***June Mummies 2016 Tri 2***

Saw the chiropractor this morning and feel so much better. I can't believe it, it can take a few more days for the inflammation to go down and relief the rest of the pain but OMG seriously it was the best thing I did. Apparently my pelvis was completely misaligned putting pressure on the sacroiliac joint and piriformis muscle which compressed my sciatic nerve. Will have to go back next week and then hopefully just monthly til baby is here to help keep my pelvis in line xx
Glad your feeling better kanga. Hopefully once a month will sort you out.

Not had hardly any feeling today maybe twice. I layed down for a while but still nothing. Last night she was going crazy. Not sure if I should be worried? Iv tried moving around, got on all 4s, jumped around and had something sugary. Not sure what else to try. I normally feel her throughout the day but not today x
Caught up on call the midwife today, not watching it anymore, the women pulling on the umbilical cord has properly scarred me.
I would phone up your maternity unit blueclass. They usually recommend having a really cold drink and lie on your side with no distractions for an hour and if you don't get movements then they get you to go in for a ctg. Have you tried your doppler? My boys have always started kicking like crazy if I use it. Keep us updated xx
Il call them now and see I'm sure it's fine but not used to not feeling her. I did use the doppler and sounds ok but they tell you not to rely on that xx
They said I could go and they would listen but wouldn't trace. I think il have a shower and lie down again. I'm sure I'm just over worrying xx
Really I've never heard of them not doing a trace for reduced movements. Hope you cget some wriggles after your shower and she is just having a quiet day. I think they do sleep more during big growth spurts so maybe she isn't moving as strongly xx
Hope so, I'm feeling e training hungry and tired today maybe it's the growth squrt x
They'll only trace over 28 weeks at my centre. Anything before is just Doppler xx
Try not to worry Blueclass, it's a really good sign you've heard baba. I'm sure she's just having a big snooze xxx
So I waited and waited and eventually half an hour decided iv still not felt her move so better to get her checked. She sounds fine on the doppler and they are happy but they discovered I have a urine infection so good thing I came. Just need to wait for doctor as it's a formality then I can go home. I hope so won't always be this difficult x
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Glad you got checked out and hope you feel better soon. Hopefully she won't be a monkey the whole pregnancy xx
Thanks kanga me to. Only just got home as I had to wait for doctor even after I knew everything. I'm so glad we are nearly in tri 3 one step closer to having her in my arms. Though I know that will bring a whole new lot of worries! I'm constantly scared something will go wrong all the time. Hubby tells me of saying I should be enjoying being pregnant but I'm not, not really. Oh well I better try and sleep got work in the morning.

Night all and thanks xx
Morning ladies. Hope you are all well. So glad all is OK blueclass. :hugs:
I am off to the doc today (hopefully can get an appointment) my right boob is so swollen and sore. I'm really worried as it is just the one breast so hopefully I can get some answers. :)
Hope your doctor appt goes well Love87, sounds very painful and reminds me of mastitis, but thought you could only get that while breastfeeding due to blocked milk ducts. Sometimes it needs antibiotics to clear.

Wow blueclass that was a late night at the hospital, hope work isn't too bad today for you.

I'm in a bit more pain today, it is alot better than before seeing the chiropractor as I can walk about in mild pain rather than excruciating pain but sitting is still impossible which makes eating tricky unless I stand or lie down!
Really don't know what to do about work as I know the 20 min drive each way is going to be agony but I do get paid 4 hrs for doing about 2.5hrs work so wondering if I should just suck it up for the next 2 weeks before I have a week off and then just 2 more weeks after that.
I have my midwife appt today and have my 28wk bloods done. May mention about being referred for a physio appt again and see what happens xx
Guess who ended up in hospital again this morning....
Yes me! Iv been so unlucky recently, on my way to work a driver came bashing into the back of me which made me hit the car in front. Good news baby sounds fine but I was so scared. The poor woman I front who I hit was on her way to hospital to be induced!! Don't think k she will need that now x
OMG blueclass, so glad you and baby are ok. Hope that's your lot for hospitals for a little while! U don't think the lady may need inducing either lol

I have learnt today that I must not rely on my memory for appt times. Thought mw was 12:20 but it was 12:00 so arrived late and not sure if I will be seen! xx
I know think the hospital seen enough of me to. I tried to call the lady but no answer do guess she in labour. Even though it was not my fault I still feel bad.
I have to wrote everything in diary so I don't forget times and dates. Hope you get seen xx
I was also in hospital last week! Started getting shooting pains up the right side of my back and I couldn’t even walk….. Also had a little bleed and he stopped moving so much, was so scared!!! Been signed off work for a few weeks, have a trapped nerve I also had to stay in hospital and have my anti d injection as I have o negative blood, they have no idea why I was bleeding have to keep eye on it. He’s moving about as I’m typing this so I’m happy again. Hope everyone is well xxx
Love87, what did the doc say?

Blueclass, sorry to hear all the bad luck you've had. That must've been quite a fright! Glad you're ok tho.

Kanga, did the mw see you? Did you get referred? My baby brain is well and truly set in for the long haul. My memory isnt great anyway but now it's just ridiculous! I feel like I'm in a constant fog and cant think or focus properly. It would make me feel better if I knew it would shift once baby is here but it'll only get worse then with the sleep deprivation lol! xx

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