***June Mummies 2016 Tri 2***

Should it all really be so uncomfortable and painful this early? I can't believe I have 4 months left, and it's only going to get worse! Her kicks, twirls and headbutts are extreme, and she's constantly moving into painful positions
How is everyone? I'm recovering from a sickness bug so have the day at home from work alone with LO at nursery. Baby has been kicking lots lately and OH has felt them now :) Got our 20 week scan next week. Going to hold strong on team yellow!
My throat and ear are on fire. Off to the docs with me today. Pain was so bad last night I ended up hanging over the loo meeting my half digested dinner. Baby getting so active now, she is moving a lot so I'm starting to relax. Also starting to feel her a bit higher up. It's getting real now and the excitement is starting to kick in :)
21 weeks today still can't feel her moving but she looked good on the scan on Wednesday. Hope she starts soon might stop me worrying a little x

Hope you feel better soon love87 xx
You will feel her soon blueclass. Usually if i lay on my back (as uncomfortable as it is) and wait a little she will start moving.
Been to docs, have a bad throat and ear infection, she prescribed antibiotics and 6 steroids a day!!! 6!! She told me its all safe I just think 6 is a bit extreme. Anything has to be better than the pain though.
You will feel her soon blueclass. Usually if i lay on my back (as uncomfortable as it is) and wait a little she will start moving.
Been to docs, have a bad throat and ear infection, she prescribed antibiotics and 6 steroids a day!!! 6!! She told me its all safe I just think 6 is a bit extreme. Anything has to be better than the pain though.

Thanks I hope so. I still love laying on my back but maybe you are further along than I am. Get jealous lol reading everyone feeling there's. I had a ear and throat infection and was put on antibiotics and 8 paracetamol a day but it didn't help had to go back again. This was just before x mas. The doctor told me to use a little olive oil in my ears and that helped. X
I really only started feeling her the last week or so. I'm 22+4. Although private scan put me at 23 weeks. First babies always take their time letting you know they are there :) x
I really only started feeling her the last week or so. I'm 22+4. Although private scan put me at 23 weeks. First babies always take their time letting you know they are there :) x

I saw her moving loads on the screen and couldn't feel a thing and she is nearly 28cm I find it madness that I can't feel her and she is that long x
I really only started feeling her the last week or so. I'm 22+4. Although private scan put me at 23 weeks. First babies always take their time letting you know they are there :) x

I saw her moving loads on the screen and couldn't feel a thing and she is nearly 28cm I find it madness that I can't feel her and she is that long x
It's crazy isnt it? I was the same when we has scan at 20 weeks. She was tossing and turning and I couldn't feel a thing. It was so surreal. How far along are you? I'm sure you will be feeling her very very soon :)
I really only started feeling her the last week or so. I'm 22+4. Although private scan put me at 23 weeks. First babies always take their time letting you know they are there :) x

I saw her moving loads on the screen and couldn't feel a thing and she is nearly 28cm I find it madness that I can't feel her and she is that long x
It's crazy isnt it? I was the same when we has scan at 20 weeks. She was tossing and turning and I couldn't feel a thing. It was so surreal. How far along are you? I'm sure you will be feeling her very very soon :)

I'm 21+2. It was crazy seeing her move and not feeling her. I got big very quick and not got bigger really so wandering if that's anything to do with it x
Is placenta anterior or posterior? The main thing is scan showed she is healthy and strong. My friend did feel her baby until 24 weeks. Once you start feeling her she won't stop. Xx
The lady said the placenta is at the back. Yes she is had a go on the doppler and her heart was beating strong so I'm sure I will start to feel her soon. OH and I looked at a few videos on YouTube of babies moving and I have to say although it's magical it did make me feel like throwing up lol j have a weak stomach and it looked kinda gross. Even my OH was freaked out. Haha x
Had my scan and all is well :) ; although baby was uncooperative so had to go back for a second try after a walk and a drink (bladder fit to burst by the time we were done!). Now have to wait 20 more weeks to see them again!
Congrats Maud so happy all went well. X
Had my 20 week scan, baby was active and measured as she should! Lovely to c her moving abt as I can't feel much because of an anterior placenta...only just beginning to get kicks but they feel really internal! Hope everyone's doing well.... Xxx
Hi everyone! Hope you're all well.
Great news re your scans Maud & Kuku:) Has everyone had their scans now?
I see May Mummies are heading over to Tri3 now!! Eeek that means we're next. For me, this pregnancy is going so fast on the one hand - seems like yesterday we were all sooo ill and now we're 20-24 weeks! But on the other hand I cant wait to meet her, and time is dragging!
I'm enjoying Tri2 and loving my bump:) Although, I did end up in hosp on Saturday night. Had a temperature, lower back ache, nausea and constant headache. Turns out it's a urine infection and been given antibiotics.
Kanga, how are you? Not heard from you in a while. Hope you're well.
Sounds awful babymaker...glad you are on the mend. I think pregnancy is flying. But yet June still feels forever away! X
Had my 20 week scan today all is good and we are having a girl! Was convinced it would be a boy so very shocked! Feeling very real now xxxx
Hope you're feeling better babymaker x

Just ordered buggy board for pushchair. I know it's a bit early but we took advantage of a special offer on Amazon to save a few £ and at least it will give her a while to try it out before she has to use it. I think she'll love it as she enjoys pushing the pushchair and is always reluctant to get in.

ETA congrats Pearl :)
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