***June Mummies 2016 Tri 2***

Still that's scary even if only a little. Hope ur ok. X
Gosh, is it normal to feel so utterly exhausted at this stage? I thought it was meant to be Tri 1 and 3, but the last few days I've felt dead. My sickness seemed to go, but now I feel sick with exhaustion
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Totally normal I'm afraid kitty, in my previous pregnancies I've had several weeks from 17wks that I felt just completely exhausted and no amount of sleep helped. Think with my 1st I got my iron levels checked as I was sleeping so much and it was all fine. There are a few good weeks of pregnancy, I'm sure there are lol

CCbunny take it easy the next few as cos of bleeding and definitely get checked out if it continues.

Blueclass it is totally normal to not feel worried constantly and to feel as though it's not real. It will feel like that until they are here and then it's omg I actually have a baby to look after, shit when did that happen lol I still struggle with enjoying pregnancy as it is just so consuming, the hormones, the sickness, the heartburn, the changing body but I would and am doing it over and over for the sheer joy and love that you get once you met your baby for the first time and I would do it a thousand times more if it was possible and feasible. Sorry I am rambling on a bit but don't worry about not enjoying it because your not the only one.

I'm still struggling to shift my headache and got no paracetamol so have a forehead cooling strip on instead, it feels good but need some proper pain relief too. Thankfully I've just spoke to hubby and he is finishing work at 3pm instead of 5mm YAY :D xx
That makes me feel a little better, thank you Kanga. I've been worried because I suffer from CFS (like M.E) and have terrible exhaustion to the extreme but have been okay the past year. I'm a bit scared it's relapsing
I can imagine having CFS can make the exhaustion worse, my friend suffers with it too so seen how it can affect her. It is always worth getting checked out if you think it is getting too bad xx
Just wanted to say happy Christmas to all the June mummies. I hope you all have a lovely day xxx
Kitty, I felt terrible at 17 weeks, ended up being signed off work for two weeks due to fatigue. Couldn't get enough sleep and was going to bed at 7! It had passed by 19 weeks and now I'm just starting to feel more tired at 30 weeks :)
Merry Christmas to everyone! I have been lurking but not posting for a while as I've had nothing to report. I too am feeling absolutely exhausted so I agree kitty that it's prob just normal at this stage. I could sleep forever and find myself even more grumpy than usual in the mornings.

I have a couple of health worries (I have terrible health anxiety and this is nothing new for me). Firstly, I have a small new pigmented area on my cheek that is new over the last few weeks, and I'm going to the GP on Tuesday to get it checked out. Even more stressful, I have found a small breast lump and will mention that at my appt at Tuesday too. I have pretty lumpy breasts in general and have been seen for benign lumps twice in the past, but am still obviously worried as this one is new. That said, it is a bit painful (which the others weren't) and is associated with a painful lymph node in my armpit, so I'm hoping maybe it's a cyst or a developing milk duct or something. Going to try not to think about it until Tuesday, but I will struggle!
Sorry to hear that Siskin. Try to forget about it over Christmas if you can x

Merry Christmas everyone!
Merry Christmas everyone. I hope you all had a great day :)

Had a bath yesterday with my husband (who seemed rather shocked when he walked in the bathroom "God, you look pregnant"). I noticed my belly is getting hairy and I started to cry - I wasn't even really sad about it, but couldn't stop.

Another thing, which sounds a bit odd, but my eyes are really painful. It started Christmas eve, and it's when I move them or press them. Behind the eye like pressure, or something tugging at them. I'd be a little worried if it were just one, but I guess as it's both it may be pregnancy related...? I think I will book in at the opticians asap anyway
Hi ladies hope you have all had a good couple of days. Iv been so busy like most people I think. Today I'm going to relax other I think once I get my gender scan in less than 2 hours!! Eek so so excited xx
Omg just logged on and saw this! Bit late for a good luck message as you probably know the gender now. Hope it went well.

I've been super busy plus broken wifi and now a broken phone which won't connect to mobile data, feel like I've lost an arm lol xx
Hi everyone so I had my gender scan and ........ its a girl!!

Unfortunately it won't let me up load the potty shot il try later. Sorry for late update been shopping xx
Arg still can't up load potty shot x


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Congratulations again blueclass. Hope you managed to get a few bargains. I got baby boy a few bargains in next today over 100 pounds worth for 53 :)

My internet is still awful and having to use hubby's phone to check In. EE 'fixed' it earlier but since being home my mobile data isn't working again!! Virginmedia not out to fix wifi til 2nd Jan either! xx
I had a great barging on my pram the other week but today I just brought a few outfits as friends have all had girls and they will give us loads xx
Hellooooooo due 26th June gender scan on the 4th February *fingers crossed for team blue*
Hi! Can I join? I am due 18th June, scan booked on 26/01 hoping to find out the gender then if they will tell me (not sure as it's an NHS scan). X
Hi ya nhs do normally tell you if you want to know and they can tell. I had a private one today and they said girl. I will ask nhs to look also but that's not till 27th Jan x

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