***June Mummies 2016 Tri 2***

Hi ya nhs do normally tell you if you want to know and they can tell. I had a private one today and they said girl. I will ask nhs to look also but that's not till 27th Jan x

Oh good, I will ask them once they have done all the necessary measurements & checked are done. I really hope they tell me, if not I'll go private. Congrats on team Pink!! X
Congrats Blueclass:) may mummies are mostly boys, and we're mostly girls. Funny how it works out:)
Rebex, did you have your scan?
Hi, sorry I didn't update yesterday I was really busy! We're having a BOY :eek:)
This will be boy number 4 for us, still can't quite believe it lol, I'm obviously not meant to have a girl. I'll put some pics on later x x
She also said I was measuring a week ahead at 17+1 weeks but will see what they say at my 20 week scan x
Hi ladies - jumping into Tri 2 after being put forward by 4 days at my dating scan. I feel so far behind the rest of you! I'm Gayle, mummy to a 19 month old girl and now expecting number two. No plans to find out the sex of this one. Family and friends now know but I'm officially announcing in work when I go back on the 11th. I'll be 16 weeks so my bump might do the announcing for me lol! Currently feeling super emotional as I think my breastfeeding journey has come to an end with number one. I've been wanting to end for a while but haven't plucked up the courage but she's gone to sleep without a feed for each of the last 3 nights plus didn't feed from me last week for two nights when I was away at a wedding. Never in a million years when she was born did I think I would still be feeding her at 19 months. Honestly one of my greatest achievements in life. Looking forward to getting to know you all a little better x
Hi welcome to trimester 2. I'm 16+3 and my bump massive.

I'm annoyed at my self, I was half asleep whilst laying on my side and I felt what I can only describe as a popping sensation, it was really odd. Problem is I don't know if I felt it or I dreamt it!!xx
Congrats blueclass on team pink. And welcome to all the newbies. Hope all is well with everyone. I think my bump finally popped did not have much of a bump until last couple of days. Had such a busy Christmas I popped on every so often to catch up. X
I had bloaty bump from the very beginning and now have a bump I'm not even sure when it came. Everyone keeps commenting saying wow your really showing now. X
Congrats Rebex:) and welcome Gayle. Well done on the breastfeeding. Due to internal thrush and a very bad infection (which I think I picked up at the hosp but docs disagreed...) I was only able to BF for 3 weeks:-( this time im hoping to do it for longer, fingers crossed. But I wont beat myself up about it if i cant like I did last time. The guilt was horrible! X
Saw mw today and listened to baby's heartbeat she was happy with everything. I also booked my antenatal clases. X
Bought baby's first clothes today! Bought some new bits in the sales, and also found a big bundle on Facebook full of Cath Kidston, Next, H&M stuff for £60 (60 pieces) so I'm pretty much done with clothes. I now have to stop myself from buying more :-\
I know I have changed my mind like the clappers but have decided that we are going to find out baby's head gender. So I have scan booked for 11th of Jan at 11am. We thought better find out as DD is convinced she is getting a sister and if its a boy we would like to prepare her. She has now welcomed the idea of a baby and kisses my tummy. She is so sweet. Don't know how she will react if it is a boy though. Xx
Head gender? WTF? Meant gender and I don't know how to edit on Tapatalk.
Just felt her kick from the outside for the first time! I didn't expect that for a while yet
Aww how lovely Kitty. Remind me how many weeks you are now?
I'm 17+1 xx
That's so exciting I'm still waiting for the popping sensations. Come on baby girl start kicking me more lol. X
Aww how lovely Kitty. Remind me how many weeks you are now?
I'm 17+1 xx

By LMP I'm 18 weeks tomorrow (but expect a few days ahead of that) xx

That's so exciting I'm still waiting for the popping sensations. Come on baby girl start kicking me more lol. X

I've felt her move since 12 weeks, I must be incredibly lucky. Won't be long! xx

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