*** July mummies to be ***

Eeep! I hope it's three months for me though. I'm not due until the 26th, I bet I'm the last one to pop. In fact, I bet he doesn't turn up before August, which suits me, we're no closer to moving house, so we haven't bought anything other than clothes. I made a breastfeeding cushion though, so I guess he'll be clothed and fed at least!
Well I had my 'emergency' physio appt today's. Came away with some tubi grip and acupuncture sessions.

Which in pretty excited about!!

Currently on 40mins activity for 20mins rest... That will change in sure
Lol we are a chatty bunch :p it won't be long before its your turn though! Hope the physio helps Salisburymum x
I am going to do my uptmost to enjoy this last three months of growing a human.

It will be the very last time I do it xx
Arrived on holiday last night and 30 weeks today! I feel huge and so awkward walking around with a beer gut :-(. Lovely watching my DD having a good time in the pools and making little friends though. Oh and 2 weeks no cooking.... yay!

Glad to see everyone is doing well. So i have been on BabyCentre and the ladies there see how many sheets of toilet paper it takes to go round your bump and how many weeks you are. Thought it was a fun idea.... anyone want to join me?

I'm 30 weeks and 8 sheets x
30 weeks tomorrow and 9 sheets! :)

I'm sure my bump has got so big in the last couple days! I officially have the pregnancy waddle!

We've been so busy with the work going on at the house, the days/weeks are just flying by, I'm glad I have everything ready for baby though, I'm even have all my hospital bag stuff I just need to wash a few bits then pack it which I'll do nearer the time.

I don't start maternity leave until mid June so a little while for me but I'm glad, I think I'd lose my mind being at home with all the work going on, my house looks like a construction site ATM.

I also caught a cold over the weekend so been feeling pretty sorry for myself but fingers crossed it hasn't progressed into any too bad.

Hope everyone's welll, we need to be more chatty, this thread is always so quiet! lol xx
Ues we definatly need to be more chatty. I'm bored on maternity leave so need people to talk to.
Ha, I'm on here checking up so much, but I feel like I post too much or something. Emotional wreck today, don't know why.

28 weeks tomorrow and 8 sheets exactly!

How much are people spending on prams in total? I'm found the pram of my dreams but it's over £500 and OH says that's too much. I agree it's crazy...but...I want it. Sooo much.
No you dont post too much. We got given a pram from hubbys parents but we originally planned about £600 for the pushchair and carseat
Hope the cold clears up soon Julybug!

CNM, we spent over £1000 on our first pram which came with car seat and base. A lot of money but we wanted something that was easy to push, fold down etc. So if it's the one you really want I say go for it :-) x
I don't think £500 is too much to spend.

I've spent much more than that on baby slings!!

I am paying off my last $75 next week

Then need to get a second hand medela freestyle breast pump

A co sleeping cot

A grimms large rainbow

Bum genius flip nappy pack

Has any one else thought about eating their placenta?

Oh and is anyone else nesting? I've been just mentally working on the house the last few days!!
Has any one else thought about eating their placenta?

Err not really but i have seen alot of things about placenta ecapsualtion. Apparently it has alot of health benefits but the idea makes me feel a bit queasy
CNM have you looked for the same pram on eBay? You can often find ones hardly used as people move into lightweight pushchairs really quickly x

Eating the placenta? Nope, not for me!
Luckily my MIL has bought ours and it was about £750 I think including the car seat, we went for the silvercross pioneer and on first impressions I'm really happy with it, it's so easy to to fold and unfold and feels well built and sturdy!

Definitely won't be eating the placenta!.. Im sure I heard on in born every minute that women bury them too? I don't understand why?

You eat it because it replaces all the nutrients you lose from the birth/pregnancy.

Not sure why you'd bury it!!
My friendday wife had a woman come in after the birth she took it away prepared it put half in a smoothie and made the rest into capsules. Doesn't do it for me though I think there are less yukky ways to replenish your minerals lol
It can help with breast milk production and preventing post natel depression still not tempted to try it.

I think some bury it and plant a tree on top.

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