***June Mummies 2016 Tri 2***

Hope you're feeling better now too Kanga, dizziness is no good!

I took Friday off just with sleep deprivation (my boss said I looked like I was exhausted lol) and somehow ended up going to Mothercare to look at prams. Man, that place is crazy... Made a decision though, but we're caught between the Silver Cross Pioneer and the Uppababy Cruz. They're stupid prices, but I reckon I can find some second hand. Any opinions on those?

Also, baby seems to be constantly scooching itself up on one side or the other... ends up in a big protruding uncomfortable lump on my side, pushing out what I assume is it's back and bum. My partner can see the bulge of it very clearly! Do other peoples' babes do that, or is it just mine? :O

Hope you're all doing good xx
Hope you're feeling better now too Kanga, dizziness is no good!

I took Friday off just with sleep deprivation (my boss said I looked like I was exhausted lol) and somehow ended up going to Mothercare to look at prams. Man, that place is crazy... Made a decision though, but we're caught between the Silver Cross Pioneer and the Uppababy Cruz. They're stupid prices, but I reckon I can find some second hand. Any opinions on those?

Also, baby seems to be constantly scooching itself up on one side or the other... ends up in a big protruding uncomfortable lump on my side, pushing out what I assume is it's back and bum. My partner can see the bulge of it very clearly! Do other peoples' babes do that, or is it just mine? :O

Hope you're all doing good xx

Not just yours! My husband pointed out that my belly looked like a bum this morning as baby tends to have her head on one side, and bottom on the other so I look like a two humped camel
Hope you're feeling better now too Kanga, dizziness is no good!

I took Friday off just with sleep deprivation (my boss said I looked like I was exhausted lol) and somehow ended up going to Mothercare to look at prams. Man, that place is crazy... Made a decision though, but we're caught between the Silver Cross Pioneer and the Uppababy Cruz. They're stupid prices, but I reckon I can find some second hand. Any opinions on those?

Also, baby seems to be constantly scooching itself up on one side or the other... ends up in a big protruding uncomfortable lump on my side, pushing out what I assume is it's back and bum. My partner can see the bulge of it very clearly! Do other peoples' babes do that, or is it just mine? :O

Hope you're all doing good xx
Same here. She favours my left side for some reason and sticks what I think is her bum out just below my ribs on that side :)
Ooooh I just realised as of tomorrow I am down to double digits.... 99 days to go! Eek it's getting close now!
Exciting, love87 ;)
Things seem to be going so quick o.o
Glad it's not just me with the sticking out baby then ahaha
Eek how exciting for double digits love87. I didn't realise I was under 100 days, 93 days for me today, scary!

Got my maternity leave confirmation letter from my job this morning. Last work day is Friday 1st April, then have 4 weeks annual leave and maternity leave starts 2nd May at 36+4wks :) Can't wait xx
Pretty sure I just felt baby hiccups for the first time! Like a slow heartbeat, rhythmic tapping. Didn't move my stomach or anything, but felt it whilst laying on my side - does that sounds about right?
Yes that sounds like hiccups ��, its so sweet isn't it, until you are trying to get to sleep and they just wont stop.my 15 month used to hiccup all the time.havent had any so far this time xx
So I ended up in the delivery suite
tonight. Had some leakage but turns out it's ok and nothing to worry about. However the delivery room was so so so so scary. I was sure I was ok but the room terrified me, thought I'd pass out. It was so clinical and plain and actually it dawned on me how scared I am. I'm so not ready for labour not physically or mentally. No idea how I will manage. I couldn't wait for her to come but now I want her to stay in there lol.
Probably sounds ridiculous.
So I ended up in the delivery suite
tonight. Had some leakage but turns out it's ok and nothing to worry about. However the delivery room was so so so so scary. I was sure I was ok but the room terrified me, thought I'd pass out. It was so clinical and plain and actually it dawned on me how scared I am. I'm so not ready for labour not physically or mentally. No idea how I will manage. I couldn't wait for her to come but now I want her to stay in there lol.
Probably sounds ridiculous.

Hope ur ok Hun! Were u in the theatre delivery room by any chance, Bcos they r very cold sterile and clinical...I had my 2nd in one of those, and it wasn't that nice. But ds1 was born in a water birth room which was the total opposite...

Might be worth booking it hospital tour, so U can c the other rooms, for peace of mind xxx
Think it was just a normal room. She did say the birthing centre was nicer. I'm ok now was a bit worried obviously at the time. I am however shattered and running late for work. All I want to do is sleep. X
So I ended up in the delivery suite
tonight. Had some leakage but turns out it's ok and nothing to worry about. However the delivery room was so so so so scary. I was sure I was ok but the room terrified me, thought I'd pass out. It was so clinical and plain and actually it dawned on me how scared I am. I'm so not ready for labour not physically or mentally. No idea how I will manage. I couldn't wait for her to come but now I want her to stay in there lol.
Probably sounds ridiculous.
Oh no blueclass, I'm glad all is OK. If it's any consolation I was the same with my first. I was not ready at all, even at 40 weeks. But when the time came, I didn't even think about it. The room won't make a difference to you because chances are you won't even look around. Your priority will be getting baby out safely. Our brain sort of shifts in labour, it is so hard to explain. Hope you feel better soon. :hugs:
Blueclass, glad you're ok. Sounds quite scary. Big hugs!

Kanga, yay for mat leave confirmation! The countdown is on;-)

Double digits for me today. 99 days and counting :yay:

I noticed today that my coat wont zip up anymore and that my normal walking pace is as fast as my 4yr old. Normally i'd be frustrated by how slow he walks but ive seriously slowed down. Can only mean Tri3 is right round the corner! Eek! xx
Double digits for me as well! The fastest 99 days ever I expect
Blueclass, glad you're ok. Sounds quite scary. Big hugs!

Kanga, yay for mat leave confirmation! The countdown is on;-)

Double digits for me today. 99 days and counting :yay:

I noticed today that my coat wont zip up anymore and that my normal walking pace is as fast as my 4yr old. Normally i'd be frustrated by how slow he walks but ive seriously slowed down. Can only mean Tri3 is right round the corner! Eek! xx
I can sympathise with the walking. I was walking with my friend today and she turned and said "you walk so slow" usually people are telling me to slow down. If I walk too fast I get a stitch type pain in my bump so I can't walk fast anymore. Happy to know I'm not alone. ..

We are all heading into double digits! :yay:
Oh Blueclass glad you're ok. Was it waters you lost? What did they say? xxx
Glad things are ok blueclass, what an ordeal! I'm sure when the time comes, you'll be fine (although it's my first time too, so I know nothing!) we just have to take it as it comes, one day at a time ;-) x
There not really sure what it was as when she checked my cervix was closed which is good. She took some swobs and I need to call tomorrow to see if they know anything. They said she seemed fine and didn't seem overly concerned. The delivery room was so scary they had everything there and it was really busy. Luckily I hears no one screaming or I would have been out the door!! Iv always walked slow but I just waddle song now even slower. I live on the top floor in a flat with no lift it's 2 flights of stairs tho there is about 17 in each. I really struggle with them.
My mw said from 24 to 28 weeks baby will double in size. Did anyone notice a change in those weeks? Il be 25 tomorrow and already struggling. Only 105 days left lol. Xx
My mw said from 24 to 28 weeks baby will double in size. Did anyone notice a change in those weeks? Il be 25 tomorrow and already struggling. Only 105 days left lol. Xx

Obviously Im not at 28 weeks yet, but I've just put bump pictures in my journal of the difference between 22 weeks and 26 weeks. The difference is insane really. I guess by 28 weeks I may not fit through the door xx
My mw said from 24 to 28 weeks baby will double in size. Did anyone notice a change in those weeks? Il be 25 tomorrow and already struggling. Only 105 days left lol. Xx

Obviously Im not at 28 weeks yet, but I've just put bump pictures in my journal of the difference between 22 weeks and 26 weeks. The difference is insane really. I guess by 28 weeks I may not fit through the door xx

Haha I will have to look. I take a pic every week so I will have to look back once I fit 28. X

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