*** July mummies to be ***

CNM atleast with a carseat you can leave the hospital so definantly one of the most important items.

Got my bag all done finally so can stop stressing about that.

My husband is sleeping in the spare room and has been for the last 2 months. I wake to pee all bloody night so he would get woken up alot, then if he snored once i was back in bed it would keep me awake. So was easier for him to move out of our room for now. Would make him sleep on the sofa if we didnt have the spare room
I think we are getting a car seat from a friend, gosh haven't considered that.

Full on Braxton Hicks this evening.

Which is a worry am only 29+5!!
CNM atleast with a carseat you can leave the hospital so definantly one of the most important items.

My thinking exactly! Just had dinner with the father-in-law and his ladyfriend, apparently they've been going mad buying newborn hats. I didn't think they were particularly interested in kids in general, so this is really very sweet.
I'm in awful pain not severe but not nice either period type cramps and back ache :( bump is going rock hard too probably nasty braxton hicks! Baby is happy and active so all is good. Hope you're all okay xxx
I've been getting alot of period type pain in the bottom of my bump the last few weeks with alot of braxton hicks.
Yep, tight bump and period pains! Labour feels more in the back than the front, but it still takes your breath away doesn't it!!
Well last night was awful! Baby was moving a lot and every time I felt like something was coming out I felt sick too hot and lightheaded bloods where controlled and fine i ended up sat on the bathroom for ages bump going hard every time I had to get up I've never had a night as bad as that before. But when he moves I can feel the pressure on my bladder nothing ever leaks out but it was so strange xxx glad I'm not the only one with period pain but also not glad you've got it too xxx
I'm waiting for the carseat to arrive like a kid waiting for Santa. So excited! I hope Sproglet doesn't inherit my mad highs and lows!

Sorry you've been suffering chaps - I've come out in sympathy period-like pains! Very slight so far.
I'm so tired. Really struggling to sleep at night can't get comfy and i'm too hot so fed up of this now been 3 nights in a row with very little sleep.
Have a scan at 12.15 to see if baby is still breech. Praying hes turned around.
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My appointment didn't go great. He's measuring big at 35-36 weeks I'm only 32 weeks and his estimated weight ATM is 5lb 7oz so their being pushy for a section now, I have my 36 week appointment for 8th June so we'll see how that goes. Pretty pissed off bit nothong I can do my bloods are stable and well controlled what else can I do?! Xxx
Sorry you had bad news Violet. Is there a reason why they wont induce instead of doing a c section?

My scan went well. Baby is head down so im glad i didnt book a c section like my consultant wanted. His femur lenght is on the 95th centile so he going to be tall. All other measurements are 50th centile or slightly under and his estimated weight is 4lb 1oz next scan june 1st.
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I had a previous c section so can't have any induced method which I'm not complaining as I was induced first time and it was awful!! It resulted in my c section in the end, I'm glad baby is doing well Hun. My appointment is 8th June so will know more then but I'm now weighing up the pros and cons but if I have a section and he's under my firsts birth weight there will be a kick off I don't feel the scan is right at all they got it wrong first time around. Xxx
I never believe the estimates to be honest. Got told at 36 weeks that riley was 8lb 4oz he was 6lb 1oz when he was born at 37 weeks.

I know I've mentioned it a couple of times, I had the court case today to do with my neighbours and....


So utterly relieved, I got my not guilty, my girl baby and just need to get my degree completed now :-)

This weekend is All about the partying though! Two bbq's with good friends :-) so bloody happy!

Picking up co-sleeping cot tomorrow :-) eeeeek

I know I've mentioned it a couple of times, I had the court case today to do with my neighbours and....


So utterly relieved, I got my not guilty, my girl baby and just need to get my degree completed now :-)

This weekend is All about the partying though! Two bbq's with good friends :-) so bloody happy!

Picking up co-sleeping cot tomorrow :-) eeeeek

Yay!!! That's fantastic news Hun so glad xxx
Jeez, that must be a huge relief. I'm very happy for you!

Man, I thought I was having a good day because the OH brought home unexpected crisps...
I had a great day but did try and have a coffee with my friend and her little boy attacked my son again. Left big scratches all over his face.

I've sent her pictures but she just said 'he wouldn't do it for no reason'

As if there is EVER a reason to scratch someone in the eye?!

Anyway it's not looking like a stay and play day today so I'm not too worried, they won't be spending any time with him again.

Shame Coz we get on well but she refuses to accept her son needs any sort of discipline and now he's becoming violent. Not someone we want around!!
How awful salisburymum definatly sounds like you guys would be better off not seeing them, hope you son is ok.

I'm so fed of my boobs leaking all the time. I wake up and my top is soaking wet i should probably wear a bra to bed but i hate wearing them during the day never mind at night.
I am leaking more south unfortunately!!

At least you'll have no trouble with milk production if you're choosing to breast feed

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