*** July mummies to be ***

Yeah, it'll have to be a proper emergency for them to get me in the labour ward, but I'm very happy in the birth centre, which seems very positive about active birthing, birthing pools etc. I didn't think anyone was made to labour on their back any more, that's nuts.

We're getting closer to actually buying stuff and I'm getting totally overwhelmed by how much crap is necessary. I need to chuck out half our flat if we're going to have any hope of storing it all.
Well I've been having a think I haven't had any issues with GD so I'm sticking to my original cut off of 41+5 I'm not having sweeps or hormone drips etc I am really miffed off after being spoken to like crap by my diabetes nurse she's a absolute arse!!! Said and I quote "you will have this baby before 39 weeks wheather you want to or not" he's a week ahead and nothing is wrong! I said to her if something is wrong I need to know or I'd be contacting a solicitor to find out and she gave Me my notes well threw them at me and let me check everything he's 100% fine and nothing is wrong so why fecking push? Big babies are annyth as my consultant said himself I am fine to birth naturally so I'm just not going to that appointment xxx
My friend was told constantly that she was having a big baby due to GD and put on loads of diets. Baby was induced at 37 weeks which was terribly traumatic and was under 6lbs so ended up being in NICU and having to be monitored as too small.

I went for a scan at 25 weeks and they said the baby was on the 50th centile. Well I've NEVER Had small babies and thought that was a bit off

Went for midwife appt and she said baby is slightly bigger than average (much more usual for me)

I think this GD and extra scans nonsense is a real hit and miss thing. I'm not interested in any of it.
I hate how the Drs and Midwifes think they can force us to do what they want. Its not down to them, they can advise you but at the end of the day its your birth not theirs. You know whats best for you and your baby
Exactly. I'm a fourth timer, I know what is going on and what signs to look out for. Every time I phone because I need advice (like because we've all got slap cheek) I am told I'll be put back with the consultants.

It's nonsense.
Glad I made not the only one who sees the bullshit side of things it's also fear mongering I'm not doing anything I don't want I wouldn't risk baby but I know now what's a danger sign and he is showing no problems what so ever so they can suck it!! Xxx
Can feel weird popping sensation in my bump like bubble wrap popping can also hear a pop every so often aswell. Feels weird
Glad I made not the only one who sees the bullshit side of things it's also fear mongering I'm not doing anything I don't want I wouldn't risk baby but I know now what's a danger sign and he is showing no problems what so ever so they can suck it!! Xxx

Apparently women 'taking an interest' in their own care is 'worrying' for the consultants.

Well that's fine because I don't want anything to do with consultants!!

My mum even said 'I could have just delivered him here' and she's right. They were not needed and it would have just been lovely without their stress.

I think they've got worse since then too, Erik was born nearly 5 years ago and they weren't nearly this full-on through the pregnancy.

This time has been ABSURD.

I want none of it.
Glad I made not the only one who sees the bullshit side of things it's also fear mongering I'm not doing anything I don't want I wouldn't risk baby but I know now what's a danger sign and he is showing no problems what so ever so they can suck it!! Xxx

Apparently women 'taking an interest' in their own care is 'worrying' for the consultants.

Well that's fine because I don't want anything to do with consultants!!

My mum even said 'I could have just delivered him here' and she's right. They were not needed and it would have just been lovely without their stress.

I think they've got worse since then too, Erik was born nearly 5 years ago and they weren't nearly this full-on through the pregnancy.

This time has been ABSURD.

I want none of it.
My consultant is actually really nice and is happy for me to do this I will have a more in depth chat Thursday but he's genuinely lovely and knows what I want so I trust him but I'm laying
Down the law haha xxx
Oh FFS. At my first midwife appointment I mentioned that I would be flying home for my sister's hen party and wedding at 31 and 36 weeks. Midwife said, yeah, no problem, just book an appointment closer to the time and we'll sort a letter. It needs to be issued 7 days before I fly, so I just tried to book an appointment and the receptionist was having none of it. She insisted that I would have to get the letter at this week's appointment, which is a good 14 days before the flight, and therefore no use. Fucking hell. I really thought I was doing ok with my dealings with the hospital so far. Is this just what it's going to be like? Nobody listening to the words coming out of my mouth?
My GP did my letter 2 weeks before and I would have thought they would have said something if it needs doing closer to when you fly. Midwife did one also and didn't mention it being a problem.
Glad the GP is sorting it out for you though x
I suspect it wouldn't be a problem, but British Airways' website says it has to be issued 7-10 days before flying. I think I'm avoiding thinking about the reality of having a baby in three months and worrying about things that really, in the grand scheme of it, do not matter (although God help me if my sister hears me say that).
Cool that sounds SO FRUSTRATING.
Don't you just HATE doctors receptionists? I have had huge problems with them flat out refusing to put me on call lists or give me appointments because they don't quite get what's going on.

I hope you get it all sorted and have a wonderful time away.

I am going to be investing in some decent kegels as soon as I can... Definitely want to work on my bladder control and stomach post-baby!!

Had a bit of a weird day, my sons play with a little boy who has some learning difficulties but he's becoming quite unmanageable.

My eldest (who is six) started saying 'SON 2 MUST DIE' over and over again and I told him off, turns out to be something this boy says regularly to him. I mentioned it to him mum but she just says 'oh he doesn't understand' etc but refuses to talk to him.

They played after school and eldest has a huge scratch down his face where this boy has grabbed him saying 'I'm going to rip your eyeballs out'

I mention it to his mum but she just says 'oh he gets it from marvel programmes on the iPad and he doesn't see how it's not real. But won't talk to him.

It's just... ARGH, I dunno, I want them to be open and play with different people and I understand he has less control than others but he's not being disciplined at all at it pissss me right off.
I'm so angry right now! Been woken up most of the night by hubby snoring and pushing me out the bed and then my son has learnt to take his nappy off because hubby had let him learn how to undo the Velcro!! Now I'm having to go out and get pull ups to try and train him to use the potty I'm not happy and I was trying to sort my son and the bin men arrived I shouted for him to take the bin out he was a dick about it! Sorry but don't let our kid learn how to undo his ducking nappies!! Xxx
Oh Violet I understand your frustration, they really don't understand the impact some
Of the things they do has on us do they!

Sainsbury- if she won't do anything about it then I wouldn't let my child interact with them. Nothing frustrates me more then me telling my child off and parents letting there kid get away with murder, it's not fair and confusing for your children.

CNM- where are you off to again? I think it's our hormones making us worry 10 times more than we usually would. I have been awful this past month, worrying about anything and everything x
I just wouldn't have mine in bed with me if he was stopping my sleep!! That's what 3 seater sofas are for!!
lol sailsbury! He's apologised after I had a rage clean and did stuff for me today finally!! Xxx
'Rage clean' - love it.

Onedaysoon I'm not going far, just Belfast, but I'm paranoid that they won't let me fly back and I'll end up doing the 10 hour ferry and train journey back to London. It really should be fine, I just love a worry.

We're finally ordered a car seat! Still got all the other big things to go, but still, that's some progress! SO EXCITED!

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