***June Mummies 2016 Tri 2***

Hi everyone is anyone else having trouble sleeping? I have tried everything and this is day 6 of no sleep. I have pilows set up under bump, between my knees at my back, lye on my left side, don't eat big meal or eat late. I've tried baths, chamomile tea, not having the TV only. Using bedroom only for sleeping, going to bed early, staying up a bit later. My alarm goes off at 7 am everyday for work. I'm not napping during the day. I just can't get comfortable!!! Then my mind wanders and that's it awake for hours! Sleep meditations have worked in the past don't don't seem to be effective anymore. I'm so tired.....I just want a decent night sleep! ��������
I totally empathise pip! I've been the same for the last month - it's partly the pgp and the inability to be comfortable, but I tend to fall asleep at about midnight or 1ish, but then wake around 3 from light sleep and then... that's it, can't really do much but doze after that! Playing havoc with work, I just try to get to the weekend every week and then rest as much as possible lol
Luckily, I've never been one for needing huge amounts of sleep, long time insomnia anyway, but as you say, the normal tricks don't seem to be working (and I guess heavy sleeping pills are a no in pregnancy!) It would be nice for us mums to be able to get some kip before the baby arrives, wouldn't it?!
Hope you're doing ok apart from that! It's no fun being a constant zombie lol xx
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The idea of a decent sleeping pill to knock me out sounds like bliss right now!!! Fingers crossed tonight will be the night to sleep through!
Hello ladies seems like it's been ages! Was not able to get on to the website. Hope everyone is doing ok? Iv been struggling with pgp and stress, bloody employers.
Anyway I will be 26 weeks tomorrow and can't quite believe how fast it gas gone. My belly I getting in the way and putting shoes on is not good fun. Iv put on nearly a stone not sure if that is to much??
Wasn't sure when to move over to tri 3 do I go tomorrow or wait till 27? X
Had midwife today, she measured me and it looks like I'm measuring ahead but still in normal range (just!). The chart says I'm on the 95th centile line - which I assume means I'm measuring larger than 95% of the population at this stage?
Hey blueclass, I've put on about 1st 5 lbs at 26 weeks today so sounds about right to me. I'm moving over to Tri 3 next week when I am 27 weeks. Did your due date change as I thought you were a couple of weeks behind me in dates?

The forum was down for about 3 days I think sat, sun and mon. Felt like ages after I had just started coming back on lol Sorry your suffering with pgp too and work can be very stressful. I had to phone in sick this evening as keep nearly passing out with dizziness and feeling lightheaded and I was so nervous about phoning as I know my boss can be really awkward but thankfully he was OK xx
Whoops sorry I got my own fates mixed up lol. Sorry been so stressed and tired!! I'm 24 weeks tomorrow, iv got so ahead of myself. I feel so stupid now haha oh the same. I will probably have put the same amount of weight on as you kanga when I get to 26 weeks. I got mw next week so hopefully she will messure me.
Lol no worries and sorry for putting you back two weeks in your dates again! That is ultimate baby brain. Eek, 24 weeks tomorrow, that's viability day for baby :) xx
Hi all. I haven't been posting much recently as I haven't had anything to report! I'm nearly 24 weeks now, having quite a lot of back pain and am booked in to see a physio next week which I'm looking forward to. I was also struggling to sleep, partly because of having to get up to pee but also because I just couldn't get comfortable. I bought this pillow on Amazon http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00LM72Z76?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o06_s00 and it has been fantastic - I now sleep through most nights! Worth thinking about for the uncomfortable people maybe? I would caution that it's a pretty big pillow especially if you have a standard double bed (as I do) - my husband has complained that he has less space now but I say tough, he doesn't have to lie awake at night with back pain!
I have a massive 12 ft u shaped pillow. My OH complains but I also say tough. I should also hear from physio soon regarding pgp.
That's ok kanga my own fault thinking I was two weeks ahead. Felt a right prat when I saw it. Yes she is now viable they said she is from 23+1 so feeling good. She is also moving alot had some hard ones that hubby has felt. She doesn't really do it at regular times yet but as long as I feel her I'm not to worried yet. So nice and such a odd feeling at the same time.
Going to the baby show on Saturday so looking forward to that. X
I'm glad your feeling movements now blueclass. I don't get regular movements either just random times.

I'm waiting on a doctor call back this morning as still feeling lightheaded and dizzy and don't think it's right even though my midwife said I had low blood pressure last week, can barely function without feeling like I might pass out xx
I'd have loved to have a home birth kanga but I had such a horrible traumatic birth with my daughter I'm too frightened to even try a home birth even though it's what I would prefer but if my daughter had been born at home she wouldn't be here now so I'm just too scared especially with the baby having health issues already I'm going to try and have a water birth like I planned with my first (sorry if I've scared anyone)
My OH actually offered to get my massive pregnancy pillow out of the loft the other day but I'm not sure I want it as I remember struggling to turn over during the night with it plus it takes up half the bed! Probably be good for my pelvis to start using it though. I'm still struggling to atop myself crossing my legs all of the time, tsk.
I'm too scared to have a home birth. I just had a check with the mw and she measured me and i'm exactly 24 cm and 24 weeks today. She said I had very toned stomach muscles, asked if I used to be a dancer. I said they probably won't stay like that after this and as for dancing it's only on nights out which iv not done in 6 months so it's just when I hoover.
Kanga I hope you feel better soon. I get dizzy when I'm in bed and move x
My 1st birth was traumatic too, was rushed off to theatre for a c section under general due to my son being really distressed. His heart rate was 50bpm for 5 mins, thankfully it came up in theatre so they done a spinal instead so I was awake. There is no way he would have been born naturally as he was completely positioned wrong, back to back and head looking up rather than chin tucked down. I have had a successful vbac since and it was so healing for me, it was like I really needed a good birth. I did still end up in theatre for a retained placenta, so everyone thinks I am crazy for wanting a home birth this time. But I am hoping to avoid all complications by staying at home and relaxed where I want to be. If you asked me if I would have a home birth for my 3rd baby a year ago I would have probably said hell no so even I've shocked myself lol

That's good you measure spot on blueclass, I wasn't measured when I went last week but see the mw again in 10 days so she may measure then.

The dizziness isn't as bad today but still not going into work tonight, I'm going on Sunday instead so don't lose any money but get chance to recover a bit. Doctor said there isn't much I can do but drink more and take it easy.

Anyone having a 4d scan? We've had them with both boys so will with this one too, I'm excited to see him again although we haven't booked it up yet xx
I had one at 16 weeks obviously she didn't look like much but I think we will give it a miss. My hours have dropped massively and very much doubt we can afford it. Would have been nice tho! How many weeks will you book it for? Xx
I didn't think we would be able to afford it this time but hubby is getting a decent belated Xmas bonus this month. Will probably book it for when hubby and I have a week off around 14th March so just over 29 weeks xx
Of this birth goes well then I think home birth next time (yes I'm planning baby no.3) haha
Hello ladies, I've had a rough weekend still getting loads of dizzy spells and even had to sit on the floor in toys r us today before I fell. Off to work in a bit and I really don't want to go, going to feel like a long week doing 6 days in a row :(

Hope you have all had good weekends? xx
Phoenix, only just noticed your question! Yes, I'm going to be at the LGI and hoping to use one of their pools, if one's available. Obviously, you never know what might happen at the time, but that would be my ideal scenario! Have you birthed there before? They seem to have a good reputation. xx

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