*** July mummies to be ***

Not sure my appointment went ok. Midwife was concerned about the plug and baby head is fully engaged which she said should happen at this stage on a 2nd pregnancy. She went over a birth plan with me and gave me a labour and delivery pack from my hospital.
I've felt lots of lower pressure too. And sooooo much movement.

I am, however completely off the hook now, I can just relax and be until this baby comes!! My degree is finished!!

I just SO want to paint my bedroom and get my cot up....
Alrighty, it looks like we're moving house when I'll be 37 weeks. This is definitely something I had wanted to avoid. Well done on finishing your degree, SalisburyMum! I am very jealous :D
Baby dropped even lower yesterday I totally shit myself it hurt a little too and lost loads of plug. His movements are a lot lower now too. Got my internal scan tomorrow to check placenta as he's been in the way I'm so not looking forward to it. Only upside is I see baby again xxx
I'm in the same boat violet. It hurts whenever i sit down because baby is so low.

Hope your scan goes ok x
Thanks Hun, it's very uncomfortable now. Not long though now! I had an argument with my mum last night and with OH he said he hopes I don't love this baby more if I get my vbac I was horrified. I wouldn't love my first less than my second or vide versa I love them both so much already. My mums comments where you shouldn't have more kids after this one and she said if she came with me for a section she'd tell them to tie my tubes!!! So I told her she wasn't welcome with that attitude. And put the phone down, got enough going on as it is. Xxx
I think men struggle to understand how having a 2nd baby doesn't deminish the love you have for the 1st, instead your love grows an you love them both the same. The type of birth you have wont change how you feel towards baby. I hope he apologised!

As for your Mum well she sounds rude! How can she think that it would be her choice on how many children you have. Even if she was with you the dctors wouldn't tie your tubes based on what she asked for as your old enough to make that choice yourself.

Hope your ok Violet really sounds like your having a tough time lately.
Thank you Hun he has apologised now but I was so upset and as for my mum she can just get over it her opinion doesn't matter now. My scan went well baby is engaged and touching the cervix! I'm not dilating placenta is fab v healthy but the dr I saw today is pushing and pushing me toward a c section I've told them schedule it for 41 weeks and that's the end of it. I want to try vbac and if not then I'm okay with a section but she was adamant he's going to be too big my consultant is not 100% on scans himself and said they are inaccurate so me and him are going to have a proper chat on the 8th of June I do understand GD babies can be a hell of a lot bigger but chances of him being so far ahead like at my 32 scan is small as my bloods are well controlled not had a high reading in weeks taking my meds corrrctly etc. Why do they push for a section? I've told them you push me into it and he comes out under 8lb I'll be taking you to court for undue stress and a unnecessary surgery. I'm furious at them being so flippant she also tore up my birth plan!!! He measures the same today as he did 2 weeks ago!!! Xxx
Good for you Violet for not letting them bully you in to a c section.

Have a massage today which im so looking forward to. Getting the worst Fanny Daggers when i walk which take my breath away.

Is anyone else having trouble sleeping. Feel like i get up every 30 mins to pee and its so hot atm.
Good for you Violet for not letting them bully you in to a c section.

Have a massage today which im so looking forward to. Getting the worst Fanny Daggers when i walk which take my breath away.

Is anyone else having trouble sleeping. Feel like i get up every 30 mins to pee and its so hot atm.

Oooh a massage sounds lovely. Enjoy it Hun. I've got slight fanny daggers but not a lot and yes I was up yesterday at 4 struggled to get back to sleep and today at 3 to pee and again couldn't get back to sleep. Also not tired no matter how late in the evening it is! Xxx
Alrighty, it looks like we're moving house when I'll be 37 weeks. This is definitely something I had wanted to avoid. Well done on finishing your degree, SalisburyMum! I am very jealous :D

sounds like an excuse to make everyone else do it to me!!!

I need to clean but I am So Tired at the moment. I think a very early night is in order followed by an early morning cleaning sess!!
Feel so relaxed after my 4 hours at the spa just what i needed.

I really need to do a deep clean of the house and finish painting my bedroom problem is i have no energy to do it.
Decluttered the cupboards today so feel like im doing something productive.

Hope everyones having a lovely bank holiday weekend
I am also frantically cleaning. Have done the lounge cushions tonight and the kitchen and bathrooms

Tomorrow going to deep tidy the boys bedrooms and my room as Liam says he'll buy some paint and get it sorted! Yay!!
Think nesting has well and truly kicked in now. Scrubbed the kitchen floor and cleaned all the windows yesterday.
Doing kitchen cupboards and oven today.
Yes all I've done is clean!! House is looking so much better and I think Liam will paint next weekend!!
So hit 35 weeks now, the end is in sight! I've had issues with a dr at hospital and the senior midwife is exceptionally appalled she's been fab, i an worrying though baby may not come and I'll end up c sectioned again they reviewed my previous notes and said I shouldn't of been induced first time around too I was 41 weeks they said I could of gone to 42 and nownthey want to know why past is past so I understand they want to know but it's more now I'm worried about. I don't want to be forced into a section only to have a small baby and I know with gestational diabetes he could be big but it seems like he's measuring on target now. Urghh xxx
Violet what a nightmare

I would push for a full term baby, they seem very keen to take em out early with not much need IMHO.

I am soooo busy nesting (and it's half term now) I think of you all from time to time and imagine you're all scrubbing the house like I am!!

My incessant eating seems to have stopped, which is, of course, ace!! I think I've something else to do now.

Planning on getting back into playing my guitar too :-) very happy days!!
Violet what a nightmare

I would push for a full term baby, they seem very keen to take em out early with not much need IMHO.

I am soooo busy nesting (and it's half term now) I think of you all from time to time and imagine you're all scrubbing the house like I am!!

My incessant eating seems to have stopped, which is, of course, ace!! I think I've something else to do now.

Planning on getting back into playing my guitar too :-) very happy days!!

Thanks Hun, I am finding their too fast to get baby out! I know gestational diabetes has risks but none of the women I've met or spoke To went past 40 weeks most at 39 weeks had 7lb babies and under so much for the Big Baby crap! I'm seeing my consultant this Thursday due to said dr being a twat excuse the language but she was. I won't be pandered into something without very good reason and so far none of their reasons are good enough. Ooh have a chocolate bar on me haha I can't yet and I'm not even in the nesting spirit yet I've been up since 5 and can't nod back off xxx

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