*** July mummies to be ***

I agree lol

What are the specific vits/minerals you should take after the birth? I'm taking my pregnancy vits at the minute but when should you stop taking them, are there post-pregnancy multi-vits?
Pregnacare do breastfeeding and new mum vitamins.

I have no idea when your ment to stop tge pregnancy vitamins but i think i took them untill ibwas just over 20 weeks because im rubbish at remembering to take tablets.
im also stalking your thread brings back memories :)

i hope your all having a simple one :)
I'm going to make husband chop it up and put it in the freezer. Not paying someone else to do it.
Have you done it before with your previous pregnancies Salisburymum?
My OH is the most squeamish person I know, there's no way he would be up for that!.. he will struggle to even look at it I think.. I wouldn't be surprised if he passes out when I give birth! Everyone just keeps telling him to stay up the clean end and he'll be alright! lol

Lots of baby events on atm, worth having a look! xxx
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No didn't do it with the last three.

But my friend raves about it. Will also be making breast milk milkshakes every night for my eldest 2 so might as well eat me some placenta
What if you dont 'like' the taste or thought of it once you have the smoothie in front of you what will you do with the placenta?
Did you say you was having a homebirth aswell?
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Oh man, if there's a chance I can avoid PND I'll eat anyone's placenta.

Thanks for advice re pram prices - I had fallen in love with the Mothercare ownbrand one for £300, which is ridiculously good value, and made the mistake of telling OH that that's how much we'd need to spend, so it's just a bit of a shock I think. The one I want is the Babyzen Yoyo as we're in London and I have a history of Crap Back. It's so amazing and light, I almost wept for joy when I tried it out.
All this talk of chopping up and eating placenta is bringing back my morning sickness lol
Lol! I know.

We went out for dinner last night and I ate so much my stomach hurt, i don't think I can fit that much in anymore! lol

Had a slightly later night then usual and I feel sooo tired this morning, feel like I have a hangover! Sleep-hangover maybe lol xx
Had a oh shit moment today went to the doctors for my little one as he has a sore bum and random spots so got cream I sat down in the pharmacy and my leggings and knickers where soaked so we went to the doctors again to be checked and he thinks my hind waters went?! Please tell me this is okay? He said not to worry and the midwife in today said the same also extra discharge excise the grossness but it's seriously tons not soaking a pad or anything just a lot of it I've had to change my knickers 3 times since coming home now I do actually have a pad on though. Xxx
I hope everythings ok Violet.

With Riley i was leaking waters from about 30 weeks sometimes felt like loads kept being told it was my fore waters. He was born at 37 weeks and when my waters went i flooded the birthing room.
From what I can gather you put 1 or 2 inch cubes inside a decent sized smoothie with frozen bananas and fruits and almond milk.

So you'd not taste it anyway :-)
Had a oh shit moment today went to the doctors for my little one as he has a sore bum and random spots so got cream I sat down in the pharmacy and my leggings and knickers where soaked so we went to the doctors again to be checked and he thinks my hind waters went?! Please tell me this is okay? He said not to worry and the midwife in today said the same also extra discharge excise the grossness but it's seriously tons not soaking a pad or anything just a lot of it I've had to change my knickers 3 times since coming home now I do actually have a pad on though. Xxx

Ooooo keep an eye and keep midwife well informed!!
How scary for you Violet. Maybe request a scan to put your mind at rest if you are worried.
Keep us posted x
I lost bits of plug not a hell of a lot I've had a full check up he's still got the main waters intact how bizzare definitely wasn't pee and just loads of discharge still their glad for me to rest at home but said if anything else happens to go back xxx
I'm getting lots of discharge ATM too, have to wear a thin pad otherwise just soaks through my underwear and have to change constantly! It's more watery then 'creamy' but from what I've heard/read it seems normal!?

LO is moving around a lot today, his not much of a kicker but likes to roll around I think! xx

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