***June Mummies 2016 Tri 2***

Evening ladies had my scan today and dated 13+6 which is 2 days behind what I expected from last scan at 12 weeks but don't really want to change my dates

Happy new year everyone, we are having our babies this year ���� xx
Happy New Year everyone! We had my BIL & SIL over for a take away and games. She's also pregnant so it was quite uneventful lol! Was in bed by 11 after eating too much pizza and choccies...
Cant believe we are already in our birthing year! By the end of this year our bubbas are roughly 6 months old and probably learning to sit. Crazy!
Hope everyone had a lovely New Year's Eve.
Here's to a very special year for us all:pompom:
Happy new year ladies to u and ur bumps and families xx
Happy new year June mummies. Just 6 months to go till we have our little ones with us. Feels ages away but I'm guessing it will come round quickly. Xx
Happy New Year ladies, hope you've all had a good day. I'm still struggling with getting online and finally have a virginmedia guy coming tomorrow to hopefully sort our WiFi out.

I'm in absolute agony this week with I think pgp already. I've suffered in previous pregnancies but this time is by far the worst. I've only been able to lie down in my back or sides for a short while without being in awful pain from my hips/pelvis area :( Can't even sit up! Have no idea how I am going to return to work on Sunday evening.

On a plus side I'm now 19+1wks and have my official dating scan next Friday :) Still not getting much if any movements though, but I do have an anterior placenta so that could be why xx
Baby maker I will also apologise for having a full inbox so that you couldn't pm me back, I have sorted it out now. I had my email alerts going to the wrong email so never saw the messages till today.

Also I got a reply from the gender experts and they said boy from my scan pic so they were correct! xx
Baby maker I will also apologise for having a full inbox so that you couldn't pm me back, I have sorted it out now. I had my email alerts going to the wrong email so never saw the messages till today.

Also I got a reply from the gender experts and they said boy from my scan pic so they were correct! xx

Dont worry - just glad to see you are back on here:) sorry to hear about the pelvic pains. I had that with DS and it's horrible. Pretty sure it's on its way back:-( i should dig my pregnancy pillow out.

Eek next week you are half way thru the pregnancy!!! Where has that time gone?? Do you still feel sick? Xx
I do still feel sick at times, but I am down to one anti sickness tablet a day from 3 so doing much better. Can't believe I'm nearly half way through!

I did have a good sort out of baby clothes the other day and have 2 great big binbags of clothes to get rid off so that we can get a few new bits :) I managed to get £106 worth of next clothes for £53 in the sales the other day :) so getting a bit of baby retail therapy xx
I am feeling far more pregnant than I did at this stage last time. I'm the size of a house (the high carb 1st trimester followed by Christmas hasn't helped and I've put on half a stone already!), I'm light headed all the time, have blotchy skin and getting backache and heartburn. Can't wait to start feeling the baby and feel properly pregnant and not just like a bloated lazy lump!

I'm starting to want to shop for the baby but we don't need anything as we kept everything from last time so I'm having to sit on my hands ignoring desires to buy things we don't need or compensate by buying yet more toys for Isabelle (who got well and truly spoilt at Christmas!).
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I am feeling far more pregnant than I did at this stage last time. I'm the size of a house (the high carb 1st trimester followed by Christmas hasn't helped and I've put on half a stone already!), I'm light headed all the time, have blotchy skin and getting backache and heartburn. Can't wait to start feeling the baby and feel properly pregnant and not just like a bloated lazy lump!

I'm starting to want to shop for the baby but we don't need anything as we kept everything from last time so I'm having to sit on my hands ignoring desires to buy things we don't need or compensate by buying yet more toys for Isabelle (who got well and truly spoilt at Christmas!).

Could you not sell bits you got and they buy new stuff? I get dizzy alot when I move to fast even if I roll over in bed! I look massive but since my booking in app I only put on 1 kg however I weigh myself naked obviously at hospital I am clothed so you could maybe add a kg for that. I need to be careful as my bmi is 33 and I want a water birth. She did say if it was to go slightly over I still may be ok as long as there are no other complications. I'm not starving myself but when everyone was eating cake I sucks on a sweet or something. Luckily I'm not a sweet person so it didn't bother me to much. I look like iv put weight on. My family commented say I look like it put on at least half a stone or a stone. It's all belly tho and it's a bump. X
I've easily put on 1st 4lb since falling pregnant :O but I was doing slimming world before the and haven't followed it at all with the sickness. Now I'm feeling much better I plan on following sw again as it can be done whilst pregnant and will hopefully lose some of my gain so far xx
These headaches are really getting me down :( it's been every day for three months, sometimes they're awful. I also have eye pain which I've never had before. Does this sound normal or shall I go to the opticians?
Could you not sell bits you got and they buy new stuff?

That would go against my money-saving nature I'm afraid. I bargain hunted for everything to make sure I got the right price and deliberately bought things with the intention of them being used twice.

At least if we have a boy I'll get to buy some more clothes once they're born. Last time I spent hours online reading up on pushchairs and car seats and picking up bits and pieces so it's another difference between my pregnancies (like chalk and cheese so far - maybe I am having a boy!)
Happy new year ladies! I've gained 9lbs so far :-( not too bad but I find the gaining on the scales difficult-I know I shouldn't!

I've bought some bits and pieces in the sales and have got our daughters baby's clothes from the loft and had a sort out. I'm also now in maternity jeans, my bumps really started to show over the Christmas!

20 week scan in 12 days and I can't wait to see her again, we've settled on her name- Elsie Grace :) xx
CCbunny -That's nice we have a baby in the family called Elsie. It's a cute name. We have some names but think we will wait till she arrives.

Maud- that's fair enough. I'm also looking everywhere and comparing prices as I want to get the best deal and not waste unnecessary money.

My husband and I thought we would wait till much later to buy a cot bed ect however we saw a extremely good barging today. It's a cot bed so can use this from birth to 5yr a chest of drawers with a changer on top and a wardrobe. It's mamma and papas and was originally £600 well its now £299! We snapped it up as did not think we will get all 3 items for this price again and we both really liked it. We live in a one bed till baby's almost a yr so the wardrobe will stay at MIL ill we move as it's not needed just yet.
Has anyone used a cot bed from birth? I'm not sure whether to buy a crib/moses basket. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Xx
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That does sound a good price!! We have a cot bed but I used a Moses basket at the beginning as just felt she was to small for all that space x
Yes that's what I think. I might buy a crib to go next to my bed. Just seems a waste of money if I can use the cot bed. Arg so many decisions x
If the cot is going in your room then you shouldn't need a crib as well. You might want a moses basket still though, so baby has somewhere to sleep downstairs and you can always put baby in the moses basket inside the cot overnight at first (certainly easier if you are transporting an already asleep baby upstairs). If you have a separate carrycot on your pushchair with a solid base you may be able to use this as a moses basket instead and save some money.

We had a moses basket for downstairs, a crib for our room and a cot bed in the nursery but she didn't move into there until she was 8 months old (although she did start having naps in there a little earlier to get her used to it).

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