*** July mummies to be ***

Growth scan today due to low papp-a. Nervous but excited to see her!
Violet thats sounds like a nightmare to be in that situation especially with a young child and new baby on the way. What are the chances of your hubby getting a new post?
Happy birthday for yesterday maybe draw a line under it and celebrate it on a different day. Have you booked your spa day?

I just can't be doing with it anymore it's utterly ridiculous now, should of seen the way the mother was with us and told us my kids don't lie and I just said so they'd never lie to get out of trouble ever? She was adamant they wouldn't. I call bull! Shouting offence and rude things out the window and swearing is not on. I haven't yet hubbys booking it the end of the month seriously need to relax and thank you it had been a good day up until the mum decided she wanted a go luckily their moving. I think he can get one for wales which is a bit closer to home xxx
The bloody DWP have STILL not sorted my maternity pay and have now said I'm only entitled to the minimum of £27 a week!!! So I've phoned the tax office and they've dug out a bloody tax bill from 4 years ago and said unless I pay it in full, I won't be entitled to any more maternity pay!!! I've had to ask my brother to bail me out and I still owe him £100 from a couple of months ago, which I was going to pay back with my maternity pay!

Anyway I've told him to pay it and that my mum will pay him back, which she won't be chuffed about but will do (begrudgingly) and I'll have to suffer on a smaller payment until they bloody sort it out and back date it. They've also sent me a form asking me for more information that I've already sent once!! Can't believe it :( what a major set back, we've been surviving on bugger all money and now this!!!
£27 a week? Wtf you would get more claiming benifits than that how on earth can they justify that!?
£27 a week? Wtf you would get more claiming benifits than that how on earth can they justify that!?

I'm just so annoyed, it's sorted nearly, they said they couldn't take payment for it but I have the money in my bank to take down to the post office and get it paid and I'll get the full amount, that will take up to 20 days from when I'm allowed to pay it though. What a faff.

The back payment will be juicy at least... I want to buy a really good breast pump and a box of nappies
Well i hope its sorted soon Sailsburymum. You dont need all this extra stress atm.

Had physio for my spd today he said myvright hip has come out and is about 3inches lower than my left. Explains why im limping, so ive booked to see a chriropracter as i cant cope with the pain anymore
I hope it goes well with the chiro. I've got acupuncture on Tuesday which I'm really looking forward to. First session was supposed to be this week just gone but Jasper was too unwell to go into school.
Hope nothing stops you going this time. What are you having acupuncture for?
Same, terrible hip pain. Also I keep getting weird nerve pain around my body, I think the baby is pressing on different areas of my spine maybe?

Anyway I could totally do with the relief, I'd love to see a Chiro but they're So expensive!!
I know couldn't belive the price i was quoted on the phone so it better work especially since you need more than one session.

I'm also getting sciatic pain this pregnancy has not been easy.
yep, this has been a painful pregnancy for me too.

Looking forward to getting better and getting on my aerial hoop
Sorry for the tmi but i need some advise. I have a midwife appointment at 12.30 tomorrow so i will ask her but could do with some reasurrance.

I just got out of the shower and was drying off when i gelt something wet and slimy between my legs. I wiped it with tissue and im certian it was my plug. It was gross looking with streaks of brown blood through it. Should i be worried that baby may come early or is this normalnaround this stage.
I never lost my plug with Riley so i never expected that this time
Ooh aurora I don't know Hun, I had this 14 weeks before I was due first time around. It was nothing no more plug followed for ages either. Maybe ring antenatal for a chat and some reassurance? Xxx
The list of stuff I have to buy is absurd.

Freestyle breast pump - £300
Bum genius flips - £220
Cot bedding - £30
Baby bjorn chair - £118
Tommee tippee bottles - £20
Grimms rainbow - £52
Big pillow - £40
Cheeky wipes- £30
Bedroom rug - £40
Big Muslins - £20
Car seat (really hoping a family member provides this
Wall deco - £20
Cot mobile - £30

Paint for my bedroom - £40

So much to buy and do!! I think I'm going to get the majority of it with my back payment for maternity then build the rest up over the next couple of months.
Dont google mucus plug images.:shock::rofl:
Anyway it looked like the images i just looked at so will definatly be asking midwife if its something to worry about.

Just need to proof read it and then it's Gone and DONE
Dont google mucus plug images.:shock::rofl:
Anyway it looked like the images i just looked at so will definatly be asking midwife if its something to worry about.

Just did this 😷 been getting a lot of pressure down there today. Not sure if I should be worried. Hubby has just left on a work trip to London this morning too. Hoping my 4yo behaves and this baby stays put.

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