***June Mummies 2016 Tri 2***

I had my 20 week scan Friday. We wanted to keep the sex a surprise anyway but lady said she wouldn't have been able to tell us anyway as it was lying on its front with its knees bent to its chest. It wouldn't move. Anyone else had this?
I did. So I was sent out to drink a sugary drink to get her moving and eventually she showed all!!!
Congratulations on team pink Iwanttobeamumm, can't believe how many pinks we have in June mummies.

I know of a few stubborn baby's who haven't revealed their gender at the 20 week scan, mine on the other hand have been happy to flash even wen we wanted to stay team yellow lol

I have finally got round to getting myself a doctor appt about my pgp which is next Monday. Been battling conjunctivitis all weekend with James and now on a 2nd lot of eye drops after the first lot didn't work. He has woken up completely unable to open his eyes the last 2 nights :(

Hubby and I also went out at the weekend for his birthday/Valentine's for the 1st time in like forever. Had a lovely meal and watched Deadpool which is quite funny is a twisted kinda way!

Hope everyone else is well? xx
Just updated the front page. We have 5 team blue, 11 team pink and 2 team yellow for June Mummies! Bumper girlie month! xx
Wow that's alot of pink bundles! Seems May have mostly boys.

Kanga, Ive just noticed you're almost in Tri3!!! Eek! Final 3 months:)
Never mind - seems the pinks have taken over in May mummies too lol! Perhaps July will be full of blue bundles:) x
Thank you i had my scan on the fourth and found out but she has a problem with one of her kidneys so had another scan on the 8th and confirmed girl got another scan at 27 weeks to check on her kidney again
Wow that's alot of pink bundles! Seems May have mostly boys.

Kanga, Ive just noticed you're almost in Tri3!!! Eek! Final 3 months:)
I know it's going so scarily fast, Tri 3 in 8 days next Thursday!! I don't feel ready to be in the last stages of pregnancy lol I am freaking out a bit about having 3 boys to look after and get up and ready. Not to mention no sleep! I'm a moody cow at the mo if I don't get enough sleep and I know it's going to get worse lol

Where is everyone planning on giving birth? I am so excited for a home birth and constantly reading home birth stories and it just sounds amazing, so really hope I can do it. Although my imagination of how it will go and reality are probably not in sync lol xx
I don't have a choice here. So it will be the local maternity hospital for me!
Is it awful that I cannot wait to get back to normal? I just feel awful. At least when baby is here I can feel normal again.
Congrats iwanttobeamum ;-) hope the kidney problem is ok and you've been reassured with the second scan. You may have read about our kidney-related situation too!
Haven't been on the forum for a while - hectic work! Things are ok though. I too was at the doc for the pgp, as told to by the mw, but all he seemed to do was Google it and print off some info! Since I can't have paracetamol he offered codeine, but I can't stand that stuff and would rather go without. I also refuse crutches, I just can't see how that would help - it's when the weight is off my hips when standing that they feel like they'll just fall out of sockets! Found out that one hospitals offers physio for it, so might look into that. Otherwise, doing gentle yoga!
On the up side, I've got some free baby clothes from the filming of 'in the club', since I'm working on the post-production, and have just got the sling wrap I wanted via eBay ;-)
Hope you're all doing ok out there! Xx
Oh and kanga, I was considering home birth for a while, but I've chickened out, as it's our first lol - going for a water birth in hospital xx
I can't wait to get back to normal either as hating being in constant pain. Work was just awful last night and the drive home I was in complete agony.

Yorkslass in my 1st pregnancy I was just given boxes and boxes of Co codamol for the pain and last time didn't bother the docs. I'm going to push for a physio referral from my doc this time is so much worse. Sounds fab that you have got some free clothes. I bet your job is quite interesting?

It's half term and we are stuck in the house, James cos of his conjunctivitis and now Harry is really unwell. He slept for 14 hours on and off last night! So film day for us all snuggled on the sofa xx
Get that physio kanga! I think that's probably the only thing that'll really help. The on all fours positions in the yoga helps, but we can't just go around crawling everywhere I guess! Might try to phone the hospital today myself and inquire...
I do vfx/graphics, which can be interesting, or dull sometimes - more interesting this time working on a show about pregnancy lol - I'm next door to the edit, so getting lots of sounds of women pretending to scream in childbirth and baby crying!
I had an unplanned home birth last time and it was great (although messy!) but I had to be transferred into hospital afterwards which was very disruptive for initial bonding so I am planning a hospital birth this time and going to do all I can to get there this time...
Just had a tooth out, oh my god the relief is amazing, I was in so much pain with it. Dentist just told me to take paracetamol when numbness wares off but I'm wondering can you take them as indicated on the box? (1-2 every 4-6 hours)
Yes, you can take the recommended dose on the pack without any risks (I asked my MW if it was OK I was taking them a lot for headaches and she said it's fine)
Thanks Maud. I only realised after I left that I didn't ask how many I could take. :)
Oh and kanga, I was considering home birth for a while, but I've chickened out, as it's our first lol - going for a water birth in hospital xx

Are you going to LGI?
They have some fab 'active labour' rooms with huge baths in for water births, midwives seem pretty good too, better than at most hospitals for supporting natural birth etc :)
Kanga, I'm due early July, so realistically could end up with a June baby and I'm hoping to stay home. I really do not want to go into hospital, not even to the midwife-led bit.

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