***June Mummies 2016 Tri 2***

OK thanks. It's an idea to use the carry cot for over night sleeping. I could rest that on the cot which will be next to our bed. We are in a tiny flat so no stairs in here I could carry the carry cot in living room. Only stairs I have is to get in the flat I'm on top floor which is 3 floors up. Which I struggled with before I was pregnant haha now I can't breath when I get to the top xx
Newest purchase for baby, a bedside crib :) bargain on eBay got it for £50 in excellent condition, they are £160 new! Obviously need to take the bed guard off my bed so it fits up against it in the right place and there is a very slight drop as our mattress is so thick, but I am very excited to use it :) xx
Maternity leave question. When do you all plan on stopping work? I was thinking of using 3 weeks holiday from 33 weeks and maternity leave to start at 36 weeks purely for the fact I hate hate hate my job and don't plan on returning to it. I would start it earlier if it didn't mean I would have to go back when baby was younger. That or stick it out longer so I could get longer off with baby and my boys, so torn! xx
I'm planning on starting mat leave the week baby is due but taking 3 weeks holiday before that. I did.the same last time and my daughter was born day 1 of mat leave
Knowing my luck baby 2 will be 3 weeks early! I want as much time with baby as possible before going back to work. I got nearly 14 months with my daughter with accrued holiday and it still felt far too soon to leave her :-(
Think I’ll be leaving work 4 weeks before I’m due so end of April, just spoke to my midwife and she’s going to sign my form next week so I can collect it from my docs! Can’t believe my next scan is next week and I find out the sex ekkkkk! XXX
And one more thing! Was thinking of buying a Doppler…. Anyone know what one I should get and where from? xx
Sjenkins I don't have a Doppler (well the one I have is crap) but from what I have read angelsounds seems to be the way to go. X

Has anybody dyed their hair? I have dark brown hair with a t-bar of red lights which are grown out and look awful. Would it be OK to get them redone? Or even cover with a box dye? Never dyed my hair with previous pregnancy so don't know what to do. X
Yes I’ve seen the angelsounds I might just get one! I’m blonde and have my hair highlighted every two months got it done last month everything was fine xxx
I have a sonoline b doppler, looks just like the ones the midwives use. I got mine 2nd hand on eBay xx
Just got one on ebay! Comes on Thursday so will see how good it works... How's everyone doing going back to work today? xx
I did my 1st shift back yesterday evening as didn't go in to clean the offices after they were in on Christmas Eve, so doing 6 shifts this week :( I absolutely hate my job so had a cry about being back this morning lol I have enjoyed the week and a bit off and getting to see my dh in the evening rather than having to leave for work as soon as he gets in so I'm a bit depressed. Doesn't help I work completely alone so have all day on my own with the boys then all evening alone :( Sorry that ended up as a bit of a moan! Roll on maternity leave xx
Love87, I dyed mine before Christmas after not doing it through 1st trimester. Difference was I found a natural, plant based dye in Holland and Barrett which was ammonia and peroxide free. Actually got a quite decent red colour which I was happy with. I always dye my own with foils and this time left about 2mm to the riot to make sure none got on my scalp. Henna dyes should be fine too, but just have to watch it as it builds up on your hair - if looking at henna I'd research it and test first. X
Oh Kanga that doesn’t sound nice at all you poor thing! I think I would cry as well if I didn’t like my job. When you thinking of leaving then? xxx
I'm now thinking using my 4wks holiday to have 1wk off in Feb and Mar and 2wk in Apr. So work 5wk then 1wk off, work 4wk then 1wk off and then just another 4wks until 2wks off and maternity starting 30th Apr at 36 weeks, but last day would be at 34 weeks. Seems like its more managable in small chunks. Would be due back to work at the end of January 2017, and will be looking for a new job unless hubby gets a better job and I don't have to return at all and I can then be a stay at home mum to 3 xx
Starting to think about Maternity as well, due on the 18th June but tempted to go mid may. I commute 1 1/2 hours each way and have struggle all the way through pregnancy, not sure how 25+ weeks will be like.
As I work in a school I can't leave early and use holiday. I'm going to work right up till the end so I can spend longer with my baby. Tho I do hate my job and not sure if I will last to the end xx
I won't be going back to my old job so can spend as much as I can with the baby :) xx
Kanga, sorry to hear you're down about work:-( it sounds like your mat leave/hol plan is a good idea. That way you'll always have something to look forward to whilst at work and it might not seem so bad. Then at the end of it you get months off and never have to go back to that a**ehole! Your new crib looks great! What a bargain! I'll be using DS's old moses basket. It's a rocking one and DS loved it! He slept thru from 7 weeks so im hoping it'll do the trick again:pray:

Love87, I dyed my hair every 6-8 weeks when pregnant with my son (who is absolutely fine), and so far ive done the same in this pregnancy (and so far she seems fine) so I'd say go for it!

For the first time today a stranger asked when I was due!!! Yaaay I look pregnant now instead of just fat lol!! :dance:

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