*** July mummies to be ***

Just tried to call my consultant I apparently can't call him? What's the fecking point in bothering then? Urghhh xx
Have just bought a bikini top to (hopefully) wear in the birthing pool! I hope I haven't jinxed it.

I'm also leaking. It seems that my bladder is perfectly fine until I get within four feet of a loo, and then it gives up. Hilarious.
I guess boob leakage is better then bladder leaks so i wont complain too much.
I'm on two knickers a day, could do with buying some pads really I think :(

Was shouted at by a woman on the school run today, she'd had an issue on the way to school and I was going to offer some support but she shouted at me loads and really embarrassed me in front of a load of mums.

My goodness it was horrible, it's totally knocked the wind out of me, with everything that's going on with the boys and their friend and the court case, I'm particularly vulnerable and uncomfortable.

It's just made me wish for summer holidays when I can just stop having to go into the school at all.

I know I'm being a bit over sensitive about it but my goodness I fee like everyone hates me and thinks I'm a twat. It's a horrible, horrible feeling.
That's horrible SM. :( why did she shout at you? I couldn't imagine shouting at someone, what a nasty piece of work!! Xx
I really don't know. She was obviously upset and I get that but there are ways of dealing with things and that definitely isn't one of them.

I am a bit of a joker I suppose and people tend to decide that I'm 'strong' enough to take everyone's shit but actually I'm pretty sensitive.

Anyway it's over and I'm feeling a lot better but yesterday was basically spent just trying not to cry all day and having this crushing feeling in my stomach
Ah the leaky boobs started for me this week too. Making me dread the pain after birth as I won't be breastfeeding :-(
Well we are having a bbq today and the sun has decided to come out after a bit of a worrying start!!

House is tidy, garden is looking good and I'm so excited to see some/many friends over the next two days!!

The neighbours HATE me having a social life so double score!! Hahaha
Feeling pretty down today, my parents aren't being very supportive when I tried to talk to my mum about my scan and such she was awful spoke to me horribly it's my birthday on Wednesday I've not had very many good or nice ones since my 21st hubby promised he'd take the day off but he took the week just gone instead so can't take Wednesday as it's too soon after leave he's just had. I hate my birthday as it is I just want one day to myself while I'm pregnant where I can relax I wanted to book a spa day but it's not going to happen now. Sorry ladies I hate to be a weeping Willa just miserable xxx
My friend has just had her baby today at 28 week, hes so tiny. Makes me feel guilty for wishing these weeks away.

Sorry your having a bad day Violet. I had a spa day planned for my birthday on the 23rd but hubby is working now even though he usually has tuesdays off so have had to change it to june. I will get my facial and massage no matter what.
Violet I highly recommend binge watching Downton Abbey and eating scones on your birthday chick xx

This weekend I've had loads of friends pop over, there were 10 of us on the Saturday, which was perfect, then two friends stayed overnight and so we got to spend some really good quality time with them and then today we had 16 more

A marvellous two days of chatter, sticking it to the bloody neighbours and generally being well fed and happy :-)

They've al gone now leaving me with a fair bit of mess to clean and a fridge full of salads, quiche and cake!!

Just very happy and chilled!! What a lovely couple of days.

The neighbours put the strimmer on for 10 mins and tried to have a peer over the fence but didn't get very far.

Just all in all a lovely day and I've felt so good. Now just have to finish this dissertation and complete my degree!!
Thanks Hun, I'll be making a big batch of GD brownies �� Xxx
mmmmmmmm brownies!

I am already in bed, I have had the craziest of weekends and its definitely time to call it a night.

My doggy is next to me and I got a free cot this week (yay)

So lots of lovely things!!

Look after yourself Violet, remember that next year you'll have a very special little person to share your birthday with and they come with so much love :)
Well, I think we can safely say the biggest issue with going to bed at 20.30 is... waking up at 4AM!!!

But I think some daydreaming and listening to the trains rumble past should lure me back to sleep
My friend just posted a pic of the baby hes so tiny 2lb 11oz. Hes beautiful and doing really well. Has made me really tearfull this morning
Tiny baby! I hope she's okay, its scary when they're so small... lots of work in NICU to get them up to birthweight and its so so hard for mum and family.

I have had my home button stop working :( My phone got dropped in the bath briefly and it is not a happy phone. I might have to get a replacement part for it which will be an absolute arse. Anyway husband is away til Thursday so nothing is going to happen til then. It might stop me procrastinating too much over my dissertation which I have been trying to make a go of.

Kids are up for a couple more hours so wont be getting any more work done tonight, have stocked up on coffee and highlighters!
Good morning. We seem to have gone quite in here atm hope everyone is ok.

Woke up to pee several times last night so very tired today. Hubby said to me atleast its only 7 weeks till you can sleep all night again....think hes forgot what its like to have a newborn.
Having a new born is way easier than late pregnancy though lets face it!! You get all the breastfeeding lovely vibes which means sleep lasts longer and you get to sleep comfortably which is so difficult when you're heavily pregnant.

I have had the WORST night, I work up with a nightmare at 3.30am and managed to settle myself down, at 4, Jasper (my eldest who is six) came in, he said he'd had an accident in bed and I went through to the bathroom

He was absolutely covered, from head to toe, in poo.

So I bathed him, cleaned him, put him in fresh pj's and took him to my room. When I went to 'survey the damage' I found he has (on the top bunk) covered his bed in poo, completely, its up the sides, the walls, the sheet is possibly unsavable. Like trainspotting.

So I sorted that (sort of) and got back into bed, woke at half seven and Jasper had poo'd on the sofa and in the cold light of day there are spots of poo all over the house, in the carpet, on the stack of clean towels. Everywhere.

So now he's off and my lovely acupuncture session is cancelled :(

I've got SO MUCH POO to clean up and will have a boy in bed with me for at least the next three nights as Liam is away and can't make his bed!!
Oh no hope your son feels better soon. Theres so many bugs going round atm.
Have you reshedualed your acupuncture appointment?

I have nightmare almost everynight just lately definatly one of the weirdest pregnancy symptoms. One dream i was being chased by 100s of spiders. I'm not scared of spiders well atleast i wasn't until that dream.
Having a new born is way easier than late pregnancy though lets face it!! You get all the breastfeeding lovely vibes which means sleep lasts longer and you get to sleep comfortably which is so difficult when you're heavily pregnant.

I have had the WORST night, I work up with a nightmare at 3.30am and managed to settle myself down, at 4, Jasper (my eldest who is six) came in, he said he'd had an accident in bed and I went through to the bathroom

He was absolutely covered, from head to toe, in poo.

So I bathed him, cleaned him, put him in fresh pj's and took him to my room. When I went to 'survey the damage' I found he has (on the top bunk) covered his bed in poo, completely, its up the sides, the walls, the sheet is possibly unsavable. Like trainspotting.

So I sorted that (sort of) and got back into bed, woke at half seven and Jasper had poo'd on the sofa and in the cold light of day there are spots of poo all over the house, in the carpet, on the stack of clean towels. Everywhere.

So now he's off and my lovely acupuncture session is cancelled :(

I've got SO MUCH POO to clean up and will have a boy in bed with me for at least the next three nights as Liam is away and can't make his bed!!

Apoocalypse! Horror. Is it bad that the stack of clean towels is what bothers me the most?! Well, good luck with that...

I tried playing classical music to the bump, but I got bored so now it's Book of Mormon and I'm singing along merrily. I swear, working from home is the best/worst thing that's ever happened to me.

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