thats great news lolie!
i have my scan next wednesday see if they want to induce me early or not!
he went really quiet last night and so far today ive had a few but quiet, im not concerned yet as my placenta is at the front so i know i barely him move someday especially if he is facing towards my spine.
im getting hit with tri 3 nausea! 24/7 i cant seem to shake it off! ive suffered with heartburn from tri 1 it has killed me, he has so much hair it shows on the scans when they scan him lol
i think im pretty much sorted for baby, we are looking to move first week of may so everything is still in bags and boxes until we get moved so he has to stay put for a wee bit longer please baby!
i have a tiny bump compared to most but i am so done with being so uncomfortable
the end is deffo the hardest! xx