***June Mummies 2016 Tri 2***

As I work in a school I can't leave early and use holiday. I'm going to work right up till the end so I can spend longer with my baby. Tho I do hate my job and not sure if I will last to the end xx
Could you not work up to the May half term then go on maternity then? Least that will get you out of work a bit earlier? Must be awkward when you're dictated on when you can take holidays xx
Work has been tough tonight, still here now when I'm normally done by now :( 1st day back for everyone in the offices I think! Gives me 130 desks to clean, plus the meeting rooms and kitchen area! Just one more section to go and I can go home, hopefully just after 11pm.

I am hoping my boss agrees to my holidays as it does break it down into bearable chunks, 5 weeks sounds so much better than 15 weeks lol

Yay for being noticeably pregnant baby maker I can't wait for that. I haven't seen a group of mummy friends for about 3 weeks so hoping they notice tomorrow. Also I'm finally feeling kicks, after the flutters early on baby went really quiet, but today I have noticed him moving a few times :) xx
Yes I will try and work till then hopefully I will manage it. Problem is school is so hands on some kids are violent some kids try and run out of class ect. I will put that as my date but if I need to leave earlier I think they will be ok with it.

This may sound a stupid question but here it goes anyway. So all yesterday I had a belly ache it went from dull ache to sharper pains. I think this was stretching pains? Then I kept feeling a ripple effect not sure that makes sense to you but it was so strong even my other half could feel it. Now here is the silly question.
Was it a muscle spasm or was that baby? It happened say 3 times but not for very long and they was very close together. I know it sounds silly but I don't k ow what it was. Obviously I want to think baby but I did have a belly ache the whole day and my belly was hard, really hard. Iv also heard from week 16 you can get braxton hicks could it have been that?

I went back to work yesterday and some stuff said wow haven't you popped out and others said we thought you were pregnant but didn't want to ask. It will be interesting to see if the kids notice a difference.
Have a good everyone x
I don't know how you cope working in a school and having the kids be violent to you.

Although I've got my provisional dates in my head for maternity leave. I don't know if I will be able to continue working until then if this pgp stays as bad as it is or gets worse. Just the drive sitting in the car is agony.

I'm not sure about the movements it is possible it was the baby. I find that my belly feel tight and heavy at times, it's hard to explain the feeling properly. Braxton hicks are where your belly goes tight for a few seconds and then eases off. They aren't meant to be painful but I had uncomfortable ones in my last pregnancy where they took my breathe away at the same time xx
Yes I will try and work till then hopefully I will manage it. Problem is school is so hands on some kids are violent some kids try and run out of class ect. I will put that as my date but if I need to leave earlier I think they will be ok with it.

This may sound a stupid question but here it goes anyway. So all yesterday I had a belly ache it went from dull ache to sharper pains. I think this was stretching pains? Then I kept feeling a ripple effect not sure that makes sense to you but it was so strong even my other half could feel it. Now here is the silly question.
Was it a muscle spasm or was that baby? It happened say 3 times but not for very long and they was very close together. I know it sounds silly but I don't k ow what it was. Obviously I want to think baby but I did have a belly ache the whole day and my belly was hard, really hard. Iv also heard from week 16 you can get braxton hicks could it have been that?

I went back to work yesterday and some stuff said wow haven't you popped out and others said we thought you were pregnant but didn't want to ask. It will be interesting to see if the kids notice a difference.
Have a good everyone x

Dont worry - not a silly question. I have the same thing and had to google it as I panicked it was period type pains. But seems its normal. Between 16-20 weeks baby has a huge growth spurt so it could just be belly not managing to keep up with the expanding uterus and starts to ache. If you're still worried though, speak to a mw. They are always very helpful. Is it your whole belly or just a small area? I've had the whole belly on and off for a few days but also 1 particular spot on the right side which is very tender when i prod it. If it continues I might call a mw. I goolgled it and could be a pulled muscle.
Erm it was sort of everywhere. I'm going to see how I am today if it still hurts I will call the mw. Thank you for your comments. Xx
Just spoke to my work I can leave 1st of April 15th or 29th hmmmmmm my job is active see how I feel I guess xx
Going to call mw when I'm not in class as I still got these pains. I'm sure it's stretching but had it since yesterday and it worries me. Has anyone had stretching pains for this long? Sorry if I sound like a idiot or going on. I also don't want to waste there time xx
Last time blueclass I had stretching pains that lasted ages and I was getting concerned and getting a lot of sharp pains, I was just told it was everything expanding, its not happening so much this time wondering if I'm already still stretched off my 13month baby ha ha. Never think you are wasting midwives time, that's part of their job to answer your questions and put your mind at rest. I remember what I was like, everything that felt different I was on the phone to them, I feel a lot more chilled out this time.....for now �� xx
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I get sharp pains a lot of the time! I’m at work all calm then I’ll yelp in pain…. Feels like stretching pains I have no idea as this is my first baby x
Spoke to hubby about me returning to work after baby and maternity leave and it looks like I won't need too :) Huby is looking at a new job which is shift work and probably double his current pay and as long as a position cones up he will be taking it asap. He has friends who work for the company keeping their ears open. So because of that I don't need my maternity leave to last that long after baby is born so I'm sticking it out at work for the next 9.5weeks and taking my 4 weeks annual leave in one block from 14th March and then maternity leave starts 11th April at 33+4weeks, but my last working day will be 11th March at 29+1 weeks :) Seriously can not wait to be out of here xx
Although I have no idea how I'm meant to get through the next 9 weeks with the pain I am in tonight with my pgp :( struggling to walk about xx
Fab news kanga!! Keeping everything crossed it works out for you both:) sorry about your pgp tho. One downside of Tri2+3:-(

Blueclass, did you call the mw?

Kuku, did you have your scan today?? What are you having??
Fab news kanga!! Keeping everything crossed it works out for you both:) sorry about your pgp tho. One downside of Tri2+3:-(

Blueclass, did you call the mw?

Kuku, did you have your scan today?? What are you having??

Hi yes I did I got an app for now actually, I'm sat waiting to be seen. I'm sure everything fine but as a first timer I have no idea. Hopefully they will reassure me xx
Oh good! What did they say? did you get to see bubba again? xx
Let me know what's said blueclass - I think I have the same, constant pain low down in the belly, almost more like the top of the crotch. I can't laugh as it feels like something's going to tear if I do! Partner wanted to call the hospital number midwife had given us last night, but I just think it's bound to be something normal, like stretching, and didn't want the fuss. Am I being too relaxed about stuff, or should I be more worried? Partner seems to worry more than I do... :-S
Hi Mummies!

Can't quite believe I'm here. But, I'm 17 weeks pregnant with no 4 ��

Hope you're all finding tri 2 good so far x
Fab news kanga!! Keeping everything crossed it works out for you both:) sorry about your pgp tho. One downside of Tri2+3:-(

Blueclass, did you call the mw?

Kuku, did you have your scan today?? What are you having??

Hi yes I did I got an app for now actually, I'm sat waiting to be seen. I'm sure everything fine but as a first timer I have no idea. Hopefully they will reassure me xx

Hi Hun!

We are having a baby GIRL!!! So over the moon!! Boys were jumping up and down when we got told at the scan lol, they were that happy!! They're 9 and 11 and desperately wanted a sister!

Blue class I'm having the same pains and have had a couple of braxton hicks too, which I never had when I was pregnant with the boys...

Yay! Congrats Kuku! So many girls in the June Mummies. Must've been something in the waters in Sept;-)
Enjoy the pink shopping;-)

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