***June Mummies 2016 Tri 2***

I'm buying my friends chicco next to me crib for £60 but buying a new mattress which is £30 but still so much cheaper. X
Aww Yay, glad you got to hear the heartbeat sjenkins. It really is amazing.

That is a good price for the chicco next to me cot blueclass as they are quite expensive.

My scan went well today and baby is perfectly healthy if a little bit too well behaved today. Scan was over so quick as she got all the checks done easily, wish I could have seen him in the screen for longer. Definitely still a boy too :) xx
Aww lovely pic kanga! glad all is well. It's such a relief isnt it? Mine is in a couple of weeks and I keep thinking this is too good to be true... I've got a perfectly healthy son, surely it's not possible to be that lucky twice? Although, statistically it is possible, I just have this horrible doubt in the back of my mind. Doesnt help that I saw a documentary the other day about a bubba who needed surgery straight after birth and read a story about another with deformities. And after coming out of my 12 week scan I saw a very poorly baby which wasnt very nice. My brother is disabled and has autism so I've also got that at the back of my mind. But, positive thinking and all that!
Hope everyone has a nice weekend! Hubby and I have date night tonight:) whoop whoop!
Spent ages writing a reply and managed to delete the whole thing!!

I am so glad all is well with baby. We had a similar chat last night about being lucky to have 2 healthy boys that we may not be that lucky for our third, but we were. We have got to try and stay positive otherwise we would just go crazy.

We had a tough year with James, when at 3 weeks old while visiting family 2hrs from home he got a really swollen knee. The local hospital weren't equipped to deal with such a young baby so we were transferred to the Evelina Children's Hospital in London, even further from home. We were there for over a week before being allowed to transfer to our local hospital and then a few more days before we could go home and just go up to the hospital daily for iv antibiotics. He had osteomyelitis and septic arthritis of the knee, 3 operations and 5 weeks of iv antibiotics all before he was 9 weeks old. We were told that because the infection got into the growth plate of his femur that is may affect the leg from growing properly and he may not be able to walk plus many more operations. Thankfully he is OK and hasn't suffered any lasting damage, but you always think of the worst possible outcome when you get told what could happen.

Enjoy your date night Babymaker, I will be looking forward to Sunday night just for time alone with hubby as I'm working tonight and the inlaws will be round tomorrow! xx

Awww poor little man!! That must've been so tough for all of you. Glad everything is well now. How did he get it? Or is it just one of those things? My little man had terrible reflux which was finally spotted when he was 3 weeks old. He had it until 6 months old and in that time we were in and out of hosp and gp's constantly re his medication. Plus I was in and out of hosp and gp's for a horrendous infection. My hubby also got it. Seriously hope this time we'll have no major incidences. I just want a "normal" newborn stage lol!
Had a lovely evening at the pub (sipping J2O's lol) then brought a Chinese home:)
Enjoy your date night on Sunday! Xx
Must be so hard seeing your little one in pain. Glad his ok now.

I just picked up the chicco next to me crib of my friend. I'm so excited to testing it in the week. Xx
We don't know how he got it, the doctors were so confused about what was wrong that it took 3 days to diagnose. They were trying to make out it was a break and he must have fallen or something. I was like he is 3 weeks old how he is meant to hurt himself! I missed out on enjoying the newborn stage with my 1st Harry as I got pnd and don't really remember much of his first year, 3rd time lucky? lol

I bet it was awful seeing your little man with reflux and being ill yourself too. I did a "your top ten words in Fb status" thing for last year and one was hospital! Be glad to not have that in my top word list this year lol

Yay exciting you have the chicco crib, it is fun playing with all the new baby stuff :) xx
Anyone else really struggle to get up in the morning? I go to bed then feel like it's time to get up just a few mins later! Feel so tired all the time. Off at for a children's party this morning and I'm struggling to get moving to get us all washed and dressed to go out xx
Yes, i really struggle. Im up for 1-1.5 hrs every night. My hips ache a bit but other than that no real reason (Perhaps my body's preparing me) But it does mean i struggle getting up in the morning. And with DS back at preschool this week it's been a real struggle! How did the party go? Xx
I get up but after a few hours I'm shattered again. I just put our crib up to get a look at it and I love it. Just need to check if the straps fit. I have a king divan with draws so hoping it will fit the whole way around. I think that's how you do it anyway by the look of it. Oh said he will try it on Tues if they don't il be putting it on eBay ��xx
I go to bed most nights around 10pm and I struggle to get up for the school run!! Still struggling with fatigue at 19 weeks. Also the headaches are horrendous. Gender scan tomorrow and I am so nervous....DD wants a girl and I don't want to disappoint her. How pathetic do I sound???
I'm sure what ever you are having your lo will be happy after a few days. A lady at school had same problem her little girl wanted a sister but she having a boy. Her daughter was annoyed for a week or so saying boys smell ect.. but now she happy.

I'm 18+2 and still iv felt nothing. It's making me a little obsessed with the doppler and I don't even think iv felt tiny movements. I had a scan on Wednesday as I'd had a belly ache for days and she was ok then they said she was the right size. My next scan is at 21 weeks on 27th Jan. It feels ages and my OH keeps telling me to calm down and stop worrying. I know it's my first and I might feel her later than those on there 2nd pregnancy.
I only started feeling movements the last couple of days and I'm 19+4 I was so paniky and refused to buy a Doppler as I know I would become obsessed. This is my second pregnancy and I didn't feel DD till around 21 weeks. Don't worry. You will start to feel her soon. Xx
This is my 3rd pregnancy and I felt both boys from 16 weeks with definite movements from 19 weeks. I'm now 20+3wks and it's only been since yesterday that I can say I'm feeling baby move which is a lot later than the others xx
Feeling rather sensitive hormonal today. I barely get to see hubby mon-fri as he is at work all day and then I go straight out to work when he comes home and not back till gone 11pm so we go off to bed. Yesterday hubby was working til 2pm and I got back from a kids party at 3 pm. The inlaws turned up as usual at 5pm and were here til gone 11pm. So Sunday is only day we get to ourselves and the bloody inlaws have turned up unannounced and have been here over an hour already! Why is it so hard to get time on my own with hubby?! xx
Oh how frustrating Kanga :hugs: this happens here too. We have got to the stage where we pretend we are getting ready to go out when someone calls. Which we don't like doing as at the end of the day this is our home. Could you not ask them to leave after an hour? Or will they stay all day? X
I would say we are going out and need to get ready. Or ask ur husband to have a word with them xx

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