***June Mummies 2016 Tri 2***

Congratulations sjenkins ��, I have a feeling I'm going to be team blue again this time xx
Congratulations glad to hear everything ok. Iv got my nhs scan on 27th Jan hopefully they will confirm it's a girl and she doing ok. It's still 2 weeks away and feels like it's dragging.
Since yesterday iv experienced some odd feelings in my tummy. I can't describe it it only last maybe 6 sec then il feel it aging a bit later. I'm not sure if this is her or its my tummy doing something or if I'm just imagining it. It's really faint and just feels odd.

As some of you know I work if special needs children in a school. I also have to violent kids in class one of which was throwing chairs around the room today. My head teacher says they do not do risk assessments for pregnant women but talk to us as we go along about any changes we will are required. At 10 weeks I was told I could have a ta to cover the other ta when she is on her break so It's not just me and the teacher. Well I'm 19 on fri and still his has not been done. I want to tell her I don't want to work in this classroom anymore but know she will argue with me about it. I also know there is a job coming up in the speech and language department and she knows I'm interested. I don't want to kick up a fuss and possibly ruin my changes for this other job. So I have no idea what to do. The job might not be advertised till March and il leave last week of May.
I also work with adults in the eve and I went to my company who did do a risk assessment. I have said I don't want to work with one individual as he really dislikes me due to where I work as he used to be a student. They say his no harm but they haven't seen the way he looks and speaks to me. I'm waiting to see what they say about that.

I have looked online and it states schools do not have to do risk assessments. So because of this I'm not sure on my rights and how no could fight for them.

Sorry for the long rant but needed to get it out.
Hi ladies had my 20 week scan today at 19+6 and all seems fine and she's definitely a little girl, very very happy! Hope your all doing ok.

Blueclass I don't know about risk assessments I'm afraid as haven't had any official ones but I'd speak if if I wasn't comfortable doing something. Definitely I'd say speak up of your not happy xx
I am absolutely desperate for a sunbed session. Other than harm to mothers skin, I really can't find anything to say that it's harmful to the baby. Considering I'm well into Tri 2, what does everyone think? I know it's probably very frowned upon by most, but a few minutes makes me feel so much better in every way, and has always really helped my exhaustion issues.
Personally I wouldn't go on a sun bed whilst I'm pregnant. I understand they might make you feel a bit better but if you developed a problem with your skin you may feel rubbish and it might take a while to clear up.
It's completely up to you obviously but I'm to scared to do anything like that. You could always speak to a doctor and get their opinion or a community mw. You should have this number on your notes. They will be able to give you the best advice x
Tbh kitty you always worry ur first pregnancy like thinking can I eat this or can I do that or I better not do that in case this happens! I was like that first time round. This time I'm a lot more relaxed about things and will eat what I want etc I think if there is no law against it and there are no affects to the baby I would do it. I remember Katie price doing it when she was pregnant and everyone went mad but there is no proven risk factors so I can't see the harm xz
Blueclass I don't know much about risk assessments and thought that everyone had to do one. Just keep speaking up about how uncomfortable you feel about it all. Surely they must do something for you.

CCbunny glad went well with your 20 week scan, such a relief when you find out baby is healthy and still a girl :)

Kitty I personally wouldn't use a sunbed but then I don't use them anyway. That being said I don't see how a few mins in a sunbed is any different to ladies sunning themselves on a beach in hot countries. So as long as you don't overheat or use for too long then the benefit probably outweighs the risks. Have you thought about getting a uv lamp for home? Like the ones for sads? Think that's what it's called.

I finally felt baby kick me from the outside the other night at 21wks, felt it from 19wks with my other two. I hate having an anterior placenta :( not felt loads since but I am getting a few more movements now. I am also picking up my birth pool today for home, eek! Makes it feel so much more real and can't believe I'm am being brave enough to do it but it just feels right this time. I am also joining slimming world on Wednesday evening so hopefully I can lose a bit of the weight I have gained and try to stay a bit healthier for baby ad give myself the best chance in labour by not being a whale lol xx
Hi everyone hope your all doing ok? June mummies has been quite recently. Today has been hard, I even sat in the loo at work and had a cry as I was so stressed out. I finally went to my head teacher and there considering moving me and even putting me in the speech and language therapy department which I'm pleased about. Hopefully I will move classes soon. X
Hi Blueclass, June Mummies is very quiet at the moment isn't it. I hope everyone is just busy and doing OK. Glad you may be moving classes soon but sorry you had to have a cry at work to get it!

I had a stressful day yesterday, but just about going to work, which is pathetic! My anxiety about not seeing hubby during the week as we work opposite shifts is really affecting me this time and I dread evenings where I have to leave as soon as he comes in, think I could handle it better if it wasn't 5 days a week and the the inlaws are here Saturdays, so only get Sundays with him. It didn't help that when I got to work I had a note left moaning at me about my work and asking me to make sure I do certain jobs, all which I do anyway so had a cry about that. Got understand it if it was jobs I never did but it wasn't. I was there for the full 4 hrs last night and didn't get out til 11:15pm then I had to go to asda shopping so didn't get to bed til 12:30am! Hoping to have just 8 weeks left as long as my boss agrees to let me take all my annual leave before maternity leave. As I'm left in complete agony after just one shift with my pgp hip pain and end up hobbling about xx
Hi everyone blueclass and Kanga I hope it all works out for you both. I'm dealing with groin pain and its driving me crazy! It's only when I lie down in bed it comes on. When I'm up and about I get a pain in my bum cheek which causes me to limp and waddle about. My bump is not even that big yet and doc says its the extra weight from baby! Also is anybody still exhausted? Thought it would have shifted by now but its still here :(
Sorry to hear your having a tough time to kanga. I have 19 weeks left as il be working till the end. X
I've got pelvic pain too. I had SPD last time and I'm already in a fair bit of pain. Work days are the worst as I walk 1.5 miles car to office and then back again. Am already starting to waddle! I'm looking into pregnancy exercise classes and aquanatal to try to counter my non stop gorging on food (I seriously disgust myself with my loss of self control :-( ) as the bigger I get the worse it's going to be.
How is everyone doing??? starting to feel really big!! this is me today xx


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I feel exhausted on and off Love87, I get the pain in my bum and down my leg but generally when sitting down, which is awful when I'm driving as the only way to relief it is to lie down.

I would love to work to the end for the money side of things but see me going crazy by then. I just have to hope that I really don't have to worry about returning as baby will only be 6 months when my leave ends. Although James was about 6.5m when I started a new job, granted I was signed off sick after 3wks for 9wks due to breaking my foot, but I know I can do it if I have to

Maud I know the feeling, I've had pgp in all 3 of my pregnancies and it is starring earlier and is a different pain each time. I'm joining slimming world tomorrow to counteract my food gorging on the wrong things.

Fab bump sjenkins, I will do my 22wk bump on Thursday.

Best get my arse off to work now hubby has finally just walked through the door!! He was meant to finish work 2hrs ago!! xx
Hi everyone!

Can't believe I'm 19 weeks now! It's going so quick!

I have PGP again...had in last pregnancy. Absolutely nothing in first 2 so I don't know why it's happening now! I'll be walking and all of a sudden a shooting pain will go through me.

GP gave me pills last year for it but they spaced me out so much j can't take them.

I look huge...I swear I look fully cooked already!

Baby has been kick, kick, kicking away this morning - my favourite bit of pregnancy :) Am sure I could feel it from outside too so hopefully OH will get to feel it soon as well.
I thought I'd felt those first movements about a week ago for 3 days since nothing. Il be 20 weeks on fri and desperate to feel her move. I'm constantly checking with my doppler but I know it's not good for me to do this everyday. I'm really hoping I will feel those kicks soon. Xx
Hi everyone! Hope you're all well despite the SPD. My hips ache so much in the night and the pillow between the knees trick doesnt do much any more:-( joys of pregnancy...
I've been awol for a while as we've just got back from a week in the Canaries. First holiday since our honeymoon 5 years ago (I dont count our trips to my parents as holidays;-)) bit of a shock to the system going from 25'C to just 5'! I actually slept fully clothed last night - it's so cold!
Had a such a lovely time tho and loved seeing my little man enjoying the beach and pool for the first time. Bubba did lots of big kicks and OH finally felt it too:)
Got my 20wk scan in an hour. Keeping everything crossed she's healthy! With the amount of cr*p ive eaten this pregnancy it wouldnt surprise me if they said she's big lol! Seriously, my choc craving is disgusting! The other day i actually apologised to her before devouring yet another huge chunk of Cadbury's..... Never had this with DS.
Anywho, gotta go get ready for scan. Cant wait to see her again:) xx
I'm glad it's not just me scoffing the chocolate! ;-)

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