm suffering from pregnancy was what my doc said plus when I said the pain was worse than previous pregnancies his answer was well you are older now!! So not not much help unfortunately xx
Oh wow that's surprising. I would not expect that from someone. Can you not ask to see a different doctor? Spd and pgp are well known and they say you don't have to just deal with it and that they can refer you. I'd ask for a different doctor and demand to be put forward for physio. So what if your older you shouldn't have to put up with it.x
My midwife and doctors don't care, just told to deal with it and got prescribed co codamol. I'm suffering from pregnancy was what my doc said plus when I said the pain was worse than previous pregnancies his answer was well you are older now!! So not not much help unfortunately xx

I know its not everyone's thing but about 4 years ago I had a horrific knee injury that I won't go into details with but it means I get ongoing muscle and joint pain, what finally sorted it was acupuncture. A couple of months ago I had ligament pain from pregnancy, did a couple of acupuncture sessions and haven't had it since. Its perfectly safe just make them aware your pregnant.
I've never had much luck down here from doctors or midwives, would much rather pay to see a chiropractor who is seeing me on on a Sunday! Than wait for a physio appt. She specialises in pregnant ladies and newborns so I have a lot of faith in it working. Will let you know how I get on xx

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