***June/July mummies to be!***

I'm glad you had a good appointment and baby is head down for you. Mine has been head down all along till last week where they are now breech. My daughter was transverse all the way through up until she arrived so I'm hoping this one turns by a few weeks.

I was lucky and hardly bled after birth, it was like a very light period. I had bought loads of heavy duty maternity pads but barely used any so have kept them all to repack this time around!
Really?! Gosh that's so lucky....I bled loads, and loads....not pretty. Found the ones they give you in hospital the best, so thick but necessary!
I had to have a drip whilst in labour as I was at risk of haemorrhage during labour which stopped the bleeding really so it was very very light. I kept having to remember to change my pad every two hours like they advised. Will be the same this time around too.

I have my bag out ready to pack but aside from pads, a nighty and two bath towels I have nowt else in it!
Ah the joys. I'm group b strep positive so need to have iv antibiotics during labour, and i was borderline haemorrhage with my 2nd so I'm hoping it all goes smoothly.
I haven't even thought about packing, I need a bag big enough to cope with a 3 night stay if they don't get the antibiotics in me in time (highly likely, same thing happened last time) might just get to primark and get a few size 18 pj bottoms to lounge around in with some vest tops.
I haven't started nesting as such but I'm keen to get all the jobs done in the house that have been bugging me for ages! Think hubby is getting fed up with my nagging!
How did you find out you were positive for Strep B?

I'm not nesting either, I didn't last time, I just baked cakes till baby arrived!
Ooh baking cakes....great idea!

I found out towards the end of my last pregnancy as was having headaches and other possible pre eclampsia symptoms so it was picked up from tests for that. I haven't been tested again this time but they are treating me as strep b positive regardless. X
So I'm having severe anxiety issues, seeing doc and midwife regularly and waiting on a consultant appointment where it may be that I get induced a bit early. If that's the case I'm suddenly realising I only now have weeks left to get organised. Must start thinking about getting last bits, sorting through clothes to wash and pack hospital bag.
How's everyone else doing? X
im having huge anxieties, questioning every movement i feel from him, im terrified i wont get this baby in my arms something will happen - i know i need to relax and calm but i cant help it.

they have put me in for a sweep on the 24th may so ill be 38+5 so they want him out early, this also happens to be my last day at work.

we still need to move and i need to change healthcare providers im terrified, the end is near but i just fear i will lose him.
I'm sorry to hear about your anxiety and worries - all very normal but I'm glad you're talking to someone about them. It's getting so very close to our due dates and none of us is having what you would consider a normal pregnancy so there are bound to be some many fears!

I have seven weeks till due date but only four weeks till 37 weeks which is when my daughter decided to arrive. We have everything still from when she was a baby, just need to get some unisex baby grows down from the loft and washed and sort my bag out. I took so much into hospital that I didn't need so taking the bare essentials this time.
Leigh that's my fear too....
I'm actually going insane.
Well I'm sure washing all the baby bits and packing the bags will be a good distraction for us. I'm pushing by for a sweep at 37+ weeks, with induction to happen by 38/39....will see. Xxx
Have induction agreeed and booked for 39 weeks. They won't do it any earlier unless something medical comes up in the meantime. Better than nothing though and at least I can plan childcare etc and will know that I'm being monitored from the start and they can get the iv antibiotics in me in time. I'm also seeing midwife and gp for monitoring each week to help get me through til the day end and they are keen for me to take anxiety meds...not sure about that yet but will chat more about it at the next gp appointment.
On another note-anyone else feeling so blinking hot and sweaty all the time!!
oh man i hate the sun today its making me swell!!!

just got the lady in the office to bring her BP monitor in as my anxiety kicked in and all i could think of was pre e!

got the midwife on monday another scan on wednesday then 2 weeks after another scan and sweep eeek so close now to think in 3 weeks if the sweep works i could have my baby in my arms
Leigh 3 weeks! Yay! That's days, just 21 days!! Can't wait til they are here and we can breathe easier....
I keep weeing myself, not loads, but enough to go through to my trousers! Must remember pantyliners EVERYDAY from
Now on....so embarrassing!!
I was in so much pain with baby's position yesterday, I hope it meant they had turned as was breech at my last scan. I see the midwife on Monday and have another scan in two weeks.

It's nice and warm here, not hot though which is lovely! Sorry you're both suffering with the heat.
Ahh fingers crossed it was getting in the right position for you Hun. Little monkeys these June babies...! Xx
Baby seems to have hiccups a lot at the moment, so cute!
So it's all happening on my the may mummies thread! Lots of babies being born! Including Leigh...hope to hear some nice news from her soon.
That means we are next......!!
I had some intense back and tummy pains earlier and pressure on my cervix-also lots of discharge. Seeing the gp tomorrow, be good to see if baby has moved down again as that's what it feels like it's doing.
Hope everyone else doing ok, I'm getting my hospital bag bits slowly up-together to start packing....just in case.....!!
Fingers crossed your little one has moved down, the bad pains I had the other week was baby moving - I saw my mw on Monday and she said baby had gone from breech to transverse so was moving themselves back into position.

Yes, not long now, I hope Leigh isn't waiting too long!

I have started packing my bag too and have washed baby's clothes ready to go in there. Just need to pack some food nearer the time for hubby, get some nappies, some pads and a shower cap!

How are you feeling now?
It was between 3+4/5,engaged at last midwife appointment 2 weeks ago, so maybe it's head is right in there now....certainly feels like it!
Still feeling anxious and getting palpatations in the night, but I feel better knowing I'm now being seen weekly.
I'm going out today to get hospital bag bits and pre-packed milk for baby (I don't breastfeed as have a massive phobia) and will wash baby clothes over the weekend and get hubby to get the case down from the loft. Once I'm organised I think that'll help a little as well. I just want to get through these next 5 weeks! I'm going to book in for a pedicure and get my hair done for a few weeks time, just setting goals to work towards.

Glad your bubba is moving into the right place now. Fingers crossed it locks in soon for you xx
My little man was born last night. He's gorgeous but currently in care as he is poorly. They think it will be a fast recovery for him just needs some oxygen to help his lungs xxx

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