*** July mummies to be ***

At my NCT group the lady said how much the rates of stillborn babies have gone down due to the over precaution and wanting babies out before things can go wrong. So I think where 90% of babies Dr's deemed 'better out than in' at term (37 weeks) or after but before 42 weeks would have been absolutely fine if left, 10% may not be with us so I think it's a good thing they're being over cautious.
That maybe true in some cases Cassi but if there is nothing wrong with baby then i still don't believe any one should be forced to do something unless there something wrong.
Violet hasn't had any reduced movements and the scans are saying baby is an average size atm.so there really is no reason for an early c section.
I also think it's good they are over-cautious but by no means should anyone be forced into anything, it's your body and your baby at the end of the day, you have to do what you feel is best.

I've been away from the forum for a little while, lot's going on at the house, we're right in the middle of having our loft extension done its chaos and now the roofers aren't coming until the beginning of July! Reconstructing the roof should take a maximum of 2 weeks which of course takes me right up to my due date so things could get interesting!!.. I currently only have one room that isn't full of crap and building materials!!.. I'm trying my best to just stay sane at the moment and keep telling myself it will all be worth it in the end!

I'm 34 weeks today which is exciting! I have a feeling these last few weeks are going to drag.. I finish work in 2 and half weeks, which I'm looking forward too and dreading at the same time.. I think that will be when the real countdown will begin at the moment I still feel a bit like 'am I really having a baby??' You'd have thought it would have sunk in by now lol!

I hope everyone else is doing well xx
Julybug that sounds mental!

I am having my bedroom painted this weekend and I am SUPER excited about it!!

Then I get to put my pretty things up on the wall and finally get the cosleeper into place.

I've found the rug I want to buy and there is just one (admittedly giant) pile of 'stuff' to sort through. I also want to get some sticky tape or glue and do some photo albums in the evening. I've got all the photos printed, just need to get them sorted and stuck in!!

Be lovely to show the boys too, pictures of them as babies!! Going to get started this week with that. Now that the nesting has nearly tidied the whole house!

Bleached some of the kids white school shirts and managed to rescue loads of them for another term, so happy about that :-)
Oh and my evil neighbours threw a party for their kid, all day doing stuff and shouting at each other...

Only her sister and her kids turned up.
Awkward. Feel sorry for the kids but made me chuckle!

Especially as we had 2 incredibly successful bbq's brimming with people and fun. I know that's very naughty of me to say and I'll only admit it here BUT HA!
Been so busy with half term trying to keep Riley entertained. Spent e hours at the swimming pool on tuesday was a killer.
Hes such a good boy for me though sleeping in today. Usually when my husband is home Riley is up by 6.30 demanding Daddy makes breakfast. But whenever Phils working mornings he lays in i love it.
It's June today!!! That means it's OUR TIME NEXT!!

Wonder who will be first. Hopefully more July mummies will make an appearance soon. Some days its seem like its just 3 of us here
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Hi Ladies, I'm lingering about still! Can't believe we meet our babies next month or maybe even this month, who knows!

So has anyone been measured small before? It's all a bit new to me, my LG was always spot on every time and yesterday one midwife measured me at 30 (I'm 34) and another measured at 32. I know they say not to worry and it's only a guide but it's easier said than done.

Hope everyone is doing well x
Yep half term here too.

Kids have been pretty good actually, especially with my incessant nesting ;-)

Went for a picnic today with a whole bunch of kids which was great :-) all had a really good time!! Dirtiest kids in existence now so time for a bath before bed :-)
Onedaysoon i had the opposite wuth Riley measuring big but was alot smaller than predicted. I dont believe they are accurate tbh. Hope the scan shows baby is ok x
Thanks Aurora :-). Just going to concentrate on movement, as long as she's still active il try not to worry and see what happens at next appointment. X
Hello lovely ladies :D I'm exceptionally happy to tell you guys that my consultant is still 100% going for my vbac with me as in he will come To labour ward!!! Yesterday was my appointment with him I have a growth scan next week he's happy as my bump measurement shows I'm still 2 weeks ahead and following that line nicely. Heart beat is fab finally got To hear it properly he's 3/5 engaged so plenty of walking I did have starvation ketones detected in eatinf the right things for the gestational diabetes diet just not nearly enough of it! So got told off and to double my protein and have some carbs that I know agree. But it's such good news and he doesn't think baby will be here late he thinks I've got a early one brewing as I'm having intense braxton hicks with some slight contractions. I can't believe a month today is due date holy crap! Xxx
At my NCT group the lady said how much the rates of stillborn babies have gone down due to the over precaution and wanting babies out before things can go wrong. So I think where 90% of babies Dr's deemed 'better out than in' at term (37 weeks) or after but before 42 weeks would have been absolutely fine if left, 10% may not be with us so I think it's a good thing they're being over cautious.

Consultant and I have spoke of the risks he doesn't feel there are many for me and he's happy to the agreed cut off of 41 weeks everything's looking fab baby is healthy and well and I'm doing well too :) I understand what you mean Hun but being forced into a section by a dr who isn't even my consultant doesn't know my history as never bothered to look is wrong and I refused and my consultant is very happy with that xxx
It is hard not to worry but try not to, they will soon let you know if they think there's a problem.

My LO's movements have definitely slowed down this week, I still feel him but its little twists and turns rather then kicks! I have an anterior placenta so I don't think I feel as much as I would anyway, it's very hard to monitor as it will depend on his position so I don't bother counting kicks, is be a nervous wreck if I did I think! x
Second round of accupuncture today, hopefully it will make a marked difference, it did last time but wore off quite quickly. Then have two massages this afternoon and plan on taking my little munchkins out for a haircut this afternoon and then to buy some new toys.

Massive shock last night, dozed off on the couch only to be woken by the most ear shrieking scream, never moved so much in my life, smallest child had launched himself head first off the bunk beds, older one was just pressing smallests hands into the ladder to stop him slipping down.

Good job my eldest son is so quick thinking and spot on!! Could have been a very different evening!!!

Of course then the neighbour is out shouting about calling the police and social services and how I 'can't look after my kids'. Sorry but if a 5 and a 7 year old are determine to kamikaze themselves?!

Anyway I'm sure whoever she phoned thinks she's mad as a hatter!! certainly didn't have any visitors last night at any rate.

Was in alot of pain last night hubby kept telling me to call the hospital but i refused as it was the same pains i had when i had a urine infection. Called Drs this morning who got me to bring a sample in and he confirmed i have a uti. So now on antibiotics again. Feel like i've been taking antibiotics for most of this pregnancy with the group b strep and the cyst i had on my thigh.
Oh Aurora, you've not had an easy time! I hope it clears quickly for you.

I had my midwife appointment this morning, everything's great - his in the perfect position and she said his 2/5ths engaged, is that normal this early? i'm measuring 35 weeks so perfectly normal size wise.

We discussed my birth plan which is very much a 'I'll take it as it comes' plan lol..

Feeling very tired today, it's so hot here at the moment, I just feel like I'm sweating constantly!

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I'm LOVING the heat, just wish it didn't make my crazed neighbour more likely to be outside shouting nonsense.

Sore today, the acupuncture has really made my leg hurt :( Looking forward to a night with my husband who I told I needed more 'wooing' from so every time he walks past me he says 'wooooooo' in a high-pitched voice. Its funny.
The heat is killing me, but i don't cope well in hot weather when im not pregnant.

Oh no thats a shame about the accupuncture making your leg sore hope it feels better soon.

Julybug yes its normal for 1st babies to engage early.

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