***June Mummies 2016 Tri 2***

They were only meant to be dropping of some fresh food for the rabbit that they decided we needed! They didn't even phone today just rang the bell and came in. We aren't even dressed as having a lazy day doing house jobs and watching films. I'm even more annoyed that I haven't managed to watch Cinderella as James has been asleep the whole time and will no doubt wake up when they go so we will be back to child duty lol Think they are finally heading out the door now, thank God xx
Hope you managed to get rid of the in laws kanga?
I can't get a doctors appointment but iv brought some canesten cream does anyone know if it's ok to use? Xx
Don't worry community mw said it's fine. I also asked if OH should use it if we have had sex. She said that's a good idea as that's probably a reason why it's recurrent we could give it back to each other. The chemist also said this when we brought it. Thought that might be useful to share. They did say if a baby has it and you breast feed they would tray baby and mum so yes makes sense to treat the OH. Xx
Haven't been here for a few days, but Kanga, you mentioned hip and back pain? Is there anything they can do about this? The hip pain is driving me mad - I've had some hip problems over the years, but I just can't lie in bed without it getting worse unless I lie on my back for a while (and I get the impression I can't do that later on in the pregnancy). It tends to spread to my groin and belly. Sounds silly, but I'm also finding it unusually hard to get up out of chairs too! The big sausage pillow thing helps a bit at night, but then I wake up all the time and have to walk around to ease it. Lack of sleep isn't helping the headaches at work too, I'm sure!
I'll mention it to mw next time, but I don't see her for over a month, was wondering if it's something I just have to put up with or if there's anything that would help? x
Yes Yorkslass I'm suffering really bad with my hips and pelvis. It's called pelvic girdle pain if you want to Google it. I am seeing my mw this week so going to mention it to her, you can get referred to a physio to help manage the symptoms but generally it stays until the birth unfortunately. I've suffered in all my pregnancies but this is the worst so far. You could try going to your gp, but mine last just fobbed me off with painkillers, so you need to stand your ground on it and try to get a physio referral as the gp can do this as well as the midwife.

Rest is the key to not feeling so bad, but obviously not easy to do. Keeping you knees together when moving about, like getting out of bed and swivelling out of the car with your knees together too to try and keep the pressure off the pelvis. Walking upstairs one at a time and not doing the activities that aggravate it. Like in my case climbing around a soft play centre with the boys! But again completely impractical for me. I'm hoping the physio can give me exercises to do and possibly a support belt to hold the pelvis steady xx
Hiya! Sorry to hear about your hip pains ladies:-( I have it too but not as bad as you guys by the sounds of it. Luckily it goes after the birth. A friend of mine had so little sleep throughout her 2nd pregnancy due to being so uncomfortable at night that when the baby came she slept better than she had in 9 months and found the newborn stage a breeze... So you never know;-) x
I'm a bit sad. I bought a second hand Oyster pram last week from Gumtree which has just arrived. I feel really stupid feeling this way, but the fact that it's second hand taints it for me. It's a gorgeous pram, in very good condition - but it smells like someone else (clean, but someone else, you know?), there obviously is slight wear and tear... I really want to buy new and have everything fresh and wholly ours for baby.
Just had gender scan and we are team PINK! He put my due date as 28th of may but I think I will stick to June 1st for now. Placenta is anterior so that explains late movements. We are so happy as DD wants a sister. :yay:
Aww... congrats love87! Glad DD is excited :) I'm thinking the same for my placenta, as I can't feel a thing yet!

Thanks kanga, guess I'll just... try to keep my knees together! I did spot that one of the hospitals does a pregnancy physio session, might see what that's about. Things feel better when I can walk around a bit, but a lot of my work involves sitting down, unfortunately.
Hopefully what you say is true, babymaker, it'll make the newborn stage a relief!

Congrats love87

Don't feel silly kitty. I can totally understand why you would miss the sparkle of a new pushchair, but take some comfort that they don't stay looking new for long. What's important is that you have a pushchair that you like, but if it really bothers you you could buy a new colour pack as that replaces all the coloured fabric bits so pretty much makes it new other than the frame. We have an original Oyster and really like it. Which have you gone for?
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Congrats on team pink Love87!

Kitty I am in a similar situation to you, my friend is very kindly giving me her Oyster which is so so generous of them and a lovely pram but I would loved a brand new pram but the rational side of me knows that I would use it enough to justify buying brand new. When my DS was a baby I moved from the travel system to a light weight buggy when he was about 7 months old then when he learned to walk, just after his first birthday we ditched the pram altogether and he walked everywhere. This time round I am thinking of trying a sling so hopefully do a mixture of that and the pram.
So my DH and I decided to book a private gender scan, partly because I was too impatient to wait for my 20 wk on 26/01 and also because I wanted my little boy ( aged 7) to be there when we found out whether we were team blue or pink. So we booked a scan for Friday evening and took him along as a surprise. The scan was great, he totally loved it and we are chuffed to find out we are having a little girl. Charlie loved phoning round family to tell them he is going to have a little sister! It makes it much more real now I know what team we are on!
Congrats on team pink Love87!

Kitty I am in a similar situation to you, my friend is very kindly giving me her Oyster which is so so generous of them and a lovely pram but I would loved a brand new pram but the rational side of me knows that I would use it enough to justify buying brand new. When my DS was a baby I moved from the travel system to a light weight buggy when he was about 7 months old then when he learned to walk, just after his first birthday we ditched the pram altogether and he walked everywhere. This time round I am thinking of trying a sling so hopefully do a mixture of that and the pram.

Exactly! I plan to use a sling most of the time so probably won't even NEED the pram lol it is me being irrational, I couldn't warrant spending hundreds of pounds on a new one (just secretly hoping someone in the family offers to buy one for us ;) )
Congrats on team pink Love87!

Kitty I am in a similar situation to you, my friend is very kindly giving me her Oyster which is so so generous of them and a lovely pram but I would loved a brand new pram but the rational side of me knows that I would use it enough to justify buying brand new. When my DS was a baby I moved from the travel system to a light weight buggy when he was about 7 months old then when he learned to walk, just after his first birthday we ditched the pram altogether and he walked everywhere. This time round I am thinking of trying a sling so hopefully do a mixture of that and the pram.

Exactly! I plan to use a sling most of the time so probably won't even NEED the pram lol it is me being irrational, I couldn't warrant spending hundreds of pounds on a new one (just secretly hoping someone in the family offers to buy one for us ;) )

Haha I was hoping that too but no one has offered yet! When I think back to how little I used it last time round I honestly cannot justify spending hundreds on one. Plus the Oyster is a lovely pram, between that and wearing the baby you are sorted!
Only just seen your post sjenkins, I hope your scan went well this afternoon.

I have a midwife appt tomorrow at 12 and I'm going to ask about my pgp pain ad also see if I can get referred to slimming world for 12 weeks for free. I saw someone mention it and apparently if your bmi was over 30 at booking in (mine had crept up to 31.2 by 9wks) then you can get it. I've gained probably 1st 7lb already and don't think it is doing my hips any good, plus I want to be as healthy as I can be for baby and having a home birth. I lost 3st on slimming world last year but just don't have the motivation to do it at home by myself so hoping the free sessions will help me get back into again. Any weight loss will be a bonus xx
Hey everyone! My scan went really well and baby is looking amazing :) put me in for team blue!!! Ekkkk having baby boy xxx
My friend done slimming world when she was pregnant in really helped her to keep the weight off xx
Aww Yay another team blue, congratulations hun xx

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