Second round of accupuncture today, hopefully it will make a marked difference, it did last time but wore off quite quickly. Then have two massages this afternoon and plan on taking my little munchkins out for a haircut this afternoon and then to buy some new toys.
Massive shock last night, dozed off on the couch only to be woken by the most ear shrieking scream, never moved so much in my life, smallest child had launched himself head first off the bunk beds, older one was just pressing smallests hands into the ladder to stop him slipping down.
Good job my eldest son is so quick thinking and spot on!! Could have been a very different evening!!!
Of course then the neighbour is out shouting about calling the police and social services and how I 'can't look after my kids'. Sorry but if a 5 and a 7 year old are determine to kamikaze themselves?!
Anyway I'm sure whoever she phoned thinks she's mad as a hatter!! certainly didn't have any visitors last night at any rate.