***June Mummies 2016 Tri 2***

Good morning ladies glad to see everyone is ok tho not seen anything from kanga recently hope she is ok...
Congrats on team pink pearl! :yay: June mummy's are very quiet. Hope everyone is well.
Blueclass your right Kanga has not been around for a while now. Anybody any updates from her? Hope all is OK.
Yes me to she was a regular on our thread hope she will come on soon and say hi. X
Hi all, haven't been able to make it on here for a while, still waiting for bt to sort my broadband . I had my 20 wk scan this afternoon and everything is good and I'm having another boy �� xx
No a few of us have commented that she has not been on. Hoping all is ok with her it's been at least a week I think that she not been on.
Just had a look at her profile, she's been logged on. Really hope all is okay
Oh that's strange. She normally on here every now and then. Although I use my phone for this forum and it's always on so mine says I never log out.
Oh that's strange. She normally on here every now and then. Although I use my phone for this forum and it's always on so mine says I never log out.

Ah, maybe that's the case then. Either way, hopefully she'll post something soon
We r friends on fb on our august mums group she's fine il tell her to come on x
Hello ladies, just a quick post to say I am doing OK. Thank you so much for thinking of me and for keeptrying getting hold of me. Didn't realise I hadn't been on pf for so long, been busy with 2 kids, struggling with pgp and work. Busy day today as it's hubby's 30th birthday so will catch up properly tomorrow xx
So glad all is OK Kanga. Enjoy hubbys Birthday. Xx
Glad to hear all is ok Kanga:) Enjoy the celebrations xx
Glad to see ur doing ok. Sounds like you been very busy! When I'm walking I get pains in my hips. It's horrible!
Starting to feel really unorganised, we need to get our bathroom done and can't really start the nursery to that's sorted because its currently playing host to all the bathroom supplies but our contractor has fallen through. Don't feel I can buy any of the big items (apart from pram) until the nursery is sorted.

have seen bits and bobs I want but just need to have a massive clean out of the house so we have the storage.
I feel the same Stephy. Been doing our house up for almost 2 years and we're finally getting to the end. Carpets going down beginning of March then our DS can finally move out of the baby's room so I can start prepping the nursery. Besides a few outfits and a moses basket (which i kept from last time) I still need to get everything else. I noticed May mummies are already planning their hospital bag and I've not even started thinking about that yet! I'm usually a very organised person but I'm starting to think I need to get my a*se in gear lol! x
Same boat here... House is been in limbo land for over a year now. There's still so much to do and I hate to think about it. I do the stuff that I can do, but there's lots of DIY and professional stuff that needs to be done that I can't. We haven't had a shower or sink in the bathroom since moving in xx
I have nothing done :blush: really need to pull my finger out and get some stuff sorted.
Off topic but is anyone getting shooting pain in one or both boobs? Coming from middle and heading out the nipple? I'm getting this today and its doing my head in! I keep brabbing my boob!

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