***June Mummies 2016 Tri 2***

Gave my HR my maternity leave/holiday dates today. Taking 3 weeks hols then starting mat leave the week baby is due. Counting down the days already!
I feel your pain kitty. It's nice to do a house up to your own spec but it's so sh*t whilst it's being done. This time last year i was washing up in the bath and cooking on a camping stove for months as we didnt have a kitchen.
Love87, yes i get the odd shooting pain in my boobs. And some days i see white crusty bits in my nipples (sorry...far tmi!) which i assume is dried milk!?! Dont remember if this happened last time. Lol!
Maud, how exciting! When is your last day?
I am leaving work a week and half before baby is Due as I work in a school we can't take holiday at any other time. So 15 weeks still x
I posted off my maternity leave request last week as my boss is based 50 miles away so easier to post. My last day whether taking annual prior to ML or not is Friday 1st April hopefully, I will be 32+1 weeks I think. 25 weeks today and already really struggling to walk about doing my jobs, can barely move by the time I get home. Hoping my mw refers me for physio today to see if that helps.

Blueclass, I hope your weeks go quickly with having to work so late on, but just think of the time you get off with baby after before having to return.

Anyone suffering with lightheaded and dizziness spells? I've been getting episodes a couple of times a day this last week and can't think why. I'm eating and drinking loads so can't be that xx
I posted off my maternity leave request last week as my boss is based 50 miles away so easier to post. My last day whether taking annual prior to ML or not is Friday 1st April hopefully, I will be 32+1 weeks I think. 25 weeks today and already really struggling to walk about doing my jobs, can barely move by the time I get home. Hoping my mw refers me for physio today to see if that helps.

Blueclass, I hope your weeks go quickly with having to work so late on, but just think of the time you get off with baby after before having to return.

Anyone suffering with lightheaded and dizziness spells? I've been getting episodes a couple of times a day this last week and can't think why. I'm eating and drinking loads so can't be that xx
Not long left so kanga! :yay:

I'm struggling too. Find I'm getting breathless doing the easiest things. I'm also getting lightheaded and nauseated. It feels similar to motion sickness! I'm going to ask doctor to chrleck my iron levels next week. :)
Not long at all :) 2 more days this week, then 4 weeks a week holiday and then just the two weeks of Easter to do where we don't open the bank holidays :)

Stupidly forgot to mention about the pgp today to the mw, so going to phone my doctors instead. Apparently my blood pressure is low which is why I feel dizzy all the time, not real fix except to drink more and not rush around! I'm back to the mw in 3 weeks for bloods where they check our iron levels again xx
I'm not going until 36 weeks but it feels good to put it in the diary. Feels less good to have also worked out my return to work date!
I saw doctors yesterday and been referred for physio as I also have pgp. Hoping it doesn't take to long. X
24 weeks today, so happy to get to this point! The end is in sight now lol

I see midwife again next week FINALLY, am also really hoping to be referred. My back has been such agony since 12 weeks
You all are so lucky. I'm in Ireland and have SPD. Oh my groin in around my right bum cheek are agony. Referred for physio and I can't be seen until end of April!! I'll be nearly due at that stage so what's the point.
Cannot believe we are nearly in tri 3 already ladies!!! :yay:
You all are so lucky. I'm in Ireland and have SPD. Oh my groin in around my right bum cheek are agony. Referred for physio and I can't be seen until end of April!! I'll be nearly due at that stage so what's the point.
Cannot believe we are nearly in tri 3 already ladies!!! :yay:

Tell me about it, The right sideof my bum and down my leg are in agony and so much worse by sitting down, I have to lie flat which is impossible with two little ones. I also get the kicked in the roof pains between my legs which makes for an interesting walk waddle. Luckily that isn't all the time though.

Tri 3 is in two weeks for me, suddenly gets very real then! I'm just glad I don't have much to organise this time with having everything already xx
You all are so lucky. I'm in Ireland and have SPD. Oh my groin in around my right bum cheek are agony. Referred for physio and I can't be seen until end of April!! I'll be nearly due at that stage so what's the point.
Cannot believe we are nearly in tri 3 already ladies!!! :yay:

Tell me about it, The right sideof my bum and down my leg are in agony and so much worse by sitting down, I have to lie flat which is impossible with two little ones. I also get the kicked in the roof pains between my legs which makes for an interesting walk waddle. Luckily that isn't all the time though.

Tri 3 is in two weeks for me, suddenly gets very real then! I'm just glad I don't have much to organise this time with having everything already xx
Hubby told me I have a waddle too! So I told him to try walking with the massive belly!!! My SPD is much worse when in bed, especially when turning over or getting in and out of bath, also flares up if I'm on my feet for too long :(
I do still have lots to get, as I passed a lot of DD's stuff on to relatives and friends. I do have a cot and some clothes that I can use again. I just have to get everything else. :blush: I feel so unprepared but I know I will get there. Do we cross to tri 3 at 27 or 28 weeks?
I'm 23 weeks tomorrow can't wait to get to tri 3 as it will feel close to the end. My doctor told me that they are normally quick with pregnant women so hoping I don't have to wait to long. X
I've always gone at 27 weeks to Tri 3 as otherwise Tri 2 feels like forever. Tri 1 is the shortest as we join at 4wks til 13wks, so 9wks. Tri 2 is 13-27wks, so 14wks and Tri 3 27-40+ so at least 13wks.

I still need to buy hospital bag stuff like maternity pads and big knickers, then my home birth supplies and the obvious nappies as the 4's and 5's I have here will be a tad too big lol Most of the stuff we have had to buy is to upgrade everyone else. New car to fit 3 car seats, bunk beds for Harry to pass down the toddler bed to James so baby can have the cot. New car seat for Harry to again free up the smaller seats. So for now I don't feel disorganised xx
I still feel like we got a while left so I'm not freaking out about bits and bobs. I am going to put up baby's draws in the half term so I can put her clothes away. I do need to buy hospital bag supplies and need to buy a changing back but there rather expensive!
I want a new changing bag as my current one is starting to look a bit worn, I have had it nearly 3 years though and with 2 kids so not too bad. We do still have ages really til baby's are here but it will soon creep up on us xx
We don't really need to buy anything second time around. I've bought a couple packs of newborn nappies in clearance for hospital bag and loaded up on cotton pleats on special offer already (1st time I've seen them on special.offer in a year so bought all they had on shelf!). All I really need is.some maternity pads and nearer time to get crib & clothes out of loft and pack my bag- already done my list and arranged for my mum to look after toddler during birth (although still worried OH will miss the big event if it is quicker than last time...). So different to first.time when there seemed lots to do. Only saying to my OH today how I forget that I'm exhausted because I'm growing a person as I am.so.busy with work and a.toddler I kind of forget that my pregnancy is also to blame!

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