***June Mummies 2016 Tri 2***

Cold weather sucks babymaker. Yay for big kicks!! I'm a chocoholic this pregnancy too! Everytime I go to the shop for buy 3 big bars!!!
My palpitations got a whole lot worse over the past few weeks so I saw cardiologist yesterday who prescribed labetalol (my doc gave them to me months ago but I never took them as I was terrified) I finally gave in and took one today and they are helping slightly. Cardiologist is happy that I'm not going to drop dead and said they are probably worse because of all the time extra blood flow being pregnant.
I don't mind cold weather (better than all the wet!) but pregnancy makes my skin super dry so I'm constantly itching like mad in the cold. It's my back which is the worst as I have a very bony spine and I can't reach to moisturise properly.
Good evening ladies hope everyone is ok? Can't believe I'm 20 weeks today and that in another 20 weeks I will be a mum and have someone here in my arms, so crazy to think how my life has changed already and she not here yet. I am also thinking I can not wait till my bday in july, having a glass of wine. I really miss a glass but it's worth it. My scan will be Wednesday afternoon and praying everything will be ok. Can't wait to see our baby on the screen one last time before we see her face to face x
Halfway there blueclass, congrats! :)

My OH said this morning he wants to find out the sex at our scan but I don't! Well I do, but I'd rather wait until they are born. Hope he changes his mind, scan in just over a week...
I'm glad I know what I'm having I feel a little more bonded and can buy pretty things. I am going to get the person who scans me next week to check lol. X
Scan on Monday, this weekend is going to go so slow but i'm exhausted, feel like bump might of had a growth spurt because I suddenly look pregnant and I could feel stretching.

no movements yet :(
Scan on Monday, this weekend is going to go so slow but i'm exhausted, feel like bump might of had a growth spurt because I suddenly look pregnant and I could feel stretching.

no movements yet :(

I don't think iv had movement yet either and my scan is Wednesday afternoon. Hoping they will tell me everything is still ok and maybe she still just to small.
I am the same girls. I have the occasionally flutter but it's so slight I think I might be imagining it. I have my scan on Tues. Cant wait til I van feel actual kicks & punches x
Are we all first time mum's? Most people I talk to say on their first its harder to tell because you don't know what your looking out for.
That's def true first time round I didn't feel anything til 22 weeks then nothing regular til 28 I had anterior placenta then this time I feel him every day and I have anterior placenta again. Although they arnt strong movements just pops xx
This is my second and I'm 18 weeks and cannot really feel anything, I had an anterior placenta with first so took a while to feel him, so I bet I'm the same with this one, feeling your baby kicking is best feeling ever ( until they start having midnight parties, my first used to start about 11 and kick solid for 3hours ��, I think this should have been a clue that my baby for the following year was going to be awake most nights ��)xx
I can see kicks its amazing!! I'm 22 weeks on Wed �� hope everyone is ok xx
This is my first and my scan Wednesday I'm wondering if the placenta is at the front. I'm 20 weeks and felt nothing that I can be sure is the baby x
Another anterior placenta here, I feel her everyday but its just lots of pops no big hard kicks yet. so frustrating! X
2nd scan done, baby has been nicknamed 'fidget' by the sonographer, that's the 2nd time its been mentioned to us. Everything fine and dandy and we now know we're having a girl!!
Thought I'd put up a pic from our 20wk scan on Monday - the little 'un was wriggling around all over the place and refusing to move its head into profile properly, so it isn't the clearest of images. The sonographer also cut it off before the relevant area as we said we wanted to keep the gender a surprise.
Still open for guesses though, if ya fancy ;)
As some might have read, there was a kidney problem found, but I'll update about that on another thread. xx


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Hi all had my scan and they confirmed she is still a girl lol and she looks healthy xx

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