*** July mummies to be ***

It says fore waters on my original post damn phone its hind waters eventually my phone will cooperate. I feel okay in myself baby is happy and active xxx
Is everyone doing their Kegels? Dont neglect your pelvic floor muscles ladies.
Glad your main waters are still ok Violet :-). Hopefully no more scares like that x
I get a LOT of discharge too and have done for a fewfree months. I have to wear a pad every day or it can soak through to my trousers. As long as it's not got blood in or is a funky smell it's fine according to my midwife.
Midwife today, they're putting my care plan together and have promised me I will no longer get bombarded with other midwives/consultants.

all on for a decent home birth with a midwife I know. Either my midwife or the head of midwifery apparently.

Back still sore but much less if I walk often :-)
I've been doing Pelvic exercises on and off but fml I peed myself before because I sneezed super hard haha typical. All is well I rang to let them know how the rest of he day went but I didn't rest as much as I should of. I'm glad you're all doing well it was a shock but he's obviously eager haha or just the way he pushed down? I was uncomfortable when I woke up today. Sounds awful but my lady parts are very sore and swollen I never had this before so it's weird for me I walk like John freakin' Wayne haha.
Aww sailsbury I hope you get your home birth Hun! Ooh it's exciting we don't have long left ladies :) xxx
I will have a home birth. Not a chance I'm going back to that sodding hospital to get told I'm not in labour and treated like crap
I will have a home birth. Not a chance I'm going back to that sodding hospital to get told I'm not in labour and treated like crap

Hell no hun no one should make you feel that way or treat you that way! I won't be going to hospital until i cant take it any longer I have no choice as I had a previous section so I'll have monitoring but you can do it Hun I have everything crossed for you xxx
I will have a home birth. Not a chance I'm going back to that sodding hospital to get told I'm not in labour and treated like crap

Hell no hun no one should make you feel that way or treat you that way! I won't be going to hospital until i cant take it any longer I have no choice as I had a previous section so I'll have monitoring but you can do it Hun I have everything crossed for you xxx

I went in after Ivy to have Erik as he was still born and the treatment I got was awful.

I got no extra support or help, in fact I was just left in a room and made to feel dreadful if I so much as asked to hear the babies heartbeat.

Kept telling me I was not in labour. It was horrendous. Then hid the buzzer so Liam had to deliver the baby alone.

Never ever going back and they keep trying to make me. I've told them now if it carries on I'll stop all post natal care and simply have my baby at home without a midwife. I'm so sick of it all.
Salisbury, that sounds like a crazy nightmare. As in, I'm pretty sure I've had that as one of my worst nightmares.

I'm very happy to walk out of the hospital if people don't listen to me or patronise me at all. Can't be doing with that.
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I tried to but my mum had my car!!
They were still telling me I wasn't in labour half an hour before Erik was born!!!

This time I'm staying put xx
Why did they think that?! Did they apologise afterwards? Did they give you any explanation?! Oooh, if we manage to move house in the next month, I'm definitely considering a home birth.
Oooh, weird coincidence alert - it turns out that my dream pram is the same one our neighbours have. Their baby is now a toddler so I'm going to see if they want to sell it to us. If I were them, I'd keep it forever, but you never know...
I tried to but my mum had my car!!
They were still telling me I wasn't in labour half an hour before Erik was born!!!

This time I'm staying put xx

Wow that's just idiotic of them they're supposed to know!! Xxx
Aaargh have been woken up at 6am by crazy upper back pain. Every time I breathe out it's like my rib cage is collapsing. Dr Google suggests that this down to ribs shifting around and is entirely normal in pregnancy....sigh
I don't know why they treated me like they did. They didn't know what a woman in labour who is not on drugs looks like. They wanted me to be on my back, constantly monitored and on drips and drugs.

I know that I had a 27 hour labour with my first born, stitches, faff and the general shock and surprise of giving birth, I then had a stillbirth and my third birth would have been a wonderful, wonderful experience if I'd just stayed at home.

He didn't graze me, no one was in the room when I delivered him, physically it was a pleasant labour, resulting in a completely calm delivery.

Instead I was in tears, I was patronised, I was left alone and made to feel bad when I asked to hear the heart beat and I tried to leave the hospital an hour before I gave birth.

It was really tragic. There is no way I'm going back to that hospital. I've earned this loving birth. They can fuck right off if they think they're taking it from me.
By the way I am in full nesting mode, I've been on it like a car bonnet with the cleaning. I can't believe how messy everything is!! Shame my back is so sore or I'd be able to do more!!
I hope it all goes to plan for you SalisburyMum.

I don't know if it's because it's my first but I for one will want to be in a hospital! Im fortunate to have a midwife whos case studying me so will come to the hospital purely for me and she's lovely so I'm hoping this will make it a bit easier for me!

I've started getting very anxious about the birth over the last couple of days, it's the fear of the unknown I guess..

Hope everyone's having a nice weekend, building work still in full force here, I have a headache from all the banging!!
I think being in hospital is fine if that's what you want. Not everyone has crap experiences in hospital, I've had three bad experiences on the same labour ward. Pretty understandavle why I wouldn't want to go back.

I would say even if you are going to hospital to stay mobile and don't get on your back. It's a Rubbish position to squeeze babies out!!

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